Mario Kart Wii

I've really had a love/hate relationship with the game. In the beginning I hated it. The game is FAR AWAY from the rest of the series in terms of how it's played. Being a Mario Kart veteran, when I started, I of course picked manual. Manual gives you the option to hop and get power slide boosts; Y'know, how it USED TO WORK. However, the only kart with decent handling/drifting has by far the WORST acceleration ever.

While on most karts, after getting hit by something and starting to move again, it'll take you about 1-2 seconds to get to full speed. With this other kart it takes a good 5+ seconds to get to full speed. According to the stats, it has a higher top speed when compared to the rest of the karts, but it's not a noticeable difference that would make up for the TERRIBLE acceleration.

You might think that the better handling would also make up for the poor acceleration. Well, this game has 50% more karts in the race at once, 12 total. That's A LOT of different people going around the track all with access to ITEMS. And you'll get hit with these items. A SHIT LOAD! And a lot of these items will make you lose your own item, ruining whatever plans you might've thought up in your head to defend yourself. And every time you get hit... you have to deal with the slow acceleration to get you back up to full speed.

Okay, so by this point you might be wondering... why not just use the other karts? Well, I tried that too. But to make a lot of the corners in the game you HAVE TO POWERSLIDE around the turn. And the powersliding on these other karts is just terrible. You jump to go into the powerslide and it pulls you in the opposite direction which could be grass a wall, or a cliff. And assuming you even get into the powerslide the items come at you just like before breaking your powerslide, and now you don't have enough speed to go back into it.

Now let me take a moment to talk about this powersliding system. In previous Mario Kart games, you'd enter a power slide and move your control stick/D-Pad back and forth until you got the the orange/red spark and you'd get a boost. In THIS game, however, it gives you a boost depending on how long you hold the slide. This is supposed to be an anti-snaking precaution but they really took it too far. There are plenty of turns where you SHOULD be able to get a boost but can't due to the new setup. It almost seems to be that 90 degree turn gives you the blue, and 180 goes to red/orange.

So to make things even better, let's just say that while playing against the CPUs, they are nothing less than cheap. You will get impaled with items just before crossing the finish line after holding a large lead only to come in 5th or lower. You will get hit with items at the WORST possible moment as well in other ways. For example, you'll get hit with something the moment you are over a gap, which not only stops you, but now you have to wait to be put back on the track. You'll also usually get hit with something to make you lose your item the MOMENT you get something useful that could help you. A real bummer...

Now here's where things get a little strange...

But switching from manual to automatic, most of my beef with the game is removed completely! But what this means is that they essentially took out most of the skill and strategies Mario Kart veterans are used to.

Those karts with the terrible handling? Well on automatic these become your weapons of choice. You get that good acceleration to help you after the hits, and the automatic powerslide initiates in a way so that it doesn't make you go wide at all. Sure, you lose the boost gained from the old powersliding method, but the time you'll be able to make up after getting hit with items will make up for it, and then A LOT more.

The amount of time gained from this switch is enough to make playing against the CPUs in the cups a BREEZE. While their cheap tactics still exist and will cost you a race or two, most of the time you'll be so far ahead that you'll retain the lead.

So at this point, while I feel this isn't the same Mario Kart I've grown up to love, it's a somewhat decent racer with cheap AI. So what do you get when you replace the CPUs with real players?

A fun game.

Actually, that's an understatement. Playing online is a freaking blast. You get up to 12 players and there's not even a bit of lag. The most you'll get is people being disconnected for unknown reasons. But when the disconnections don't kick in you are having a great time. You can create rooms for friends to join or battle against the World. You don't gain or lose ranking points in a friend opened room race, but if you play against the world you do.

And what's more? You can join a world match that a friend is currently playing and join them! I found this to be the best route for fun because you have a decent amount of players AND you are playing with friends. I can see this being fun for a VERY long time in the future. And afterall, as much as the gameplay doesn't really feel like previous Mario Kart games, it's still about the multiplayer experience the most.

So in conclusion, don't go into this game expecting this to play like previous Mario Kart games. If you do you will be SEVERELY DISAPPOINTED. If you go into this expecting a pretty decent multiplayer racing game, you will be pleasantly surprised because it it much more than that. So fun game, but NOT Mario Kart. Recommended 100%. :grog:


good read, I was getting worried at the start though :P So does automatic just get rid of drifting or does it do other things aswell?
[quote name='Rebound' post='1079234' date='Apr 10 2008, 04:01 AM']good read, I was getting worried at the start though :P So does automatic just get rid of drifting or does it do other things aswell?[/quote]
It automatically makes you go into the slide when using the joystick to steer. So basically it makes your handling a bunch better. The downfall is no ability to get boosts from the slides... which doesn't matter much thanks to how much better you'll handle all turns.
I find it pretty easy to glide round corners in manual mode and obtain a decent boost. The control method is quite simple but may require some practice to perfect - push the stick in the oposite direction to the corner for control (ie as not to go to tight), push the stick in the direction of the corner for adjustment (ie if your going to wide).

