Review cover Salt and Sanctuary (Nintendo Switch)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): August 2, 2018
  • Release Date (JP): August 2, 2018
  • Publisher: Ska Studios
  • Developer: Ska Studios
  • Genres: 2D Action RPG
  • Also For: Computer, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
It's the Dark Souls of 2D action platformers, but actually this time.


What and why is Salt and Sanctuary?

Salt and Sanctuary is a 2D action platformer with mechanics strikingly similar to the Dark Souls franchise, only with Salt instead of Souls and Sanctuaries instead of Bonfires. Well, the differences between the games run a little deeper than a simple change in terminology, but most everything you see in a typical Soulsborne game has a direct parallel represented here. Corpse runs, a currency for levelling which is dropped upon death, flexibility in stat builds, equipment loads, creeds/covenants, enemies respawning after resting, blocks, parries, dodge rolls; while the game is unabashedly aping the Dark Souls format in many ways, what results is a game which feels less like a two-bit knock-off, and more like a capable repurposing of familiar mechanics into a strange and distinct new experience.

Borne of Salt

Before any action is a character creation screen, where you choose your starting class. While the game gives you a relatively sparse number of choices for each category, it does provide some very... "loud" styles and colors from which to choose, so one can easily craft the anime DeviantArt character of their dreams.

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Each different class starts off with certain stats and skills to wield the weapons you're given, but it's a boost that quickly becomes irrelevant as levels increase. For my first run, I chose the "Chef" class, which gives absolutely no skills whatsoever, weak armor, and naught but an iron frying pan to smack foes, yet it meant little as all equipment gets swiftly replaced. Like the Souls games, an auxiliary personal item is available, untethered to your starting class, which can provide a slight boost. A notable difference, however, is the inclusion of developer-designed challenges that make things more difficult. While the addition of challenge modes is fantastic, as it eliminates the guesswork spent trying to design a challenging yet possible run for oneself, none of these options provide any reward upon completion. As a result, they're purely there for those who like to run challenges, however it would have been a treat to have some kind of bonus for the foolhardy. How great would it be to be gifted a golden frying pan with arcane buffs and high damage after completing the whole game with only a frying pan? The answer is pretty dang great, I would hazard.

And into Blood

Once your character has been crafted, you're dropped into the dank belly of a rocking boat with neither context nor tutorial. (The tutorial actually comes after your first bossfight.) There's a bit of dialogue with one man just ahead as he informs that bandits have overtaken the ship, and instructs you to protect the princess currently onboard. He then gets run through from above, Aerith-style, and the game expects the player to at least figure out the attack and jump buttons without instruction. Advancing through the thugs and rogues to the deck, a Stygian abomination from the briny deep waits as the first boss of the game. More than likely, this will destroy whatever remains of your health in one swipe, and the game fades to white.



Things fade back into a view of the ashen shores of a bleached beach, salt falling from the sky like snow. Thus the true game begins... After choosing one of three starting creeds and opening up the first Sanctuary, you're given some allotted starting potions and then freed to go exploring the world, one realm at a time. In each zone, the Sanctuary will serve as a hub to stock up on replenishing health items, level yourself, summon NPCs, and respawn once killed. Whenever resting at a Sanctuary, all of the enemies that have been killed return, so the challenge is to make smart usage of healing items to press onward through the gauntlets of platforming and combat to reach the next Sanctuary.

This world does not submit itself so easily, however, as there is no map to speak of and many twisting pathways to make mental note of, requiring the player to construct the map entirely in their head. It's a tense, risk-reward type system; challenging how far you're willing to push onwards before resting, and it works exceptionally well. Exploration is made even more rewarding by the focus on shortcuts back to safe zones unlocked through progression. Many critical shortcuts are telegraphed by the appearance of an iron gate with a switch on the other side, which is a great technique to allow the player to be consciously navigating towards it as they adventure, but there are also instances of less obvious shortcuts, allowing for "A-HA!" moments when an inconspicuous wooden door is opened only to find oneself back at the starting Sanctuary. It's a great feeling of personal progression when the layout of a dungeon just "clicks" into place.


