Hey there,
I am slightly pissed again as I just read that here in Germany the "Hartz4" money will be highered again and I really feel like its not worth to Work anymore ... would like to know what you think about it.
Imagine, when you life in Germany and do not work you get :
A flat
a complete inventory for their flat (like kitchen if not already there and a TV and everything nowadays even a computer is included ... at least they pay it if you tell them your kid needs it for school ...)
free Healthcare
A cheap ticket for busses
Lots of places offer cheap second hand clothes (sometimes even free) for jobless that get Hartz4
cheap food (lots of places where jobless people can get a whole lot of food for a symbolic 1€)
400€ cash (if its a familiy both get ~380€ each plus money ~180?€ for each kid)
All of this for doing nothing at all ....
Than look at me, I have to get up at 6am 5 days a week and work 8 hours, what do I get ?
1400€ from which I have to pay 500€ for the flat, remaining 900€
~300€ for food and water remaining about 600€
50€ for Internet still remaining 550€
Than I need proper clothes for work some times ~50€ a month plus a bus ticket or a car or whatever to get to work (well I walk or take the bycicle so for me its okay but most have to pay lots of money for this)
from this I still need to pay any extra in health care and I had to buy my stuff at home from my own money,
had to pay ~4000€ when I moved for my new job (for kitchen and everything)
I have to admit some of the free or cheap offers for jobless are not everywhere but at most places and you would have to go there and use these offers (some people who really want to work and just don't get work might be to ashamed to use these) but if you look at what I have written (and my sallary is not the worst) it is hardly worth going working for 8 hours a day
And now they are giving out even more free cash even though its only ~10€ a month it still makes me angry.
One of my "good" friends is such a slacker, he and his wife didn't work for years (he is only 30) and they could have a proper life from all the money even though he was allways like "aww man its not enough money they should give us more" ... than again he never bough at these places that give clothes and food for 1€ as they had enough money for new stuff. Plus allways buying new Computer Games and doing nothing than gaming all day long.
No wonder so many foreigners from Poor Countries want to migrate here :/
I am slightly pissed again as I just read that here in Germany the "Hartz4" money will be highered again and I really feel like its not worth to Work anymore ... would like to know what you think about it.
Imagine, when you life in Germany and do not work you get :
A flat
a complete inventory for their flat (like kitchen if not already there and a TV and everything nowadays even a computer is included ... at least they pay it if you tell them your kid needs it for school ...)
free Healthcare
A cheap ticket for busses
Lots of places offer cheap second hand clothes (sometimes even free) for jobless that get Hartz4
cheap food (lots of places where jobless people can get a whole lot of food for a symbolic 1€)
400€ cash (if its a familiy both get ~380€ each plus money ~180?€ for each kid)
All of this for doing nothing at all ....
Than look at me, I have to get up at 6am 5 days a week and work 8 hours, what do I get ?
1400€ from which I have to pay 500€ for the flat, remaining 900€
~300€ for food and water remaining about 600€
50€ for Internet still remaining 550€
Than I need proper clothes for work some times ~50€ a month plus a bus ticket or a car or whatever to get to work (well I walk or take the bycicle so for me its okay but most have to pay lots of money for this)
from this I still need to pay any extra in health care and I had to buy my stuff at home from my own money,
had to pay ~4000€ when I moved for my new job (for kitchen and everything)
I have to admit some of the free or cheap offers for jobless are not everywhere but at most places and you would have to go there and use these offers (some people who really want to work and just don't get work might be to ashamed to use these) but if you look at what I have written (and my sallary is not the worst) it is hardly worth going working for 8 hours a day
And now they are giving out even more free cash even though its only ~10€ a month it still makes me angry.
One of my "good" friends is such a slacker, he and his wife didn't work for years (he is only 30) and they could have a proper life from all the money even though he was allways like "aww man its not enough money they should give us more" ... than again he never bough at these places that give clothes and food for 1€ as they had enough money for new stuff. Plus allways buying new Computer Games and doing nothing than gaming all day long.
No wonder so many foreigners from Poor Countries want to migrate here :/