well i really like this girl but i dont even know her i just have feelings for her i have spoken to her a few times but thats it and im not in any of her classes what should i do??? i liked her for over 2 years
You can either wait until something happens and you meet up with her and talk to her, or you can just go chat with her. Give her a couple compliments and such, do any of your friends know her?
The girl that I used to like was finally in lunch with me this year, I liked her for the longest time, and I finally got to meet her, she was pretty awesome and I used to like her a lot, but for the past couple weeks she has been being a biznitch .
I was in your shoes once. The beginning of this year actually...
What did I do?
I got to know her. I just went up to her and said "Hey you look familiar. Have we met?" She shook her head, and I said "Oh. Oh well, it's always nice to meet new people. Hi, I'm (my name)" and started talking to her. I cracked a few jokes, and made the conversation interesting using some Pick Up Artist skills I learnt over the months.
We started texting each other after a while, and things went great. For some reason however, the feeling didn't kick in in her, so we just kinda died out.
Anyway man, give it a shot. I remember a quote that illustrates my sentiments quite well: "I miss 100% of the shots I don't take".
Listen buddy, if you like her, give it a shot. I'd rather give it a shot and be rejected than not give a shot and regretting it for the rest of my life, wondering about the outcome if I gave a shot in the first place.
All the best man. Hope things don't turn to shit like it did for me. Peace.