Salt and Sanctuary starts off rather linearly, then steadily begins to branch outward into more and more alternate paths, creating a feeling of vastness by the midpoint of the game, until finally condensing itself into a singularity at the final boss. While so much of this game's exploration is built around the concept of not having a map readily available to you in-game, I unfortunately needed to reference an online map often at the game's broadest moment. This threatened to kill my immersion in the game completely, taking progression to a grinding halt as I desperately searched hither and yon for the next place the game wanted me to go, and it was by far the lowest point of the game for me. The game employs Medroidvania-like progression elements, with new abilities and platforming techniques allowing you access to previously gated areas of the world, but without any kind of map to see where these might be, backtrack through every area you'd previously been to is necessary, searching for a new way forward.

The sparks of battle

Combat itself is simple yet challenging in an "easy to learn, difficult to master" kind of way. There are two attack buttons, Y for light attack and X for heavy, and each broad weapon type has its own unique moveset. Light attacks can string together a combo of around 2-3 unique hits, all depending on the weapon, while heavy attacks typically are one-hit. Using a heavy attack at different points in a light combo, or by holding up or down on the control stick, will perform a different type of attack, such as launching the foes skyward for an aerial combo. Each weapon deals stamina damage alongside regular damage, much like the Souls-clone game Nioh, however you cannot actively view the enemy's stamina gauge, instead relying on learned instinct to read the flow of battle. Attacks can be charged up, lending themselves to around 20% more HP damage and significantly more stamina damage, making enemies easier to stagger. If you're using a piddly-wink dagger, you'll need to be lithe on your feet, as not every attack will cause every enemy to stagger, whereas if you're wielding an axe the size of a small domicile, you shouldn't have trouble causing just about anything to stagger backwards when hit. Deplete all of an enemy's stamina, or perform a parry, and you'll have the opportunity to press A to perform a visceral attack, dealing massive damage. Parrying in this game is extremely satisfying, as it feels so much like Dark Souls 1's insta-parry-frames as opposed to the sluggish parries of Dark Souls 3.

In fact, things generally move at a much quicker pace than any of the Souls games, feeling much closer to Bloodborne or Nioh. In addition to the quick flow of combat, there are two sets of weapons available to toggle between with the press of a button (with the unequipped set not having any impact on your current equip load), enabling quick decision-making, switching from quick to slow melee combat, or close to ranged, depending on the situation. All this makes for a very capable-feeling player character, meaning the game can throw hoards of tricky enemies at you in one go without it becoming unfair. As a result of that, there ends up being a good variety of different enemy layouts, keeping things alive and fresh from start to finish.


Unfortunately, one downside is that the game massively favors large, heavy weapons over the tiny, quick ones. For example, during my second run of the game, I started as a whip-wielding hunter and spec'd myself heavily into dexterity over strength. Whips, as expected, scale best with dexterity, and heavy weapons scale best with strength. After finding the Kureimora, a greatsword, it became evident that this weapon had longer reach than the whip, much greater vertical range than the whip, was quicker than the whip, had less endlag than the whip (why??), and dealt more damage, despite my stats not complimenting the weapon whatsoever. Because the game's only check for wielding a weapon is looking for whether or not a single perk has been taken in the level-up tree, not requiring certain stats the way the Soulsborne games do, the heavy weapons end up hugely overclassing just about every other form of weapon. There needed to be a lot of tweaking done to their damage and attack speeds if this current system wanted to be completely balanced, but no build is completely un-viable, so there's always fun to be had in anything.

And goodness, does this game have quite the variety of builds to choose from. There's a plethora of interesting weapon types to both find and transmute, with a lot of thought going into one's build in particular. Unlike the Soulsbornes, where it's possible to simply level any stat at any point, Salt and Sanctuary uses a branching tree of nodes which grant stats and unlock the ability to wield different spells, weapons, and armors. Because everything is locked behind something else, with multiple routes from which to approach each node, it behooves the player to optimize their builds beforehand, and doing so is incredibly satisfying. Of course, the game affords the room to change things around mid build, and eventually let's you become a master of all trades, so to speak.


