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    Hacking Rockband2 Music Store

    now how about a dlc hack so us pal wii owners can get in on the fan as well
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    Gaming Rock band 2!

    1. RB2 works with pal wii but the instruments wont with using 0.3gamma (atleast not RB1 instruments). do a search, it'll work with other similar backup launchers. 2. as far as i know, no. but i think there will be custom versions of rb soon.
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    Gaming help me on pal region games

    i dunno about puzzle question but wii play works fine on 0.3 gamma. i have a pal wii and copied version of wii play and never had trouble with it. i dont see why using a ntsc wii would make any difference. unless your tv cant support pal display than u dont need to convert the game into another...
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    Hacking I think my friend bricked his Wii =\

    because the people always fail to meantion the risks of softmodding a wii to said friend. assuming it is actually their friend.
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    Hacking Have you ever shown your friends about Wii hacking?

    i wouldn't personally softmod someone else's wii, but i have told a couple of mates about it and one has successfully modded their's. the other is too lazy.
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    Gaming Syncing problems with Rockband 2

    or read my post
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    Gaming Pal Wii/instruments + NTSC Rock Band 2

    my set is all good now. i just used the cIOS37 as IOS249 and run softchip rather than gamma and the game works perfect. been jamming online for hours. follow these instructions: initially i thought i was too complicated as well, its actually...
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    Gaming Pal Wii/instruments + NTSC Rock Band 2

    How did u install the gh:wt update on ur wii? just insert copied disk and install or did u use another method? my system is already 3.3Ev2 so i dont need the animal crossing update. (actually i've never used 3.2E) unfortunately my local blockbuster doesnt have gh:wt so i cant get my hands on a...
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    Gaming Pal Wii/instruments + NTSC Rock Band 2

    i dont have a modchip. im just using hbc and backup launcher 0.3g. so when i copied disk is inserted the wii wont recognise the disk as a proper game hence the prompt for update never comes up in wii menu. i was reading through the post about using rb instruments in gamma using a custom IOS but...
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    Homebrew super paper mario not working im getting so angry help!

    have u tried using his disk in ur wii and vice versa? maybe its ur wii's laser thats worn out or ur dvd writter is stuffed? there are so many factors involved, just go through the process of elimination. im using a 3.3Ev2 wii and that games works great for me.
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    Gaming Wii Music?

    set ur tv to run on 50Hz should solve the problem
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    Gaming Pal Wii/instruments + NTSC Rock Band 2

    oh really? i thought you're not suppose to update pal systems with ntsc software and vice versa (or maybe that's just for WADs?). and also i've already updated the system with the rb1 disk which allows usb instruments. any case, how do i install the rb2 update from my burnt copy? the disk isnt...
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    Gaming Pal Wii/instruments + NTSC Rock Band 2

    Hey guys I need some help with my rock band 2 game. I got a press copy of rock band 1 and instrument set for xmas and currently loving the game. i thought i'd get the new rock band 2 game as well from the internet. so basically i have a pal wii with assumed pal instruments (and pal rb1 working...
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