I've got a bunch of emulators on my PSP 1000 and I want to change the icons for each emulator in the menu to something nicer and more uniform.
Is there a plugin that will let me change the graphic and possibly the text to my own custom image?
Also I wanted to have multiple installs of the same emulator for say Myboy where it emulates 3 different systems (so I'd have a set up for SMS, GB, GBC). Is that do-able? or will multiple installs conflict?
I've got a bunch of emulators on my PSP 1000 and I want to change the icons for each emulator in the menu to something nicer and more uniform.
Is there a plugin that will let me change the graphic and possibly the text to my own custom image?
Also I wanted to have multiple installs of the same emulator for say Myboy where it emulates 3 different systems (so I'd have a set up for SMS, GB, GBC). Is that do-able? or will multiple installs conflict?