Lost a bestfriend over stupid shit...

Well so a few days ago my friend heard through the grapevine that I am going to start selling some flashcards around school. So he comes up to me and says "Yo I heard you are selling DSTT's and such can I buy a couple so I can resell them?". So I said "Yeah sure, I'll sell you like 2 DSTT's for like $35-$40 or so?".
And that was the end of it, he told me it was all good and I told him I would call him later. So I did call him later and I told him I got them off DealExtreme with the microSD readers and stuff so it comes to about $28 (I think) and we agreed on $35 dollars for both of them so I can make a little profit. Then last night one of my other friends Nick accidently slipped that Max (friend who was buying the DSTT's) was pissed off at me. I called him up naturally and he was just fucking steaming. He started saying how I only think about money, I'm greedy, and too materialistic. I told him "I am doing this so I can buy some shit I need for my drumset!". But he just kept going on about how I am greedy and shit. Then he just said "When we are in the library don't come up and talk to me anymore"... At this I was like "Max dude you have to shitting me, your doing this over DSTT's? This is fucking stupid and rediculous." Keep in mind that I have known this kid since about 6th grade or so and we have had a few disagreements but over fucking flashcards?!?! I just don't get it, So finally he was just like "Neil I doing my homework bye", I tried staling him a few times but he just hung up the phone and won't talk to me.

This is so confusing, He has been known to come to stupid ass conclusions like this before but nothing like this were we are not even friends any more over it. And the worst part is, is that he tried to get one of my other friends Dave to not talk to me because I was "Being and dick and a greedy bastard".

Whatever I am just confused and pissed off at the moment.


Regardless of the small $7 profit, you still took advantage of your friend and that's why he's pissed off. When people here say to sell R4s to your friends for $50, they're actually kidding; don't take that kind of advice seriously.
You shouldn't have revealed where you bought it and how much it cost for you. Revealing that most likely has a negative effect so I usually avoid such things when I try to sell stuff.
Sounds like he's just a sooky to me. If he's throwing a strop because you were going to make profit off of him then good riddance to him. You did him a favour by selling the cards to him at a cheap rate, he's complaining you just think about money but wasn't going to sell them on to people for profit as well? If he's upset that you weren't selling them to him at the price you got then he should have sourced them himself to begin with. Besides which you'll make a greater profit by selling them to trendy nobodies anyway and have more cash for your drums.
[quote name='TrolleyDave' post='1420926' date='Sep 24 2008, 04:05 PM']Sounds like he's just a sooky to me. If he's throwing a strop because you were going to make profit off of him then good riddance to him. You did him a favour by selling the cards to him at a cheap rate, he's complaining you just think about money but wasn't going to sell them on to people for profit as well? If he's upset that you weren't selling them to him at the price you got then he should have sourced them himself to begin with. Besides which you'll make a greater profit by selling them to trendy nobodies anyway and have more cash for your drums.[/quote]Exactly

Plus the fact you have to take time and effort (and pay shipping) to get the flashcarts.

Your friend is a douchebag, if he doesnt realise how immature about this he's being.
[quote name='Linkiboy' post='1420930' date='Sep 24 2008, 05:08 PM']He's in 6th grade.

He'll forget about it in 3 minutes.[/quote]

i can't tell if ur joking or not lol.

@ op: i don't no wat to say. ur friend shouldn't be bitchin if ur makin a profit, cuz he's getting it at a cheaper rite. just let him think things over, and stop calling him. by doing so, ur giving him the advantage (cuz he hangs up on U). just ignore him, and let him get back to his senses
[quote name='NeSchn' post='1420881' date='Sep 24 2008, 10:51 PM']So I did call him later and I told him I got them off DealExtreme with the microSD readers and stuff so it comes to about $28 (I think) and we agreed on $35 dollars for both of them so I can make a little profit.[/quote]
If you wrote exactly what happened, he's bloody fault if he's mad....I don't know why would he act that way....
I mean, he's getting two carts off you to resell them (at the higher price I'm guessing), so if he's not satisfied with your price, he can order from DX himself!!

