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  1. H

    Gaming Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals

    Incase no one saw on the front page, R4 Wood 1.4.2 has been released that apparently fixes lufia. It goes further passed where it froze previously for me, but I stopped after it froze the first time so I'm not sure if it was a random freeze or not.
  2. H

    Gaming Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals

    I used Wood R4 1.14 and it freezes after you finish talking to tia and leave town. Also YSMenu doesn't load the game period.
  3. H

    Hacking DS to TV Adapter

    Alright so the one from Q-Mark( you need to physically mod your DS which I think I could probably handle. Then there is the camera/mirror device which I believe is this...
  4. H

    Hacking DS to TV Adapter

    Well there is a lot of links about being able to play your DS on a TV, yes both screens not the crappy projector device, but the problem is all the links that lead to the Q-Mark website are all dead, anyone know some active links? Or maybe something better I should wait for? Thanks guys.
  5. H

    Gaming Undumped DS List

    I don't think anyone has mentioned it, and I can't seem to find any info here or anywhere else. Game: Pop Town Region: EU Company: 505 Games. Release Date: 02/27/09 JP Name: Pinky Street Kira Kira * Music Night Pinky Street: Kira Kira * Music Hour isn't the same game. =)
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