Alex S
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  • Wow you've done some really excellent work since I last checked in, mega props!
    FInally Finished Setting Up the Cemu Discord Server!! :3
    I Have found a bug on the WWHDM, it does a frame drop when you are walking between the grass, like the scene when you rescue tetra, i found that it is more laggy when it kinda "zooms" grass.
    Alex S
    Alex S
    Thats odd. I will look into in the future
    Wondering why and how cyber bullies still exist
    Anonymity, that's the biggest issue.
    I could call you names and make your life miserable and you can't do anything about it except try and block every account I make.
    cyberbullying is pretty much the same as normal bullying except you cannot do anything about it.
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    You could just ignore them, it's not that hard.
    I don't think cyber bullying is anything like real bullying. Irl you can get your ass kicked, your stuff destroyed, harassed. People that talk about suicide because of cb "I cant get away from it, my life is awful ". You could turn your computer off and do something else :/

    Believe it or not. People lived without internet at one time.
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Alex S

Creator Of WWHDM, And Metroid Fusion XER0X!
Level 7
1,002 XP
Level 8
1,240 XP
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