pokaymanz aw3some verZn

First, I want to explain that I have no intention in mocking bortz's post or anything. Just something done for my fun.

my friends and i were putting together some ideas that would make pokamnz ub3r aw3someZ. If we were to make it that is. Its never going to happen but it was funny. here are some of the ideas.

1. you get to chose from any type of language (japanez, EngriSh- remembr u needz to patch with bat, or japa.. oh i alrdy said tat)
2. your rival got notin so u p0wn every1 in game lolololLL
3. pokemon level up system. Now u level up by presing A (: no more loosin to rival at beginn of gam
2. pokemon become unstable, dies for no reason, hits itself, etcetc.
3. crash. game freezes. wait until R4 v 1.20 com out D:
4. you can steal trainers' pokaymonz!!!
5.trainers are stereotypical and racially descriminative
Fire trainers are always on fire. "CALL THE 911!" and then the battle would start.
grass users throw stones @ yuuz
6. a water trainer gets eaten by a garydos when u prss B! no more getting p0wned by magikarps !!!
8. more status ailments. like if your fighting a normal pokaymanz, your can inflict the status ailment "p0wned" :yay:

ill think of more later. thats the start of the list lololoololLOLOOL!!11


who told u u cud make a blog post
gb2 worken on kingdem harts tenslashon
god some ppl
dont u guise h8 it wen trensl8rs thnk they cn do watevr they want

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    Skelletonike @ Skelletonike: But I would say a big part of them are weird.