Skyward Sword impressions

I finally got around to "obtaining" Skyward Sword. So some impressions.

First off, how is this so easy to pirate? I put it on my hard drive, fiddled some settings as per directions, and bam, working fine. Didn't even have to bother with the Wii Motion Plus video crap since I dealt with that for Wii Sports Resort. There's not a single issue for piracy on my end. I haven't updated my cIOS for the longest time or my USB loaders. What gives? I have a feeling there's some secret "Fuck you pirates" or something. But still, I can't even get Kirby to work, which while a flagship release, is nowhere near the Skyward Sword scale. But whatever, I'm definitely not complaining.

But for the game. Bullet time!
  • Heh, kinda find it funny that it actually rips a lot off of other games. The wall scaling instantly reminded me of Assassin's Creed. Skydiving immediately reminded me of Just Cause 2. Directionality swinging was really struck with Red Steel 2 and in trailers for MGS: Rising. I wouldn't say it's straight ripping off, but it definitely has some tones. This isn't a complaint or anything, I see nothing wrong with taking good elements from other games and combining them, just kinda funny.
  • Now, the Wii Motion Plus. I like it for swordplay, the lack of calibration needed outside of the occasional "point at screen for a second and center" is a really nice addition that the peripheral has sorely been lacking. But they're going a bit overboard.
  • Flying around on your bird is just plain boring and annoying to control. At least in past Zelda games I had a horse to see nice rolling landscapes and stuff like that. Having a bird suffers the whole "Wind Waker" issue with the boat. All you see is a whole lot of the same. Even then, Skyloft doesn't impress me. It feels like I'm in a snow globe. Maybe the game will end by zooming out from Skyloft only to reveal the entire game was the imagination of an autistic kid looking at a snow globe? If you get this reference, congratulations, your name is probably Gahars.
  • Controlling your fall in skydiving is also just plain bad. Can't I just use a fucking analog stick? Took me a solid 5 tries just to do that stupid "base jumping" thing from the whole ceremony thing.
  • Balancing on ropes is just an annoying distraction that slows down the game and adds unnecessary frustration. Again, I get it, I have a Wii Motion Plus, stop putting it in every fucking mechanic.
  • For swordplay, when it works, it works gloriously. I do enjoy the directionality-based combat, but as I said, the control is still iffy. There's times I plainly swipe sideways for plants that require a sideways slash and instead I just bounce right off. Goblins, don't even get me started. I see they're having a high, horizontal block so I realize I need to go for a low, horizontal swipe. Seems logical, right? No, they instantly switch positions and block it, so instead of it being "strategic dismemberment", it's more of a crapshoot of luck.
  • Camera is a pain. I don't remember if Twilight Princess had as an annoying camera but it's annoying to recenter yourself every 5 seconds. Plus if I feel like slashing, say, a fruit I can't lock onto, it's an annoying game of positioning just to simply slash the goddamn thing.
  • Dowsing, why the fuck do I need this? Now that the game has an entire element devoted to tracking things, I feel an abundance of annoying fetch quests await me. Already found the stupid kiwi (or whatever you call them) tracking quest to be an annoying distraction from what Zelda is all about: going from point A to point B and fucking up some dungeons.
  • Cutscenes are unskippable. Boo. Boo a hundred times. Sorry Nintendo, you're great for a lot of things, but plots are not one of them. I'd still watch them on my first playthrough just so I can complain about how bad the story is, but c'mon.
  • Conversation system, why do I need this? I have a feeling that every option leads to the same outcome. Mass Effect this is not. It again feels like unnecessary fluff that's trying to add a new dimension to the game. Except this dimension is completely one dimensional and just makes me wish I could mash my + button through every piece of dialogue.
  • Fi is really boring. I get that she's supposed to be some emotionless computer-like thing, but why? Midna was entertaining. Even Navi was entertaining. It's kinda like I traded out a tour guide for a GPS. The tour guide might make a few jokes and tell you an interesting story. A GPS just tells you where the fuck to go. I'm hoping there's some sudden change for her that gives her emotions or something but otherwise I feel like I'm talking to a calculator or a really shit GLaDOS rip off.
  • I'm really hoping I get some type of permanent metal shield. The last thing I want to do is keep going to Skyloft to buy a new shield. Most of the time now, Fi, like a good little babysitter says "You should get a shield". And I say "Fuck that, shields are for pussies" and venture on. Even then, I'm finding goblins and such to do nothing but dance around and block like retards to the point where I completely forgot to put up my shield. I only needed my shield for blocking those Deku things honestly.
  • Art, graphics, and sound aren't impressing me. The overabundance of dialogue makes their moonspeak even more irritating. Music tones haven't felt as moody as Twilight Princess. Graphics haven't struck me as that top-notch Nintendo quality that I got from Super Mario Galaxy and such. It's good looking for the Wii, but I'm not particularly impressed. I would say it's because I've become so used to HD gaming on the 360 that I can't appreciate graphics in relation to a lower power system, but I played Sonic Colors not too long ago and it looked pretty swell for me. Maybe I just can't stand the art, but nothing is hitting me as much as Twilight Princess did on this front.
Overall, I feel like the game has a lot of new things for Zelda but most of them are just really useless. I did want a change in the standard formulaic world of Zelda, but adding filler content was not it. The Motion Plus definitely hits a vibe and changes the standard mundane combat to something a bit more interesting, but everything else, from flying to dowsing to every Wii Motion Plus use that's not swordplay, just bogs down the game. Everything begins feeling like a chore.

