i replaces my 64GB SC card by a 128GB SD card, both are formatted to Fat32.
I copied all the files from the 64gb to the new one but now when i press select it shows Luma 8.0 Config screen so i believ its the luma on CTRNand.
When pressing start on power on it will automatically load GM9
without starting the chainloader selection and without SD mounted
when i try to Remount SD Card with R+B it says "Initialising SD card failed!"
but when the system is fully up at home menu it will start all like before from the new SD card.
Does someone have some hints how to enable luma chainloader again -> or better booting from SD boot.firm ?
best regards,
i replaces my 64GB SC card by a 128GB SD card, both are formatted to Fat32.
I copied all the files from the 64gb to the new one but now when i press select it shows Luma 8.0 Config screen so i believ its the luma on CTRNand.
When pressing start on power on it will automatically load GM9
when i try to Remount SD Card with R+B it says "Initialising SD card failed!"
but when the system is fully up at home menu it will start all like before from the new SD card.
Does someone have some hints how to enable luma chainloader again -> or better booting from SD boot.firm ?
best regards,