The money it took to send an automated freakin vehicle to FREAKIN SPACE AND LAND IT ON A DUST BALL THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY cost us less than what the government spends in TWO DAYS in military funding in the middle east. Not to mention, the money isn't being sent to mars. The money is being spent here, so it will be cycled back through the system and...wait for it...BACK INTO THE FREAKIN ECONOMY! Oh, and did I mention that the rover is geared to last for 17 years before the freakin battery drains? Do you know how much knowledge we can acquire in 17 years? Can you even fathom it?
Please, by all means tell me how the Curiosity mission was a waste of money. I dare you.
Please, by all means tell me how the Curiosity mission was a waste of money. I dare you.