Weird "Dream"

Let me preface this with a few details. First off, I rarely dream, or at least if I do I rarely remember them, anymore. I strongly do NOT believe in ghosts and try not to be superstitious. Still, this "dream" has left me feeling a bit shaken due to a number of reasons that may or may not become clear reading it. Also, Mikki is my wife, for those that don't know.

So here's my dream, as I went through it in IRC. I'm too lazy to try retyping it.
<Spikey> ugh
<Spikey> i feel so
<Spikey> ...weird
<Spikey> i like
<lagmobile> hmmm
<Spikey> had this "dream"
<Spikey> i couldn't get out of bed
<Spikey> move my arms
<Spikey> legs
<Spikey> most dreams you see yourself
<Spikey> i didn't
<Spikey> it was my view
<Spikey> from the bed
<Spikey> facing the ceiling
<Spikey> and i kept seeing these figures
<Spikey> humanish figures
<Spikey> shadow like
<Spikey> from the corner of my eye
<Spikey> appearing on the ceiling a bit
<Spikey> my thought was "ghost" and i wanted to get out of bed
<Spikey> to run
<Spikey> but i couldn't move
<Spikey> my arms
<Spikey> my legs
<Spikey> nothing
<Spikey> i could change where i was looking
<Spikey> but that's about it
<Spikey> and every time i'd look at that figure
<Spikey> my vision would get all darkish brown and distorted
<Spikey> think i heard some feint screaming
<Spikey> or something
<Spikey> but still
<Spikey> no matter what I tried
<Spikey> i couldn't move
<Spikey> then I was even able to close one of my eyes
<Spikey> and i noticed that figure was only in my left eye
<Spikey> so i closed it
<Spikey> tried looking to the left
<Spikey> where i saw it
<Spikey> nothing
<lagmobil> Weird
<Spikey> so i tried reopening my left eye
<Spikey> and again
<Spikey> it's there
<Spikey> and every time i see it, EVERY time, since the first time, that same distorted brown vision
<Spikey> with the screaming
<Spikey> eventually i think to myself
<Spikey> that im able to move
<Spikey> but maybe i just can't feel my arms
<Spikey> and legs
<Spikey> and stuff
<Spikey> so i try moving them
<Spikey> assuming they are moving
<Spikey> trying to position them in front of my face
<Spikey> to make sure they work
<Spikey> nothing
<Spikey> then i tried moving myself
<Spikey> eventually i got the feeling i was moving
<Spikey> and sliding off the bed
<Spikey> thought i was
<Spikey> but still couldn't get up and stuff
<Spikey> then i realize I hadn't moved
<Spikey> and I'm still in bed
<Spikey> look with my left eye only
<Spikey> don't see the figure
<Spikey> so i try my right eye
<Spikey> now it's in my right eye
<Spikey> but then i notice something else
<Spikey> i notice what appears to be someone else in bed with me
<Spikey> to my left
<Spikey> i assume it's mikki
<Spikey> and try to talk
<Spikey> try to wake her up
<Spikey> or something
<Spikey> to help me
<Spikey> i either can't speak or i can't hear myself
<Spikey> so then i try moving my head and turn
<Spikey> and whatever it was
<Spikey> made my vision change again
<Spikey> the way it did on the figure on the ceiling
<Spikey> again the screaming too
<Spikey> i decide to try and move my arm since i can see it
<Spikey> it moves
<Spikey> but i can't feel that it's moving
<Spikey> since i can't see the face on whoever is in bed
<Spikey> i decide to try and wake her up
<Spikey> i put out my arm
<Spikey> and apparently my hand went in the nose
<Spikey> not the whole hand
<Spikey> just a finger
<Spikey> i couldn't see it
<Spikey> but for some reason feel it
<Spikey> and then i could hear what sounds like mikki repeating herself
<Spikey> "nose nose nose nose nose...."
<Spikey> over and over
<Spikey> i think to myself "ok, that's weird"
<Spikey> move my hand out of the nose
<Spikey> forget where i put it(like i forget right now trying to recall the dream)
<Spikey> but im sure she repeated where i put my hand too
<Spikey> i remember trying to get out of bed again
<Spikey> but couldn't
<Spikey> so i tried moving my head
<Spikey> boom
<Spikey> now I'm awake
<Spikey> like
<Spikey> sure I'm awake
<Spikey> my arms and legs still feel numbishly like they were in the "dream"
<Spikey> and im in bed at the same spot as there too
<Spikey> tho no one in bed
<Spikey> i could move now that i was actually awake
<Spikey> and i darted out of the room
<Spikey> i still feel weird now
<Spikey> it all blended so well
<Spikey> creeped out
<Spikey> i almost don't know if it actually happened
<Spikey> too weird to have actually happened
<Spikey> but it FEELS like it did

