Emunand To Sysnand Installed Games Not Showing up


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
United States
I've been running menuhax for some time on my O3DSXL and decided to switch it to a more stable boot, all seemed to go well, made backups of my original sysnand and a backup of my emunand and the SD card with my ID0 folder for both.

At first after the emunand to sysnand conversion via GM9 the system wouldn't boot, would turn off without a SD installed, I managed to fix that and got a clean SD card with my ID0 folder on from the emunand but the installed CIAS and games don't show up at all.

Unsure where exactly I've gone wrong, I was trying to avoid having to reinstall everything and not lose my saves etc too.

Anyone able to help on where I've gone wrong?

NVM figured it out, seems the ID1 folder changed, copied the files from the Emunand ID1 folder to the new created ID1 folder and games now show up, maybe I missed this somewhere but may help someone else in the future, longshot as Emunand seems pretty much dead on 3ds
Last edited by wiiando,
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