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  1. F

    Hardware Undocumented Error Code?

    Well, with the new Netflux update released, I found much to my chagrin that my Wii was unwilling to update the channel, producing an error code that revealed that the Wii hadn't installed the channel properly the first time around. Having uninstalled the channel and finding the the problem...
  2. F

    Gaming How to repair a DS Phat Shoulder Button?

    Well, back when the original DS came out, in an uncharacteristic move, I decided to become an early adopter, and while I still don't regret that decision, it has recently put me in quite a predicament. After years of use, I'm afraid my "R" button has finally given up the ghost. The spring still...
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    Hacking Is There Any Way to See What CIOS I Have Installed On My Wii

    Well, I'm just getting back into my Wii, and I'd like to run some homebrew and the Gamecube Backup Loader on it. In the past I know I installed boot2 BootMii, HBC, and several CIOS, but I forget which ones they were. Is it safe for me to just install the CIOS that I need? Is there any risk of...
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    Hardware Slot-2 Card for DS Phat?

    Hello gbatemp! Well, as the title of my post states, I'm in the market for a good slot-2 card. While there are several good options out there for those with a DS Lite, I still have my original DS "Phat", and see no reason to upgrade right now. My problem however is that all of the slot 2 cards...
  5. F

    Hacking Fake/Faulty M3i? (Not a repeat of the post below me)

    Well, I recently saw a fake M3i thread, but my issue doesn't quite fit in with it so I thought I'd start my own. Anyways, I recently ordered a M3i from and it just came in but I noticed some problems with it. Firstly, while the box is official, the website is correct, and the...
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