I don't know about you other Tempers, but since I've been able to just download and play games willy nilly I have realized I have a large selection of games unbeaten....This year I wanna change that. My resolution for 2011 is something simple...I want to beat 12 games. Plain and simple.
-Six of these games must be RPGs (Four of which must be turned based)
-at least four of these games must be games I've neglected
-If I can beat a game in three days, it will not be counted
-I can only play two games at a time...The only way I can switch out before beating a game is if it becomes unbearable for me to play and even then I can only switch out twice every quarter of the year (4 months)
I hope I can actually do this cause I'm really beginning to hate the fact that I leave a lot of games unbeaten. Along with my backloggery, you can keep track of my progress in my signature.
Comments, Suggestions, discussion, rule additions....
Progress as of 4/21/11
Game Slot 1: Mother 3
Game Slot 2: N/A
Games Beaten: 3 Rpgs Beaten: 1 Neglected Games Beaten: 1
Games Beaten
1.Ys Seven (1st non-turn based RPG game beaten on 1/14/2011)
2.KH: Birth by Sleep (1st Neglected game beaten on 1/16/2011...Not counting it as an RPG beaten)
3.Mega Man Zero 2 (3rd game beaten in March)
-Six of these games must be RPGs (Four of which must be turned based)
-at least four of these games must be games I've neglected
-If I can beat a game in three days, it will not be counted
-I can only play two games at a time...The only way I can switch out before beating a game is if it becomes unbearable for me to play and even then I can only switch out twice every quarter of the year (4 months)
I hope I can actually do this cause I'm really beginning to hate the fact that I leave a lot of games unbeaten. Along with my backloggery, you can keep track of my progress in my signature.
Comments, Suggestions, discussion, rule additions....
Progress as of 4/21/11
Game Slot 1: Mother 3
Game Slot 2: N/A
Games Beaten: 3 Rpgs Beaten: 1 Neglected Games Beaten: 1
Games Beaten
1.Ys Seven (1st non-turn based RPG game beaten on 1/14/2011)
2.KH: Birth by Sleep (1st Neglected game beaten on 1/16/2011...Not counting it as an RPG beaten)
3.Mega Man Zero 2 (3rd game beaten in March)