While combat, character building, and exploration are similar to Dark Souls, I found Salt and Sanctuary much less punishing, for better or for worse. Acclimation to the combat in the beginning lead to my fair share of deaths, but as things went on, the death screen was seen less and less frequently. During a first playthrough, I never once lost my salt permanently (without doing so deliberately), and it never took more than 2 tries to fell a boss. In fact, most of the bosses could be tanked through with nothing but the stockpile of creed-given healing without the need to truly internalize and understand their attack patterns. I'd even go so far as to say that the bosses may be the easiest parts of the game, and even the final boss was quickly buried before going through even half of my healing potions. This was before realizing that the amount of healing available can be expanded through leveling up devotion to creeds, so other players will likely have even more healing available than I did. Sufficed to say, I wish the bosses hit a lot harder and were more difficult to dodge than they are. I will, however, mention that the game features a NG+ mode which increases in difficulty up to +7. The true challenge of the game may just lie in these extra playthroughs.

Salternative playstyle of the Nintendo Switch

So how does the game perform on Nintendo's new and widely popular console? Well, I can definitely say that I was disappointed, though not in a way that completely ruined the experience.

The first thing I noticed upon booting the game was that rebinding controls, a feature that exists on the PC version, was completely absent from this port. Another oddity I noticed was that the sound in handheld mode was extremely quiet, requiring the volume to be turned up to uncommon levels just to hear things. Environments also look much darker than they did on my PC, especially when it comes to handheld mode, with some crucial elements simply being masked in darkness where they were not previously. This, combined with how tiny everything looks on the Switch's 720p resolution screen and the lack of a brightness option, makes for a lot of straining and squinting on the part of the player. Luckily, docked makes things a bit easier to see, except...

Technical performance becomes quite a major downside in the transition to the Switch, especially if running in handheld mode. While the game targets 60 fps in both modes, I found that whether in docked or handheld mode, there are many instances where the framerate would dip, and sometimes, simply lock itself to chugging at 30 fps for a second. Unfortunately, if you're playing Hagar's Cavern or the Dome of the Forgotten in handheld mode, it'll be doing this heavy chugging more often than not, making for a rather miserable experience. Even when not absolutely choking on itself, there will be the now-and-again repeated frames, which roughens the whole experience slightly. As a result of all that messiness, I estimate to have died around twice as often in the Switch version as the PC version.

With Salt and Sanctuary being comprised exclusively of 2D assets with few heavy effects being shown at once, I don't understand why the Switch shouldn't have the power to run this game at a solid 60 fps. Combined with the other little niggles mentioned above, I'm given the impression of a sloppy port. I can say that the game is still "good" when played on the Nintendo Switch, but also that the PC version is the far superior, running at a genuinely solid 60 fps. For those considering between PC and Switch versions, it might be useful to know that the PC version is capped at 60 fps, so sadly those with higher refresh rate monitors won't be able to make things any smoother than that.

I also managed to trigger a glitch in the Switch version, where the boss "Tree of Men" would not drop my salt when it was meant to, which is after its health drops past the shown marker. That salt was lost upon my death when they shouldn't have. It's something I only encountered once, but thought it may merit mention.



What We Liked ...
  • Full couch Co-op support
  • Combat is simple, yet with a lot of room for mastery
  • Enemies are challenging and diverse
  • Engaging dungeon/world design
  • Lots of room for different builds and alternate routes
  • NG+ !!
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Performance issues bog down the whole feel of combat and just the game in general
  • Lack of better signposting made for a lot of wandering around in the midgame
  • Heavy weapons too strong, plz nerf
There's a lot to chew on here combat and exploration-wise. The dungeons are labyrinthine, yet each room is distinctly recognizable in its layout, and it makes them a delight to explore. Combat is incredibly varied between the many different weapon types to find, and choosing how to build your character is extremely engaging. The only marks against this category come from the performance issues and hard to see elements in handheld mode, listed here because I consider these much more impactful to the combat than the presentation.
Areas are distinct and interesting, with unique designs and vibes for each locale. The human character's squashed heads and big eyes were a bit offputting at first, but I easily acclimated to them with time. While everything looks nice, there were no really "breathtaking" moments.
Lasting Appeal
With the ability to retain all weapons, armor, and stats across up to 7 additional playthroughs, this game has a ton of content to chew on, experiment with, and just play around in.
out of 10


