Search results

  1. Gettwobirdsstone

    Hardware I'm selling my 3DS XL...

    how do you mean, the purchases are ties to the 2nd Nintendo ID, which they will have the password and all the personal info they need to keep the games.Maybe what I said wasn't clear, All my 3ds games are being individually being moved from my NNID to my fiance's NNID, so her 3DS and NNID will...
  2. Gettwobirdsstone

    Hardware I'm selling my 3DS XL...

    just spoke to Nintendo, basically their just transferring all my 3DS purchases to my fiance's Nintendo ID within 5 days, and I get to keep my Wii U purchases on my Nintendo Id. Then after I can system transfer her Nintendo ID to my 3DS and sell all the eshop titles. Nintendo is dumb, as I...
  3. Gettwobirdsstone

    Hardware I'm selling my 3DS XL...

    I wonder if I called saying my 3DS was stolen, if they could transfer my purchases to my fiance's Nintendo ID and then format my 3DS and system transfer her ID, which isn't attached to my Wii U, then sell it?
  4. Gettwobirdsstone

    Hardware I'm selling my 3DS XL...

    If I deleted my credit card from the Nintendo ID, can my account be shared? But couldn't someone who purchased my 3DS delete my Nintendo ID from their end and I'd be screwed, in a manner of speaking.
  5. Gettwobirdsstone

    Hardware I'm selling my 3DS XL...

    is there a way to transfer purchases to a new Nintendo ID?
  6. Gettwobirdsstone

    Hardware I'm selling my 3DS XL...

    Can't I just go on the Eshop and remove my Nintendo ID without formatted my 3DS?
  7. Gettwobirdsstone

    Hardware I'm selling my 3DS XL...

    I'm curious, as I've read that you can remove your Nintendo ID from the eshop and the digital games will remain on the console, correct me if I'm wrong. But, my question is, will this effect my Wii U in anyway? I use the same Nintendo ID on my Wii U. I'm basically trying to sell my 3DS with all...
  8. Gettwobirdsstone

    Best OS for an old netbook?

    I'm curious about a better OS as well. Here are my specs; Gateway model: MD7311h Memory: 3.8 GIB Processor: Intel Pentium dual cpu t3400@ 2.15 GHz x 2 Graphics: Mobile Intel GM45 express chipset x86/MMX/SSE2 HDD: 310.8 GB Right now I'm using Ubuntu, but it seems sluggish and crashes watching...
  9. Gettwobirdsstone

    Ubuntu 14.04 Chrome 32 bit

    I know it has been removed, but is there still a way to install the last version on ubuntu? Maybe the ability to install the 64 bit version on a 32 bit OS.
  10. Gettwobirdsstone

    Gaming How do you trade Pokemon between Red, Blue and Yellow VC?

    Does this work through the IR port?
  11. Gettwobirdsstone

    Gaming How do you trade Pokemon between Red, Blue and Yellow VC?

    I don't quite understand how to trade pokemon between the new VC re-release of Yellow, Blue and Red. I downloaded the Poke Bank, but it keeps saying I don't have X/Y or Alpha/Omega, and closes down. I find it hard to believe you can transfer Pokemon to the new "unreleased" Sun/Moon. Is there...
  12. Gettwobirdsstone

    Hardware Wii u LAN faster than wifi?

    I keep read mixed reviews about LAN for Wii u. Some forums say it's slower, some say it's was slow, but the usb's were updated to use LAN correctly. So is it worth it to buy a LAN adapter? I get about 2-3mbps speed on wifi. Also, does anyone know of a reliable site to test my connection on the...
  13. Gettwobirdsstone

    Boot ISO from PC either SMB or Crossover, possible?

    as title states I want to play some iso's from my pc, can this be done without transferring the iso over to the xbox.
  14. Gettwobirdsstone

    Did a full install of Ubuntu 14.04, want to install a dual boot of Vista

    Got it to work, now have win 7 basic, the premium kept freezing. Thanks everyone for the help!!!!
  15. Gettwobirdsstone

    Did a full install of Ubuntu 14.04, want to install a dual boot of Vista

    K, just finished getting windows 7. So I'm going to try to install, and will get back with results
  16. Gettwobirdsstone

    Did a full install of Ubuntu 14.04, want to install a dual boot of Vista

    I think my problem is my Vista install disc doesn't have the means to fix the boot, not sure why. auto ok my vista install is on 2 separate disc. And how do I fix my boot in order to run Vista? Also how do I run this on Ubuntu? auto I don't think my laptop will run 7
  17. Gettwobirdsstone

    Did a full install of Ubuntu 14.04, want to install a dual boot of Vista

    I did a full install of Ubuntu a long time ago. I need Vista back on my laptop. I've tried resizing my HDD with a NTFS partition, but keep getting errors while installing Vista. I know the Boot for Vista is gone from the full install of Ubuntu 14.04. Can anyone help, either by dual boot or just...
  18. Gettwobirdsstone

    Apple Jailbreak Ipod 4G 6.1.6 using Ubuntu 14.04, possible?

    I'm trying to jailbreak my ipod. I don't have a Vista dual boot, and it seems impossible to do so but if someone can help me do this I'm all for it. I can't seem to find anything on Google or "Yahoo" about it. I think I might just have to bite the bullet and wait till I can use a new laptop.
  19. Gettwobirdsstone

    Misc Refurbished Wii U(From Nintendo)+2 games preinstalled?

    no, it's on my Fiancée's 3DS. I just have the ML DT 3DSXL with all my ambassador games on it.
  20. Gettwobirdsstone

    Hardware Used Wii u Blinking Blue LED

    what kind of output are you using HDMI, component or composite? Try a different output. Maybe your HDMI output is fried. But if your component output works, you can get at most 720p.
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