Anyways, so like I said at the end. The way my body felt in the "dream" is how I awoke with my body feeling. As far as my memory is concerned, I'm almost not sure if there's any difference between the moments in my "dream" and when I "woke up". It all felt seamless.

So.... yeah...

EDIT: Also, another thing that made the "dream" feel real was the fact that during the entire thing I was able to think in my head just fine. It wasn't just the actions in the dream, I was actively thinking the entire time. Thinking of my options trying to figure out why my body wouldn't move even though I was telling it to, etc. I swear... everything was just way too real for me...


When you sleep and dream, your body is supposed to shut down all motor skills... so you don't run around and punch shit like you would in a dream. Now there are different levels over "shutdown," one of which is where people get panic attacks because they're brain "shuts down" too much... not that it REALLY does, but its a perception where your body is no longer working, and you either panic, or just jolt your body awake (i jolt, a LOT, when i try and fall asleep. Hell, just happened last night.)

Now, when its time to wake up, sometimes your body isn't as quick as your mind is to get up... which is where the paralysis feeling comes in. You're still in a dream state, you very slightly take in your surroundings, but things aren't right. I've had this happen many times as well. So in reality, you were still dreaming, but your mind was confused because it was trying to take in reality... but it wasn't quite time.

Its a really scary feeling, but really, its just dreaming.

The body does WEIRD things sometimes.

Hope that was half understandable. lol
[quote name='bugnot' post='1362355' date='Aug 25 2008, 01:57 PM']

You were basically hallucinating while in a state somewhere between sleep and consciousness.[/quote]
That would seem to be the most likely thing that occured. It pretty much explains everything about what happened.
I've had something like that except it wasn't creepy

I woke semi up, and it felt like my bed was doing the wave, and I was hallucinating that it was at the beach. Then I felt I was standing, and I got the impression I was gonna fall, so I woke up.

But it felt so real.
REM, thats what it is. I used to get that too. Its where your dreaming but something wakes you up and your still in the dream so you are seeing shit but you can't move. I used to get that a lot, until I figured out what happens and I finally push my brain to kick my leg over to wake me up. Once you get them alot its really easy to get out of them. Its REM (Rapid Eye Movement).

"Yes, yes. Do a search on the forums for sleep paralysis. It is something that can be related to narcolepsy. In normal REM sleep the body paralizes itself so the dreamer cannot act out dreams. Most people aren't aware of this as they are asleep. If there is a REM disorder involved the mind wakes up before the paralysis stops and hence you know what is going on around you, but you can't move or talk. It can be quite frightening. Hallucenations can also happen at this point, either when you are waking up or falling asleep. Mine happen when I am falling asleep. You are not crazy, but I would do some research under narcolepsy and suggest that you see a doctor for a polysomnography as well as a Multiple Sleep Latency test that checks for narcolepsy."

REM disorder, thats what it is.

Oh and there is no need for a doctor unless you get it alot, mine happen while I am going to sleep but they only happen every so often.
hmm thats strange. lately in the mornings when my mom wakes me up, she wakes me up, i falla sleep shortly after, and as she keeps trying to wake me up again, her voice and becomes part of my dream =\
This happens to me sometimes, I think it's to do with stress. I made a blog post here a while back, someone explained sleep paralysis then too.
Sleep paralysis is very common.

I've experienced it several times when I was younger. It's really a fucked up experience, but very cool.
[quote name='shaunj66' post='1362762' date='Aug 25 2008, 04:45 PM']Sleep paralysis is very common.

I've experienced it several times when I was younger. It's really a fucked up experience, but very cool.[/quote]
I hope it happens to me, it sounds cool. :rofl:
wow. :unsure:

Has anyone here ever gone to those dream interpreters?
I heard they provide insight psychologically, religiously, and how it can also come from natural everyday life.

