ok let me summarize what i have tried since the problem started:
-backed up my DSTWO cart
- copied DSTWO 1.07 firmware update over and ran the DSi firmware 1.4.1 patch
- updated my DSi
- went to go any play TOI but found that my characters were dieing almost instantly in battle because of a lack of cheat codes (thanks to infinite health they are at far to low of levels to survive at the point of the game im at)
- plugged my micro sd into my comp again and copied the old usrcheat.dat back into the _dstwo folder *
- i tried to turn my cheats back on on the DSTWO but they were magically not there
- i downloaded a fresh db from cheats.gbatemp.net and tried again; still nothing
- i tried my AceKard 2i to see if the cheats still worked there and they did, based on the exact same fresh usrcheat.dat
- i went back to the DSTWO and tried some other games and only Nostalgia and ridge racer had cheats actually visible in the list
- i posted this topic and waited for some help (actually i did a search of the forum first
- i then copied DSTWO firmware 1.04 back to my card (copied from my back up of my card prior to all this) but still saw no cheats
- when you suggested the R4cce, i went and downloaded it and gave it a shot. i explicitly enabled TOI in the database and copied the saved file to my card but still saw no cheats (and nostalgia still DID show it's cheats despite being disabled)
- i then did an enable all in the cheat db, still this did not work
- i tried moving the TOI cheat entry to the top of the cheat db (via r4cce) and still saw no cheats
- i tried installing firmware 1.06 and was given an error (the standard nintendo error please turn off and try again blah blah blah)
- i tried multiple time to get the card to respond when turned on (i cleaned contacts of the cart and SD card, i did the wait 10 seconds for the card to initialize, i did cold restarts) all to no avail. the card was bricked so to speak.
- i put 1.07 back on and got the same thing
- i put 1.04 out of my backup copy back and and got into the cart first try.
* the reason the usrcheat.dat had been deleted is because i copied the new firmware over using my mac. the mac has no ability to combine folders together, so if the folder already exists the only option is either to completely replace or cancel the copying, i chose to completely replace. After this first copy of the new firmware, i started to use only my windows virtual machine for copying files because windows only overwrites files that already exist.
as far as i can tell, DSTWO no firmware updates will work for me at all (which is odd because this whole issue began after starting the card into firmware 1.07 for the first time and then promptly launching the new DSi firmware patch) all i can get to work is my old copy of 1.04 (i believe at some point i may have tested a fresh copy of 1.04 and got the same error, tho i'm not sure if i did or not).
so right now i am stuck in a backed up copy of 1.04 and have a complete lack of cheat codes on most of my games. contrary to that, my updated Acekard 2i (i also ran the firmware patch for my acekard and have had no problems) is working on a fresh cheat database and is able to display cheats for all games INCLUDING tales of innocence.
(i've also tried my DSPhat but gotten no better results.)