NEW MONITOR! Pics inside!

Finally got it! I should have gotten it yesterday, but the douchebag UPS guy didn't even knock at my door. He just left a note saying I wasn't there... Anyway, finally got it today, set it up and it's amazing! So much bigger than I was expecting. Still trying to figure out how to get 1080i going, but I have it at 1600x1200 right now and it's so great. I have a lot more space to put windows, and I can have my chatting program and internet up at the same time. I'm very happy with my purchase! Plus, I got my 360 hooked up to it thtough HDMI, so I'll be enjoying 1080p games very soon. (Too tired to start playing today)

Here's some screenshots!

My desk before:

Comparing the two screens:

Desk after:


my school uses those same dell LCD's
they have hundreds of them, lol

hijacks the thread to also show his asus screen :toot:

[quote name='Joe88' post='1796855' date='Feb 25 2009, 12:59 AM']my school uses those same dell LCD's
they have hundreds of them, lol

hijacks the thread to also show his asus screen :toot:

LOL ur keyboard doesn't do the screen justice.

hm that reminds me of my friends 24 inch hd screen. man that was sweet. rich bastard
im still waiting for that keyboard to kick the bucket
almost 15 years and still going...
Nice. I have the same Dell, only I kept it hooked up after getting a 22in. Dual monitor ftw

And I seriously doubt the UPS guy left a note without trying. It takes a lot more work in leaving a note and having to come back than getting it done the first time.
[quote name='Joe88' post='1796855' date='Feb 25 2009, 03:59 PM']hijacks the thread to also show his asus screen :toot:

Nice keyboard. When did u get it? 1984?

Anyway back on topic. You could always set up your old monitor as a second monitor. (depending on your card of course.)
[quote name='Joe88' post='1796855' date='Feb 24 2009, 08:59 PM']my school uses those same dell LCD's
they have hundreds of them, lol

hijacks the thread to also show his asus screen :toot:

Nice keyboard. And I used to have that exact wallpaper. From interfacelift. But satangel says it may have viruses and won't add it to the damn list
My video card unfortuantely doesn't support dual monitors. Also, I'm not sure if I should sell it, because I doubt it would go for more than 50 bucks or so... plus the shipping and all... wouldn't make much of a profit I guess.
the 360 should stand vertically :O !
(note: I've owned 2 xbox 360's over the past couple of years, never got RROD, and I always let them stand vertically... is there a connection between those two facts? perhaps its better ventilated? honestly I doubt it, but still :P )

on topic: nice screen! is that the 22" one you posted about before?
[quote name='Costello' post='1797944' date='Feb 25 2009, 10:29 AM']the 360 should stand vertically :O !
(note: I've owned 2 xbox 360's over the past couple of years, never got RROD, and I always let them stand vertically... is there a connection between those two facts? perhaps its better ventilated? honestly I doubt it, but still :P )

on topic: nice screen! is that the 22" one you posted about before?[/quote]
I've always had mine horizontal, and never had RROD. I heard the disc could scratch if it was vertical (maybe this was only if you moved between the two while it's running.. not sure). I think the main vent is in the back, so either way should vent properly.

Nice monitor War.. next upgrade should be to a 32" (that's what I use for TV, gaming and PC).
I ordered my new monitor too today, 22" flatscreen coming :P
Can't wait, finally time to ditch my old and broken 19" CRT.
Hm... you know, I never thought about that. I guess I could put it vertical, but I heard it RRODs easier like that.

PS: The monitor is not the 22" one that Sephi has, it's a 21.5" Asus. It's better than Sephi's (IMO) because it supports up to 1080p, has 2ms instead of 5ms, and also has built-in speakers which are surprisingly not bad at all.

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