Hope is not lost though. I'm not too far into the game, I'm probably right near the first real dungeon and right after I got the Slingshot. However, it just feels like some of these concerns aren't just early game stumbles but underlying design flaws. I seriously hope I'm wrong.


I actually found Fi amusing because of her boringness.

Though I agree with your views on the conversation system, especially when I fall off Skyloft.
Dowsing is actually a helpful feature. With or without it, you need to find people. Now it just helps you find them. Pretty simple. All Zelda games (and 99% of RPGs) involve finding someone at some point, or some thing at some point, or some people at some point. Dowsing just helps. You don't even need to use it if you don't want. Fetch quests weren't included or invented because of Dowsing. They existed before, except you didn't have a magic feature to point you in the general direction.
So Dowsing actually makes fetch quests easier, and not much else.

Also, I like Fi. Of all the annoying people I had annoying me. She's the least annoying. She gives me straight forward info, data, and big words. I like it.
I've read reviews and all but I think I'll just end up not getting it or not even pirating it at all. Everything I read about it displeases me. I just want to sit on the sofa and play with a regular controller but it looks like that isnt even an option.
That's one thing that gets me annoyed with some games, how they add features just because they can.
Like Ratchet and Clank TOD how you need to use motion controls to move when you jump out of a ship.
And some DS games that use the touch screen for no reason (Like pointless mini-games)
Seems to me the only people who thinks this game is GOTY is the people who doesn't own any other system.
I mean if all you have is a Wii than this game would be like a gift from god since there hasn't been much to celebrate in Nintendo land lately.
[quote name='RoMee' timestamp='1321538769'] Seems to me the only people who thinks this game is GOTY is the people who doesn't own any other system.I mean if all you have is a Wii than this game would be like a gift from god since there hasn't been much to celebrate in Nintendo land lately. [/quote]
Or, you know, people who like Zelda games.

I agree with the sky diving, fucking took forever to land in the circle. Dowsing, as well butyou don't need to use it, it isn't a requirement. Just something to give you a hand. And there aren't a lot of fetch quests really.

But Fi, she isn't really boring at all (to me at least). I'm not sure how far you are, but just wait until you complete your first dungeon and you see her dance. Maybe it's because I personally enjoy little things like that, but I found it to be fun and full of life.
The dowsing is basically required unless you enjoy mindlessly wandering. And if every dungeon is going to start with essentially an annoying fetch quest, I'm not gonna be a happy camper.

Combat seems to be worse as I go. Maybe it's because I'm not standing up but I don't feel like moving my chair so I have room to play the game. Nintendo is really trying to hammer the Wii Motion Plus into your brain and it's fucking annoying. Considering pretty much every great WIi game by Nintendo ironically uses very little motion controls (see Super Mario Galaxy, DKCR, Kirby, etc), having a game completely focused on it seems a bit contradictory. And the WM+ is far from perfect too, the combat is turning into an outright shit storm. It feels like I'm fighting a shitty peripheral and not enemies honestly.
I just realized, I got the reference..

But my name isn't Gahars D:

In other news..
IMO, I actually enjoyed flying around in my Loftwing. Even though it wasn't varied enough, it gave me a sense of freedom that's absent in other Zelda games.
The skydiving sucks because it took a few tries to get it right the first time you played? Sounds like some of you guys just hate developing new skills.

Same goes for walking across tightropes; it's another thing that comes with a bit of practice. Just hold the Wiimote vertical and rock it a bit left to right to counter Link's walking pace as he crosses the rope. After a while it becomes second nature.
"Developing new skills"? For what? The mechanic is completely useless. Seriously, I jump off any ledge in Skyloft why? So I can get my goddamn bird. There are absolutely not times when I need to free fall it seems, and when I do, it's basically just staying straight on.

There's a difference between, say, honing your swordsmanship skills as the game goes on, which would work if the sword controls weren't so bad. There's so many times I have to slowly rotate my hand around to get the right angle and I'll accidentally swipe. When it gets to enemies who punish you for this, it gets silly. Red Steel 2 definitely had better sword controls.