But if you were trying to earn some money on him, and he found out that carts are actually cheaper, but you didn't tell him....well, you made a mistake....

But I think that $35 for two carts is pretty damn nice..
[quote name='DeMoN' post='1420890' date='Sep 24 2008, 10:54 PM']Regardless of the small $7 profit, you still took advantage of your friend and that's why he's pissed off. When people here say to sell R4s to your friends for $50, they're actually kidding; don't take that kind of advice seriously.[/quote]
I don't I never try to rip people off. I sold my first DSTT for $30 when it was still $45 (when it came) and I sold an R4 for $20.

And no he is not in 6th grade. I have known him since 6th grade we are in 11th now.
[quote name='NeSchn' post='1420982' date='Sep 24 2008, 11:35 PM']I don't I never try to rip people off. I sold my first DSTT for $30 when it was still $45 (when it came) and I sold an R4 for $20.[/quote]
Hey, I don't think it's a ripoff, I think it's perfectly fine to ask a few more bucks for the effort you've put into getting the stuff....It's not like you asked $60......
If he has problems with your price, let him get those carts on his own........And if he's that kind of guy, who can get so mad over something so trivial, maybe your better without him!!
I'm sorry to hear / read about that happening. Give it some time, and hopefully he'll eventually calm down. If he was going to resell the flash cards himself, then he shouldn't be mad about you doing the same. There must be something he's not telling you, because from your story alone, he's being somewhat hypocritical.

Again, give it time, and eventually you should be able to discuss the situation and why it's not worth all this emotion.
Wow, that's pathetic. My friends and I are always selling each other stuff that is hard to find, but for a profit. Example: I found a fantastic deal for 4 2gb kingston MicroSD cards that cost me only $18 for all of them. amazing deal, right? Basically I bought them for $4.50 each.

anyway, my friend wanted one, I told him what I bought them for, and I'm selling him one for $10. Cheaper than a regular one, but over double what I payed for it.

Your friend really needs to suck it the hell up
I wouldn't really make a profit off a friend... Can't see how you can consider someone a friend and attempt to make money off them. I would have let "Max" know from the beginning that I was selling these cards at a marked up price, I would have then offered to order him one for the same price I was buying them. If I'm saving money, I want my friend to save money. I'm not trying to condemn you or anything though, I could have seen myself doing this when I was a bit younger. I think something that people tend to forget is that this whole spinning globe doesn't hinge on their own existence. In a perfect world, this would be something we learn as we mature. Unfortunately in the society that we dwell in, it is easy to never pick that wisdom up. Your "drum-set" may seem important, but really... why should anyone else care?
Oh yeah, I forgot to add thanks for reminding me. I did tell him the whole thing that I was doing. I told him that the DSTT's are $12 each and he thought it was a great idea which is why I am still a bit confused.
[quote name='JPH' post='1420936' date='Sep 24 2008, 05:16 PM'][quote name='TrolleyDave' post='1420926' date='Sep 24 2008, 04:05 PM']Sounds like he's just a sooky to me. If he's throwing a strop because you were going to make profit off of him then good riddance to him. You did him a favour by selling the cards to him at a cheap rate, he's complaining you just think about money but wasn't going to sell them on to people for profit as well? If he's upset that you weren't selling them to him at the price you got then he should have sourced them himself to begin with. Besides which you'll make a greater profit by selling them to trendy nobodies anyway and have more cash for your drums.[/quote]Exactly

Plus the fact you have to take time and effort (and pay shipping) to get the flashcarts.

Your friend is a douchebag, if he doesnt realise how immature about this he's being.

wow this is a record, im agreeing with JPH and TD yet again but they made my point for me. people are often times hypocritical. youre asking for a bit extra to cover shipping and what not. hes gonna spike the price and he says YOU'RE in it for the money?

youre better off without the douchebag
While I think that your friend may forget about it over time like many have said, if he doesn't then you don't need him as he obviously over reacted, in a world like this friends are overrated and the word is merely a phrase IMO.

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