Can you recall what you did earlier that day? or atleast anything that can connect you with this dream?
[quote name='WildWon' post='1362282' date='Aug 25 2008, 10:17 AM']When you sleep and dream, your body is supposed to shut down all motor skills... so you don't run around and punch shit like you would in a dream. Now there are different levels over "shutdown," one of which is where people get panic attacks because they're brain "shuts down" too much... not that it REALLY does, but its a perception where your body is no longer working, and you either panic, or just jolt your body awake (i jolt, a LOT, when i try and fall asleep. Hell, just happened last night.)[/quote]
most of the time when I jolt awake, it feels like someone just slapped my face.
I had a dream like that a few years ago when I first moved to my dad's house. I had a dream I woke up in the middle of the night to a bad dream so I went to the bathroom to get a drink of water then when I looked in the mirror I looked... different. The reflection was pale and my hair was darker, then the reflection thrust out it's arm then started to choke me and said "I'll be back..." then when I woke up my neck was really warm kinda like someone's hands had been there.

But yeah, dreams can be weird like that. When I dream it's either of what will happen tommorow and I'll remember it the second before it happens or it's kinda like what you had. Maybe you ate somethin bad. 0_0 whenever I eat pizza at 1am I usually get crazy dreams.
[quote name='MoonCat5' post='1363074' date='Aug 25 2008, 08:23 PM']I had a dream like that a few years ago when I first moved to my dad's house. I had a dream I woke up in the middle of the night to a bad dream so I went to the bathroom to get a drink of water then when I looked in the mirror I looked... different. The reflection was pale and my hair was darker, then the reflection thrust out it's arm then started to choke me and said "I'll be back..." then when I woke up my neck was really warm kinda like someone's hands had been there.

But yeah, dreams can be weird like that. When I dream it's either of what will happen tommorow and I'll remember it the second before it happens or it's kinda like what you had. Maybe you ate somethin bad. 0_0 whenever I eat pizza at 1am I usually get crazy dreams.[/quote]
I want your dreams. Like a budget horror movie every month!
sometimes when I dream, it might happen later (like what cat said) and when it happens I'm like, Whoa, deja vu... :(

I'm also a sear...

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  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea prob, n I own a Switch also, not just pirate the "good" games n play on a emulator. So I played lots of good games on actual Switch over the years, been a good console, esp for such dated hardware.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    I can name all the old systems, last couple of generations not so much lol
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    It's an itchi io situation imo it has a few handful of good games thousands on the site but most are shit
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea I never was a fan of Bayonetta games, but it has a big following of fans for some reason. They may be shit to you, but good to others.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I'd love it if the switch 2 became my main future device but most just have shit titles that don't make it worth it when I could drop money on other titles that get my interest
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Every console has shovel ware which most agree are all poo
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Switch 2 will be your most powerful handheld (most likely) but Nintendo has always been a generation behind Sony/ Xbox, so doubt it will get the newest of games, n if it does, will be a watered down version, like Switch 1 got
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Most powerful hardly series x specs will still crap on it
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Most powerful handheld I said. I imagine it won't last long tho, ROG or Steamdeck 2 will prob overpower it. I will prob buy a switch2 tho, gotta have that Mariokart 9.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I kinda doubt that also Asus will keep releasing or if Xbox doesn't come out with some handheld by then
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Og switch was kind of the first most powerful option for it's portability time
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea Sony and Xbox working on a handheld now even.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Going to be good times for the portability market though I could see some type of vr/handheld hybrid device
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    That would be cool
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Same old stuff gets so played out kind of like smartphones now
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I'm thinking of selling my current drum machine, piano keyboard, and few synthesizers, and buy a new $699 drum machine/ workstation. Downsize but upgrade. But like any device, ill never get the money I paid into it. Hard to let stuff go for half what you paid.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3: lol brother p touch
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Skelletonike, I only played Digimon world ds
  • Pae @ Pae:
    anyone know if the cmd resistor exists on a v1 switch
  • Pae @ Pae:
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Pae, you're welcome
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Something I don't like about playing on my game tv stick is that theres sometimes an input lag of 1 entire frickin second.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Good night
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: Good night