These "skills" aren't something that should be mastered or honed. They should be second nature mechanics that don't require half a thought. But instead they have to shove Wii Motion Plus in your face and make you use it for everything when it should only be used for one thing. Like why do I need it for half this stuff when an analog stick works better? Only instance an analog stick doesn't work better is for the directionality based sword fighting. It's instead making the peripheral more of a gimmick than a mechanic or natural integration, something I thought Nintendo would really try to do. They want to prove that motion controls can work well in gaming and have their place in all genres, but shoehorning it into a thousand things instead of keeping it for what it works for is flat out stupid.

I've skydived in Just Cause 2 just fine. I've balanced tightropes in ten thousand other games just fine. Why is it that Skyward Sword has to make all these little bits complete pains in the asses?
And you did all of those things with a dumb controller, right? How VERY innovative. Heaven forbid a game company should try to break new ground.

Do you really expect to master 1:1 swordplay instantaneously, without any practice at all?

Using that logic, you should be able to pick up a épée IRL for the first time and win an Olympic gold medal for fencing.

Yeah, that's a realistic expectation.

You haven't even finished the game yet. How do you know the only skydiving is when you want to get on your bird?

*Hint* it isn't. There's two other uses that I've found, the first you know already, because you had to dive from the tower, onto the target area below at the start of the game, remember?

Another is in the first sky area. There's a small floating island with a round hole at the top that you need to parachute into.

Everytime Nintendo does something new that actually gives purpose to their peripherals, the complaining is never ending.

It's only a pain in the ass because it's *different* to what you're used to. This is a GOOD thing.

Have you noticed that when you relax and just use the sword like a sword instead of a waggle stick, that it works just fine? The controls are only shit when you're A: fighting against them, or B: expecting them to compensate for your mistakes.

Honestly, there's so many people complaining about this game, simply because it does things differently. It just reminds me of all the bitching when people found out that Phantom Hourglass was only playable via the DS touch screen.

It's an evolution of gaming control. Either adapt or...

...keep pointlessly hatin' on change.
@unz: It's not "ground breaking" when you want to go back to old controls. Like what's so groundbreaking about shitting up my pinpoint accuracy when swimming or flying when I can do it a thousand times better on an analog stick? The game would be groundbreaking if they gave us these unique controls for things that they worked for. Like swordplay or the whip. Why put it on aspects that make it wish we were going back to the analog stick?

Swordplay is one of the better aspects. Nintendo did take the courtesy of at least ramping up the enemies with your expertise so you'll learn more and become better at it in relation to the enemies. That's not one of my major complaints, the motion controls are just spotty. I try to get myself at a good angle for a strike and I end up with Link swinging it randomly, bouncing off the enemy, having them lash out at me, and having me restart from square one.

Oh, there's more skydiving? Well great Nintendo, thanks for more shit segments.

And I'm using the controller right. I'm having it calibrate and everything. Saying that the controls are bad because I'm "not using them right" is the dumbest thing to say. I am using them right. I've said this over and over, I've used the WM+ for swordplay before and it's been fine. It's just this game.

Also, saying I'm "pointlessly hatin'" when I'm giving you a whole slew of points on which I'm complaining is completely fucking stupid.

@FireGrey: You have not a single fucking clue what you're talking about. Go read up on my Wii reviews while you're at it. God forbid I actually give out high marks.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' timestamp='1321795146'] @unz: It's not "ground breaking" when you want to go back to old controls[/quote]
A wise man once said "a poor craftsman blames his tools". Personally, I've had zero problems with SS's flying and swimming. Sure, the swordplay isn't always easy (I wouldn't call it spotty though), but as stated above, I actually think that's a good thing. It's been a while since I was challenged by a Zelda game, and I'm enjoying it immensely.

[quote name='Guild McCommunist']Oh, there's more skydiving? Well great Nintendo, thanks for more shit segments.[/quote]

Okay, now you're just sabotaging yourself. You complained that there might only be one use for a gameplay feature, and when told there's more uses for that feature, you just complain more.

And that's before you even get out of the first area - which you clearly couldn't be bothered to explore properly before complaining about what you perceive to be shortcomings of the game.

That is precisely what I mean by "pointlessly hatin'".

Oh and more "bad news": I've found two more skydiving mini games - a formation skydive minigame above Pumpkin Landing, and one more to the south-west; the colourful FUN FUN Island.

[quote name='Guild McCommunist']completely fucking stupid[/quote]

Doesn't take much to get you wound up, does it? Don't you realise that getting all emotional and calling someone "fucking stupid" because they dare challenge your opinion is another example of hatin' ?

What's "completely fucking stupid" is expecting people to excuse a negative review from a temp staffer who sounds like they've not even finished the first part of a game, and couldn't be bothered properly exploring the play area for themselves.

Look, you should know as well as anyone that unless you use a spoileriffic guide, you don't get the best from a Zelda game until you've played it through multiple times.

All your negativity is just you having unrealistic expectations. Like it or lump it, that's the truth of the matter and no amount of swearing is going to change that.

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