Ipod is the worst mp3 player of all time!!

This is the fifth time that my ipod got completely destroyed. Itunes got forzen and the ipod will not respond. Itunes is a slow ass and terrible software to begin with, I have no clue why so many people like this software, SonicStage from Sony was bad, but it was a million times better than that PIECE OF SHIT itunes. :hateit: I rather eat a piece of horse shit rather than dealing with this f*cked up shit. F*ck you steve jobs, you dirty nazi!!! How is he making so much off such shitty hardware and software?????? I only have this ipod to show off in front of my friends, it dies within months because of hard disk failure. This is my FIFTH TIME!!!! Don't they have quality control???!!?!?! :hateit:


[quote name='Salamantis' post='1785693' date='Feb 19 2009, 09:37 PM']I lol'd at this thread. Seriously.
You're just having bad luck :P[/quote]
Apple warranty is seriously terrible, I think each time I send it back, it comes back to me worse than before.
As for Itunes, don't use it. You can use other programs such as MediaMonkey or winamp. They're far better than iTunes. But of course, my favorite is still drag & drop, which isn't available for an Ipod unless you rockbox it.

As for the harddrive failure, it depends on how you use it. If you do something like say.... Workouts with it, then it's not going to last very long, since it uses a harddrive.
The issue I have with iPods is that they require that ridiculous and completely unnecessary iTunes program to put files on it. My brother bought some MP3 player deal off DealExtreme that plays vids and music just as well as an iPod and just lets you plug it into USB and it shows up as a drive, move your files to it (just like a flashcart) and you're done. No muss, no fuss.

Never did understand why people think iPods are so great.
[quote name='Tropicana' post='1785709' date='Feb 19 2009, 09:43 PM']As for Itunes, don't use it. You can use other programs such as MediaMonkey or winamp. They're far better than iTunes. But of course, my favorite is still drag & drop, which isn't available for an Ipod unless you rockbox it.

As for the harddrive failure, it depends on how you use it. If you do something like say.... Workouts with it, then it's not going to last very long, since it uses a harddrive.[/quote]
Well, I don't take it for runs too often, but the jogging armband is a lie than!!! I paid money for shit like that.
why did I waste my money on this, should've bought a Sansa Clip.
I actually like iPods. I've had two so far and they lasted me a long time. However, I will agree that iTunes sucks.
I partially agree.I hate iTunes but I like my iPod.iTunes is just way to slow.Is there an alternative to iTunes?
How have you gone through 5?
Well my advice is.. stop dropping them. :D

I had one die due to a hard disk failure, but it ran for 4 years.
Bought a Touch after that and no issues.
All music transferring should just stick to drag and drop. Simple, easy, effective.
[quote name='Sstew' post='1785722' date='Feb 19 2009, 09:48 PM']How have you gone through 5?
Well my advice is.. stop dropping them. :D

I had one die due to a hard disk failure, but it ran for 4 years.
Bought a Touch after that and no issues.[/quote]

Yeah and I don't know why people hate iTunes so much... it does everything I need it to do well and doesn't fuck up on me.
For those of you that hate using Itunes, i recommend using EphPod. It's freeware and an awesome Itunes replacement. You can grab a copy here. :)
iTunes is shit, the time it takes to load up on my computer I've had time to transfer 10gigs of music back and forth between two hard drives before it loads. And then it takes like an hour just to sync my Ipod.

Ipods are fine, but iTunes sucks.

And if the Ipod is heating up soft reset it. Hold the center button and the up button (Menu?) for about ten seconds and itll shut off for awhile
the thing that annoys me about ipods is that u have to install itunes if u wanna get music from it or something (like my friends ipod or something). though i found away around it :D plug it in, go to my computer and click on it. then press ctrl a, and it's gonna say there's a hidden folder and if u wanna reveal it, press yes, and presto! drag and drop music! though all the music is renamed in random shit.
[quote name='Golfman560' post='1785735' date='Feb 19 2009, 09:55 PM']iTunes is shit, the time it takes to load up on my computer I've had time to transfer 10gigs of music back and forth between two hard drives before it loads. And then it takes like an hour just to sync my Ipod.[/quote]
Upgrade your computer? I've timed my iTunes and from clicking the app to the main window appearing takes 2.7 seconds and syncing my iPod takes about 8 seconds.
I think a Q9550 should be powerful enough to run iTunes at a decent rate. Once it starts its fine, but just starting and syncing are a pain.
Seeing how you thought about buying a Sansa Clip, do it.

