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  1. N

    Hacking Possible Wii Brick

    Cancel that turns out i got freaked out by the flashing blue light and it was just overheated. I notice my Wii overheats very easy now especially using netflix. Is it because of the mod?
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    Hacking Possible Wii Brick

    I came home from work today to find my little girl pressing buttons on my Wii and it was flashing the blue ring pretty steady. I turned the tv to the Wii's channel and nothing. Unplugged it and plugged it back in nothing, just the flashing blue light. The wii would used to start in boot2 i...
  3. N

    Gaming Zelda SS Wiiflow Wii Restart

    Hmmmm, this would be my first Motion Plus Game Played then OMG......Well USB Loader GX worked and yes I gotta watch a stupid video first. LOL, OMG this video is painful to watch, it makes you feel so stupid, or wonder who is so stupid that they need to see this.
  4. N

    Gaming Zelda SS Wiiflow Wii Restart

    I like wii flow and its always worked better for me, but yeah it just shows up for me but always reboots the wii when i start it, looking into some updates, but more addvise?
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    Gaming Zelda SS Wiiflow Wii Restart

    Short and simple, I have WiiFlow, When i start Zelda the Wii restarts, how can i fix this?
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    Homebrew super scribblenauts

  7. N

    Homebrew super scribblenauts

    cant get super scribblenauts to work with no$gba
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    Hacking New version of 4.3?

    No didn't do that.
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    Hacking New version of 4.3?

    I got a message on the Wii message board yesterday and opened it today. It was saying there is a new update for 4.3, like an updated version of 4.3? Anyone heard of this this or know anything about it yet? I didn't update of course, not gonna ever update via Nintendo as long as I have my...
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    Hacking New Mail Problem

    So I recently recovered from a mail brick problem by following these steps after downloading the fstoolbox tool: "1. Copy "apps" and "fstoolbox" to your SD card root and overwrite if asked. 2. Startup the Wii and boot HBC (you can use BootMii, Preloader or the Maintainance mode) to do so. 3...
  11. N

    Hacking Lost my System Menu

    Wow thanks your awesome!!!!! This worked perfectly but I have a question for you though its not a bad thing for me. Step 6 didn't occur? (6. End the app and restart the Wii. You will get a message that your Mail account is broken and will be restored. Doing the steps above will remove all your...
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    Hacking Lost my System Menu

    All Hacks were and are disabled
  13. N

    Hacking Lost my System Menu

    Ok I just tried what you told me to do and the system started up. Poped up saying, "You are working in maintainece mode, message board can't be used."
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    Hacking Lost my System Menu

    I was on 4.2U and Softmoded my Wii originally from there and left it on 4.2 for months and upgraded the cIOS and IOS as new games required like Metroid Other M. But when Netflix came out I wanted to download the channel from the Shop channel cause I couldn't find it anywhere and it was Free from...
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    Hacking Lost my System Menu

    I absent mindedly left the standby mode on on my 4.3u Wii. I have it Softmoded from a 4.2U using ModMii so I have everything installed and up to date. I have the Homebrew Channel and Priiloader and can get into Priiloader and launch everything from there. I think by leaving my standby mode on i...
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    Black Ops Sound Files

    Nothing huh?
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    PS3 Yay or Nay ?

    All I say is YAY!!!
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    Black Ops Sound Files

    Just put it here and on PC spot just to get views from both ends, not like I spammed every board or something. And no not looking for the soundtrack, looking for weapon and SFX files.
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    Gaming Encrypted Black Ops Sound Files

    So I'm one of those people looking to get at those sound files from the Black Ops game and have gotten to the point where I can open the (on the PC version) .iwd files where all the images and sounds are kept. I've also come across and read up that the sound files are compressed and encrypted...
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    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: +2