I've been searching around the web and here on gbatemp, but haven't really found a clarification regarding my issue:
I wanted a theme ONLY for my emunand, but when i installed it, it also reflected on my CFW sysnand.
Is it possible to have the theme installed ONLY on cfw emu, instead of having it installed for both?
Keep in mind: I'm pretty sure without cfw, sysnand wouldn't have the modded theme, however, i would like to separate the emunand completely, having it's own theme, and have stock theme on both cfw and ofw sysnand
I wanted a theme ONLY for my emunand, but when i installed it, it also reflected on my CFW sysnand.
Is it possible to have the theme installed ONLY on cfw emu, instead of having it installed for both?
Keep in mind: I'm pretty sure without cfw, sysnand wouldn't have the modded theme, however, i would like to separate the emunand completely, having it's own theme, and have stock theme on both cfw and ofw sysnand