If you've played OOT 3D, I'm sure you'll know that when Navi wants your attention, she not only screams at you, but her name flashes across the bottom of your top screen. Someone on reddit had requested something to remove this and here it is.
UPDATE: Made a silly typo, sorry to anyone who tried this within the first hour. Just extract the CIA again to get a clean hud_all00.ctxb.
Now you have the decrypted CIAPut the CIA in /D9Game/ on your SD
Boot into Decrypt9 by holding X while booting (by default)
Go to 'Content Decryptor Options' and choose 'CIA Decryptor (deep)'
You should have two new folders which contain the extracted CIAInstall PackHack if you haven't already
Run HackingToolkit3ds.exe with the CIA in the same folder
Type CIAE to extract, type the name of the CIA, don't decompress the code.bin
Go to 'ExtractedRomFS > menu > 01_US_ENGLISH > hud_all00.ctxb'
Open the file in a hex editor
Fill E4E0-E790 and F4E0-F790 with 00 and save
Be sure the editor didn't leave any backups in the folder (HxD likes to do this)
Run HackingToolkit3ds.exe and type CIAR
Make sure the filesize matches the original CIA
Transfer the new CIA to your 3DS, install and enjoy!
UPDATE: Made a silly typo, sorry to anyone who tried this within the first hour. Just extract the CIA again to get a clean hud_all00.ctxb.
Last edited by peroxidex,