I just wanted someones opinion on our site. http://everythingtechonlineblog.com/ . If you want you can register and one of the admins will approve you and you can post too (the posts are reviewed aswell by admins)
Thanks,it's one of our projects.We just started about a month or two ago and we're trying to get ourselves known.DigitalDeviant said:I like the site, especially the post about running mac os on windows.
I wanted a shorter one but this is the closest that was available i wanted just everythingtechBently said:It looks nice, but the domain is a bit too long. Why not shorten it?
1.It's not just me i have 3 other friends on board (experienced too)SifJar said:No offence, but I am getting the distinct impression you are not experienced enough to run a "tech" website. e.g. "OS Systems" in the topic sub-heading thingy. The S of OS stands for System, so the second System is redundant. Also, AFAIK, its not that impressive to run OS X in virtualisation on Windows, what with the Hackintosh project etc. I probably couldn't do it mind you =/
Anyway, don't let me rain on your parade.
QUOTE said:Members are not allowed to create topics or posts intended only to promote or advertise their own or any website(s) without staff permission. If permission is given members are required to provide the name of the staff member who allowed the advert in their post.