Salt and Sanctuary is an excellent love-letter to the Dark Souls franchise while still managing to provide a distinctly unique experience. As far as game design goes, this is a splendidly polished example of the Soulsborne mechanics appropriated correctly, and I eagerly anticipate playing all the way through NG+7 and beyond, just not on the Switch. Unfortunately, the dark screen and glaring performance issues in this port detract from the overall experience, docking points. On steam, however, I'd likely give this an 8 or a 9.
A nice, clean review. I'll definitely look into buying this once a few of the issues have been patched!
this game is also for switch. I feel like you coyldnt leave the comparison to Dark souls instead of reviewing it for what it is (unless the developer wanted it to be a 2d souls). Other that good review.
this game is also for switch. I feel like you coyldnt leave the comparison to Dark souls instead of reviewing it for what it is (unless the developer wanted it to be a 2d souls). Other that good review.
It's literally marketed as a 2D Dark Souls so the comparison is to be expected.
I am sick of some reviewers this days claiming every game to be “Dark souls” just because they died twich. Please stop this because real dark souls fans know this is in NO way like Dark souls.

Hollow knight: Dark souls.
Dead cells: Dark souls.
Salt and sanctuary: Dark souls.
All games made from this point on: Dark souls.

My review of “Super mario for nes”:

Super mario, a game which was inspired by Dark souls because every time you die you lose everything and start all over.

Dark souls! Dark souls!! Dark souls!!!

Edit: Dark souls!
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I am sick of some reviewers this days claiming every game to be “Dark souls” just because they died twich. Please stop this because real dark souls fans know this is in NO way like Dark souls.

My review of “Super mario for nes”:

Super mario, a game which was inspired by Dark souls because every time you die you lose everything and start all over.

Dark souls! Dark souls!! Dark souls!!!

Edit: Dark souls!
I mean it's just a simple matter of fact that these two games share many of the exact same mechanics in their design. Whether or not you think one is better than the other, or if what makes a "Dark Souls" experience to you lies in some of the elements not shared by the two games, is irrelevant and subjective. As far as the breadth of games go, an uncommonly large amount of mechanics which make up both this game and Dark Souls are shared. You don't need to like it, you don't need to appreciate one game if you enjoy the other, it's just a literal fact.
I mean it's just a simple matter of fact that these two games share many of the exact same mechanics in their design. Whether or not you think one is better than the other, or if what makes a "Dark Souls" experience to you lies in some of the elements not shared by the two games, is irrelevant and subjective. As far as the breadth of games go, an uncommonly large amount of mechanics which make up both this game and Dark Souls are shared. You don't need to like it, you don't need to appreciate one game if you enjoy the other, it's just a literal fact.

So for example.

“Corpse runs, a currency for levelling which is dropped upon death, flexibility in stat builds, equipment loads, creeds/covenants, enemies respawning after resting, ”

So the above quoted mechanics are Dark souls only? It seems this way you only played Dark souls.

Nothing personal. Thank you for taking time and writing this review. Keep up the work. As writer you can expect people like me that complaint hehe.
So for example.

“Corpse runs, a currency for levelling which is dropped upon death, flexibility in stat builds, equipment loads, creeds/covenants, enemies respawning after resting, ”

So the above quoted mechanics are Dark souls only? It seems this way you only played Dark souls.