Excellent sound quality, extremely small, perfect for exercises, supports FLAC and OGG (Many of you probably don't know about these two audio codecs, but a lot of need it.), rockbox currently in development for it and very it's cheap. It's slightly bigger than my thumb.

Although, if you want something with better battery life, want a bigger screen, and has the option to do memory expansion, then get the fuze.
Steve Jobs earns a salary of $1 a year.

iTunes is great, have never had any trouble with it, it can be annoying with some software intricacies (changing music's location, etc) but 98% of the time it works like a charm (might be because I use the native Mac version though).

My only iPod I have ever had I bought used and I have now used it for several years, I have had NO troubles with it what-so-ever even though I have accidentally dropped it several times.

Consumer Reports and several other independent review sources have rated the reliability and customer support services of Apple much higher than other competing companies in many different periodicals, based on customer reviews. The overall satisfaction rate when dealing with an issue was also much higher than other competitors according to these publications.

You Are Wrong
What's the fuss about iTunes and iPods?
I find them perfectly fine...

iTunes starts up in around 1-2 seconds, with a few other applications open...
My iPod syncs a new album in around five seconds...

It isnt a bad media manager, seriously. It doesn't look like shit, and it supports a ton of stuff. Yes its not for slow computers, as it was designed with Macs in mind, but seriously I am contempt with it.

I find the organization iTunes offers is very useful. You can use the iPod/computer to sort between genre, album, song name, artist, etc, things that I would not find in those drag and drop players. I find drag and drop players a hassle. I also enjoy the album art and coverflow. Yes t is superflous, but it is nice eye candy, practical sometimes.

iTunes also supports a ton of formats, and will even encode media to be played on your iPod.

About your hard disk failures, consider it because it is a hard drive inside? If you shake your laptop wildly up and down and all around extremely quickly, it would not fare well either. Get a nano or touch, or just a regular flash player. Yeah, get that clip thing.

Please don't flame me by picking out the weak points of my post -_-
[quote name='Salamantis' post='1785744' date='Feb 19 2009, 09:58 PM'][quote name='Golfman560' post='1785735' date='Feb 19 2009, 09:55 PM']iTunes is shit, the time it takes to load up on my computer I've had time to transfer 10gigs of music back and forth between two hard drives before it loads. And then it takes like an hour just to sync my Ipod.[/quote]
Upgrade your computer? I've timed my iTunes and from clicking the app to the main window appearing takes 2.7 seconds and syncing my iPod takes about 8 seconds.
They make the Mac version faster on purpose. Viral marketing in a way

Anyway I have an ipod touch. I have a quad core PC running Windows 7. iTunes takes 15 seconds to start up, and acts retarded. Firefox starts in less than a second, so does Office, Pidgin, IRC, and World of Warcraft (yes, WoW launches near instant). It's shitty programming.

It's frustrating to use. No I don't want to sync my library over, I want to install one song; I don't want to change my sync settings every time I want to transfer something over selectively. UI looking tacky (because it doesn't look like a normal Windows window) aside, the display refuses to refresh when I'm syncing large files and hangs instead.

So I jailbroke it and stopped using the built-in audio player.

but this is my last iPod.

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  • Veho @ Veho:
    Nah, COVID is here to stay.
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    I still have not, to my knowledge, ever caught covid 😁 and if I have, then I was completely asymptomatic
  • Veho @ Veho:
    I did get it at one time but it was mild.
  • Veho @ Veho:
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    I've had Covid twice, or thrice.
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    Not sure if the last one was Covid or bird flu
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea gotta avoid making out with birds nowdays.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Can't eat bats, can't eat birds...
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    Well, there's rats
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Black plague.
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    we need another black plague
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    would solve many issues.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Yeah, like too many kids and poor people.
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    Well, it's a start, lol.
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    People would save on child support. :D
  • Jayro @ Jayro:
    I'm surprised India hasn't had any crazy outbreaks with how overpopulated they are over there.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Would we even know?
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    They've been drying shit out in the open in my country.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    How horrible. In my country we dry shit in private.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Skel, what the hell are you talking about?
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    literal shit that's been put drying in the road >.>
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    no idea what it's for
  • JollyBaker @ JollyBaker:
    JollyBaker @ JollyBaker: gross