Hey there I am RedScaledOne
Searching for a reliable guy or woman
who would (for a fee of course) downgrade my New 3DS 11.0.0-33E and also install a CFW for me.
What I have:
New3DS XL (Cubic Ninja.. Freakys form delux if that matters)
11.0.0-33E System Software
What I want:
New3DS XL with CFW and up too date drivers (Dunno not sure If i can get the newest driver on A9HL haven't figured out what that is)
Someone here maybe living in germany that would provide that service for me?
Searching for a reliable guy or woman
who would (for a fee of course) downgrade my New 3DS 11.0.0-33E and also install a CFW for me.
What I have:
New3DS XL (Cubic Ninja.. Freakys form delux if that matters)
11.0.0-33E System Software
What I want:
New3DS XL with CFW and up too date drivers (Dunno not sure If i can get the newest driver on A9HL haven't figured out what that is)
Someone here maybe living in germany that would provide that service for me?