Nothing personal. Thank you for taking time and writing this review. Keep up the work. As writer you can expect people like me that complaint hehe.
The game is marketed as a 2D Dark Souls... it was made with a common aesthetics in mind.
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Good review. I had no idea it finally came to Switch. I just finished the Vita version recently. It's fun.
@lolboy - To me, all those titles to a degree can hold that one (with maybe Dead Cells as a stretch), for various reasons:

- Grimdark crapsack world, the eventual fate of everything in it is to die, die and die. (All three games you listed have this to a varying degree.)
- A difficulty curve which isn't hard per se, but is punishing. When you die, it feels because you fucked up, not because the game pulled an unfair trick out of it's ass.
- Healing items are both limited and readily available (in Dark Souls, estus restores only at bonfires (for the main part), in Hollow Knight you get soul when you defeat enemies but it's also used to cast spells, in Dead Cells, potions are part of the global unlocks and only restore between stages with in-stage healing items having limited avialability).
- NPCs typically don't have happy endings to their arcs (you can count on one hand which NPCs in Dark Souls don't end up hollow, Hollow Knight has several NPCs just flat out die at the end of their quests, Dead Cells only has the Knightess NPC who dies after a few runs.)
- Choose your own entry in the lore. It is entirely possible to play through the entirety of these games without ever really learning what happens beyond the most basic information (Dark Souls: Fire is going out, relight it, Dead Cells: I'm immortal now let's try and explore this place, Hollow Knight: I have to become the next seal to stop the infection, S&S: I woke up on an island, I killed a bunch of shit to try and get off the island).

Then there are some tiny reasons that make the designation 'soulslike' appropriate, but don't apply to all:
- Dodge rolling/a button for dodging as a primary mechanic (Hollow Knight is the only title that doesn't directly have a dodge roll, but you get an upgrade early on that lets you dash).
- Varying weapon choices for the player. (Hollow Knight again doesn't exactly do this, with melee being the main method of attacking).
- Bosses typically serve not as mere skill tests, but as actual tough challenging enemies that must be overcome to continue, often with their own unique attack patterns.
- The implication that, whatever you are doing, it will likely turn out to be pointless in the end.

And tbqh, S&S is quite literally 2D Dark Souls, pretty much every mechanic has been lifted over, with some minor changes made to some of them (ie. no 'you died here' spot to easily pick up salt, the enemy absorbs the salt until you defeat it/for bosses lower it's health to 75%). It also takes advantage of the fact that it's 2D by adding in platforming to the gameplay, something which the Souls series always is a little bit iffy on (not helped by the fact that DkS always has had poor button mapping for the jump button).
I am sick of some reviewers this days claiming every game to be “Dark souls” just because they died twich. Please stop this because real dark souls fans know this is in NO way like Dark souls.

Hollow knight: Dark souls.
Dead cells: Dark souls.
Salt and sanctuary: Dark souls.
All games made from this point on: Dark souls.

My review of “Super mario for nes”:

Super mario, a game which was inspired by Dark souls because every time you die you lose everything and start all over.

Dark souls! Dark souls!! Dark souls!!!

Edit: Dark souls!
Since people are still talking about this, I think you're overreacting. It feels like the inevitable blowback from the "it's like Dark Souls" shit is leading to a rubberband where saying any game is like Dark Souls, even when it clearly is, isn't okay. But Salt and Sanctuary is clearly a 2D Dark Souls conversion. They marketed it as such, it looks and plays like 2D Dark Souls in almost every way. it doesn't matter how much you deny it, Dark Souls had a pretty big influence on games, and Soulslike is now a genre (even if it isn't always called that). Putting your fingers in your ears and yelling, "ITSNOTHINGLIKEDARKSOULSSTOPSAYINGITSLIKEDARKSOULSLALALALALALAICANTHEARYOU," isn't going to change that fact.
@Ev1l0rd, Thanks for the detailed explanation. I appreciate it.

@xwatchmanx "They marketed it as such"...So, if I take a shit color it golden and market it as gold would you buy it? No? Why not it looks like Gold?

