I'd like to buy a new 3DS XL but I'm afraid if I wait for it to come out in the US, the firmware will be too up to date at the time of release to be able to use my Gateway card. I'm thinking about ordering a 3DS LL off Ebay and spending the bit of extra money to get one now but one of my concerns is the language. Is it possible at all to change the system language to English or is it all in Japanese? At the end of the day I guess this would not really affect me too much since I have a 3ds already, know my way around the console and settings and would still know how to launch Gateway and my games which would be English,
I'm just curious if it's possible to change the system language. also, if I'm looking to buy a N3ds to use a Gateway on am I better off getting the jpn version now from ebay (or any better places to order from?) with a FW that will (allegedly) be supported by Gateway soon, or wait for the US version to come out and buy it then.
I'm just curious if it's possible to change the system language. also, if I'm looking to buy a N3ds to use a Gateway on am I better off getting the jpn version now from ebay (or any better places to order from?) with a FW that will (allegedly) be supported by Gateway soon, or wait for the US version to come out and buy it then.