Appears to use LZ10 just like Pyramids, but a bit more complicated 
0x0000 - "3DCT"
0x0004 - 2 bytes, length of the unpacked data
0x0006 - 2 bytes, length of the LZ10 packed data
0x0008 - 20 bytes, unknown, CRC/hash (?)
0x001C - 4 bytes, unknown, always zero (?)
0x0020 - LZ10 packed data with header
The decoded data itself
0x0000 - 0x01F00000 (LSB)
? - 1 byte, name length
? - UTF-16 name
? - 1 byte, phrase length
? - UTF-16 phrase
? - 1 byte, planet length
? - UTF-16 planet
0x0000 - "3DCT"
0x0004 - 2 bytes, length of the unpacked data
0x0006 - 2 bytes, length of the LZ10 packed data
0x0008 - 20 bytes, unknown, CRC/hash (?)
0x001C - 4 bytes, unknown, always zero (?)
0x0020 - LZ10 packed data with header
The decoded data itself
0x0000 - 0x01F00000 (LSB)
? - 1 byte, name length
? - UTF-16 name
? - 1 byte, phrase length
? - UTF-16 phrase
? - 1 byte, planet length
? - UTF-16 planet