On some tracks I have found that with a good combination of powerslide cornering boosts and the boost you gain from performing tricks you can get a very good advantage. Hence i no longer play in 'Automatic Mode'.

In regrards to Karts - I only play using the standard Kart (the original(ish) looking one) and Toad as its driver. I cant say I have found any issues, obviously each Kart type has it's own advantages and disadvamtages - I mean if there was a 'Kart to own all Karts' what would be the point! Some people take good cornering over aceleration, others enjoy the weightier Karts for the ability to bash other players off the track. Basically you choose a kart which suits your game play style...

Of course I can demonstrate this.....See ya online boys...The names CylonSurfa!! Hehehehe :wacko:
Your right, fun multiplayer game indeed. Nice write up :)

Its definatley the easiest mario kart to date. Taking away the traditional MT system was a major downlfall IMO, and it takes away a lot of depth from the game... Any one can hold a slide tight around a corner, then wheelie down the straight, repeat.

However multiplayer is definatley its focus... the online leaderboard and stats work really well.

Overall I agree, if your expecting a MKDS style of fast paced 'on your toes' style of gameplay you will be let down.. but as a game by itself isnt too bad at all.
[quote name='THe_ALYMEr' post='1079264' date='Apr 10 2008, 06:40 PM']I find it pretty easy to glide round corners in manual mode and obtain a decent boost. The control method is quite simple but may require some practice to perfect - push the stick in the oposite direction to the corner for control (ie as not to go to tight), push the stick in the direction of the corner for adjustment (ie if your going to wide).

On some tracks I have found that with a good combination of powerslide cornering boosts and the boost you gain from performing tricks you can get a very good advantage. Hence i no longer play in 'Automatic Mode'.

In regrards to Karts - I only play using the standard Kart (the original(ish) looking one) and Toad as its driver. I cant say I have found any issues, obviously each Kart type has it's own advantages and disadvamtages - I mean if there was a 'Kart to own all Karts' what would be the point! Some people take good cornering over aceleration, others enjoy the weightier Karts for the ability to bash other players off the track. Basically you choose a kart which suits your game play style...

Of course I can demonstrate this.....See ya online boys...The names CylonSurfa!! Hehehehe :wacko:[/quote]Pushing the stick in the oppisite direction is a must for adjustment, but the boost is generated MUCH slower if your steering the oppisite way to the turn. Its nintendos way to completley illiminate any form of snaking. So what im trying to say, in some circumstancs it might be best to go wide so you can go in without having to adjust, i dont know.

just wanted to point that out. The tighter the drifting angle, the faster the boost too.
just wanted to point that out. The tighter the drifting angle, the faster the boost too.

Yup thats right - so now you have to sum up the risk! Do you go wide then tighten up on the last section of the corner and risk grass bankin it? Or do you play it safe and steady slide round. IMO the system is mucher fairer. The greater the risk the better the reward..if you screw it up you then have to make up some ground...It does eliminate 'snaking' and I beleive that to be a good thing.

As for the bikes, I havent played as one yet - I dont think they are a great additon to the franchise...Its called Mario Kart for a reason!! If it is true and you can obtain boost by 'Pulling a wheely' then I must say that I am a little disppointed. This will encourage the type of gameplay seen in the online 'trick mode' of Tony Hawks series..Trick, Manual, Trick, Manual and go on forever.... AKA as already said Powerslide, Wheely, Powerslide, Wheely...Is there a way to compete online in matches without Bikes? Please tell me this is so....
Personally, I don't think this version is that different at all - I thought the NDS version was different with its nasty snaking and crappy items (e.g you are relatively safe in 1st place on NDS, when you weren't with any other version).

I love it, because it stays true to its roots with a few very minor changes (extra drivers, wiimote controls and stunts).

I must live on another planet with the reviews I'm reading that say this is oh so different - for me its very close to the SNES version in the way it plays and handles.
[quote name='Scoobos' post='1079279' date='Apr 10 2008, 05:14 AM']Personally, I don't think this version is that different at all - I thought the NDS version was different with its nasty snaking and crappy items (e.g you are relatively safe in 1st place on NDS, when you weren't with any other version).

I love it, because it stays true to its roots with a few very minor changes (extra drivers, wiimote controls and stunts).

I must live on another planet with the reviews I'm reading that say this is oh so different - for me its very close to the SNES version in the way it plays and handles.[/quote]
Nah, snaking has been around in Mario Kart for a while. It just didn't become as widely spread as it did until MKDS because, well, it's the 1st online one of the bunch. And you were as safe in first place as every other Mario Kart. In this newest one you are pretty darned unsafe... assuming you are playing the cheating AI. Multiplayer is the same as always though.

And this game is VASTLY different from other Mario Kart games. First off they changed the power sliding system. They also offer a choice between manual and automatic. There are BIKES now, which can do wheelies for boosts. And there are tricks and jumps all over the place... To say this game is true to its roots would be a downright lie.

But again, would like to say again that the game is FUN assuming you are playing other people, not the CPU, and that you aren't expecting this to be like your other Mario Kart games.

