I don't know if a lot of you know about Movember but its pretty much a group of men across the globe that shave their facial hair on day one of November and don't shave until the end of the month in order to rally people to donate for prostate/testicular cancer.
I thought this might be a fun and cool thing to do so I've decided to participate. I wanna see if I can raise $200 this month for Movember so if you can please help me reach my goal, it would be greatly appreciated.
My Movember page can be found here
More information about Movember can be found here
To donate you can do so here
You can donate directly to me by clicking "someone you know" and search my name "Jeffrey Willis"
or you can donate to my team (currently im the only member
) by clicking "To a team" and search my team's name "Jin's Stache-Os"
or you can make a general donation if you'd like
If you want to partake in Movember you can join my team by signing up here
Any help will be greatly appreciated and I plan to post daily pictures to assure everyone I'm actually partaking in Movember. If you have any additional questions that can't be answered in the links above then feel free to reply here or PM me
I thought this might be a fun and cool thing to do so I've decided to participate. I wanna see if I can raise $200 this month for Movember so if you can please help me reach my goal, it would be greatly appreciated.
My Movember page can be found here
More information about Movember can be found here
To donate you can do so here
You can donate directly to me by clicking "someone you know" and search my name "Jeffrey Willis"
or you can donate to my team (currently im the only member
or you can make a general donation if you'd like
If you want to partake in Movember you can join my team by signing up here
Any help will be greatly appreciated and I plan to post daily pictures to assure everyone I'm actually partaking in Movember. If you have any additional questions that can't be answered in the links above then feel free to reply here or PM me