I am not saying games cannot be inspired by Dark souls. What I am just trying to say is that in "my" opinion a game should be reviewed for what it is and not what it tries to be or tries to look like.
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@Ev1l0rd, Thanks for the detailed explanation. I appreciate it.

@xwatchmanx "They marketed it as such"...So, if I take a shit color it golden and market it as gold would you buy it? No? Why not it looks like Gold?

In my opinion a game should be reviewed for what it is and not what it tries to be or tries to look like.
No, but it would be mighty important to mention that it isn't gold and doesn't stack up to gold if you were reviewing it. Besides, the comparisons to Dark Souls were made purely as shorthand points of reference, not meant for emphasizing a comparison in terms of quality, but as an easy way to communicate aspects and mechanics of the game by using a commonly known baseline. That Dark Souls exists and is similar had no impact on my ultimate analysis of the game's virtues. I'd feel the same way and mention the same key points even if I'd never heard of Dark Souls.
No, but it would be mighty important to mention that it isn't gold and doesn't stack up to gold if you were reviewing it. Besides, the comparisons to Dark Souls were made purely as shorthand points of reference, not meant for emphasizing a comparison in terms of quality, but as an easy way to communicate aspects and mechanics of the game by using a commonly known baseline. That Dark Souls exists and is similar had no impact on my ultimate analysis of the game's virtues. I'd feel the same way and mention the same key points even if I'd never heard of Dark Souls.

Like I said before your review is great nothing wrong with it.
I think that I am just annoyed because this was the third review in 2 days I read that did reference to Dark souls.
I will give this game a try (just like I did with Hollow knight and Dead cells).
@xwatchmanx "They marketed it as such"...So, if I take a shit color it golden and market it as gold would you buy it? No? Why not it looks like Gold?

I am not saying games cannot be inspired by Dark souls. What I am just trying to say is that in "my" opinion a game should be reviewed for what it is and not what it tries to be or tries to look like.
You seem to have conveniently cut off the second part of that quote where I said "looks and plays just like 2D Dark Souls.";)
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): August 2, 2018
  • Release Date (JP): August 2, 2018
  • Publisher: Ska Studios
  • Developer: Ska Studios
  • Genres: 2D Action RPG
  • Also For: Computer, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    nes remix 1 had the bad one, nes remix 2 had the good one
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @genistopitauniverfrocrami, What drugs is this dude on?
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    @NinStar both nes remix 1 and 2 had some stinkers in there
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    but at least 2 doesn't have sports games
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    loved nes remix, but hated having to play Baseball, Tennis and Golf in order to progress
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    or fucking Clu Clu Land for that matter
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Not a big fan of NES kid Icarus either... I know it was popular but I didn't care for it.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Yesterday I learned my BD Burner drive can burn CD's at 56X lol
  • cearp @ cearp:
    What stuff were you burning?
    I used to burn tons of dvds (data files) many years ago, but haven't burnt a disk in ages.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    My car actually reads MP3 CD's lol
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    So mix CDs for myselt :)
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Pantera, Metallica, Hollywood Undead, Five Finger Death Punch, some others lol
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    I can put like 90 songs on a CD lol
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    if only it could read dvds then you would just need 1 disc
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    i tell ya what, i could go for a fuckin gyro right about now
  • cearp @ cearp:
    I hope your brother is doing ok Mr BakerMan
  • cearp @ cearp:
    and Psi - I had a cd player / radio that played mp3 cds once, very cool
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    BakerMan yeah me too.... maybe that's gonna be dinner for me there is this place near me I have been dying to try and they have them lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I miss usb mp3 players they were shit but at the time a go to
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    @The Real Jdbye, I thought about that and I have blank DVD's and Blurays but honestly after like 90 songs I just listen to it a couple of hundred times toss it out and burn something else or have like 2-3 CD's. Florida here the heat in the car tends to ruin the CD's after like a few months even commercial pressed ones don't last too long.
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    my music collection is just too big, i require variety
    The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye: my music collection is just too big, i require variety