EDIT: And my point about the power sliding system could be easiest to prove in a race against me. I'll bet that your power sliding will not help you much against me using automatic and that I'll win against you. :)
the game is really awesome! :grog: ,but the items are really really overpowerd :teach: :angry: I used to play double dash and you can clearly feel the difference between the items. Just on flower cup im already hitted 6 times by a blue shield (1 race).

not good nintendo not good, but that will not take away that it is a great game.
Seems to me that the power slide was changed more to accommodate the new control scheme than to stop the "sneaking".. if it was the same as before you would have to keep swinging the wiiremote on a curve, which doesn't make much sense :P
What about gimped controls? I heard reports from another forum, dunno if they're true or not...

Reportedly, people who use the classic controller / GCN pad will have gimped controls. I believe the official quote was that we "won't be able to perform certain techniques".

They're really pushing the wheel.

If I remember correctly, I read on IGN that you have to tilt the wheel upwards to do a wheelie on the bike. That would probably be one of the "gimped" controls for the GCN/classic controller, which is a huge bummer.

Can anyone confirm or deny this? Someone that actually bought the game and has the Wii Wheel and some other controller set-up?

Also, what do stunts do anyway? Fill up some kind of meter, give you some kind of points? Is it only do-able offline, in single player or in multiplayer and online multiplayer too?
[quote name='[M]artin' post='1080096' date='Apr 10 2008, 04:00 PM']
What about gimped controls? I heard reports from another forum, dunno if they're true or not...

Reportedly, people who use the classic controller / GCN pad will have gimped controls. I believe the official quote was that we "won't be able to perform certain techniques".

They're really pushing the wheel.

If I remember correctly, I read on IGN that you have to tilt the wheel upwards to do a wheelie on the bike. That would probably be one of the "gimped" controls for the GCN/classic controller, which is a huge bummer.

Can anyone confirm or deny this? Someone that actually bought the game and has the Wii Wheel and some other controller set-up?

Also, what do stunts do anyway? Fill up some kind of meter, give you some kind of points? Is it only do-able offline, in single player or in multiplayer and online multiplayer too?
I've yet to figure out what is gimped about the controls... you can do a wheelie by pushing up on the D-Pad and tricks in the air by using the D-Pad directions, different direction = different trick. I'd like to also know if someone can find out what is gimped about them. Seems they both have everything to me.
I just bought the game today, played it in the evening with the lady and a buddy; Here are my first impressions so far :
Against the CPU, it's a mario kart tradition that it should cheat. What, I hear you whining? GTFO, newfag! So yeah, I *did* notice the slight difficulty boost - now the CPU plays dirty even at 50cc - but it's not any harder than the GP mode, or frustrating as the training challenges from MKDS (of which there are none in this episode, sadly). Yeah, it's horrible when you get struck by multiple items just before you were about to win... But it bothered me far more when humans wield items.
I played a few rounds of online, and when multiple items hit... Wow. Total mayhem. For the next ten seconds, MKWii is unplayable. You might just call it "press the gas button eyes closed, items are raining for the next thirty minutes so don't even think about steering, enjoy your assrape lol" Now this is part of the MK experience, so you gotta take the good with the bad, or next game ninty will ban items.... The rest of the online play is smooth, the matchmaking is FAST, it's got battle mode, it's got everything I need.

I pretty much like this one. Some things make me rage - Once-perfect corners in N64 ruined by the new drifting method, too many fucking uber items, pow, lightning, blue shell, what next, "I WIN" button? - fucking stupid waggle bullshit to do tricks in the air and get boosts - this will *not* make time trials fun... and so on. But at its core is a bloody well-made Mario Kart game, with a great choice of courses overall, great choice of classics, and pure, golden, immature FUN.

Split-screen online is freaking cool! I can't wait till there are enough people to make huge battle mode games.. The mario kart channel is pretty nice. Downloaded a few ghosts, saw them race, definitely a nice addition.
The wheel is totally inconsequential. I play with the wiimote only, haven't tried the nunchuck, will NOT try using a gamecube controller. It's time to move on - snaking is now as useful as in MK64, waggle is the "in" thing, deal with it.

And more importantly - on Double Dash's release night and after playing it one night straight, me and my pals had... A bitter taste in our throats... Nobody felt like saying it then, but we all knew they had fucked it up. BIG TIME.
This first evening was pure, unadultered joy.

Now, hurry up and start a MKWii tourney. Train hard.
I cant snake on my snes version. to be honest I can't on the N64 either - not sure if thats just lack of practice with the gamecube controller though.

I still don't reckon this is vastly different either, the bikes are cosmetic and apart from tricks it's all the same to me. Automatic vs manual is very debatable at this point which is better, in my house the winner always seems to use Auto, but I refuse to :P
[quote name='NeoWoeN' post='1080870' date='Apr 10 2008, 11:19 PM']Spikey is the king of the game...

I'm always 2nd... -_-[/quote]
:P Most people are usually 2nd to me... Current race rating is 8798. Should be over 9000 soon enough. :)

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