Hi, I'm new...

Hi, I'm new here, so is there anythink I HAVE to know? Feel free to lecture. :teach:


heres a mini lecture, try reading every single subforum to see which area is most appropriate for the topic (like this one belongs in a different one :P)
Welcome, enjoy your stay, try not to get too many enemys, OH and dont enter any competitions i enter, that way i have a better chance to win :P
Don't post links to ROM sites, and try to stay on topic.

Oh and don't do drugs, mmmkay
Always perform a forum search before making any new thread. There's a good chance anything you wish to say/ask has already been said/asked before.
Relax, be nice, drink some coffee, and don't be too dirty. Keep your comments PG-13 at worst unless the topic warrants a R rating which is always a serious topic that must be handled with some maturity.

If anyone asks you or suggests you to play Doki Doki style games DO NOT play them or take their advice
Please, don't be a fucking retard, or an overreactive bitch. Contrary to popular belief, I don't enjoy hating the shit out of people. (That's right, my hatred can become tangible and become a reason why you soil yourself)
[quote name='ENDscape' post='2075217' date='Jun 24 2009, 12:13 PM']Don't accept cupcakes from strangers. That is all.[/quote]
But anything else is fine, especially money to be quiet after eating the cupcakes..... I mean muffins.

Anyways just don't click the links that have *actual rickroll link removed by mod* rick or roll or never gunna give you up in the url[/url]. <---- Click the link it doesn't have any of those!
[quote name='Golfman560' post='2083730' date='Jun 27 2009, 11:51 PM'][quote name='ENDscape' post='2075217' date='Jun 24 2009, 12:13 PM']Don't accept cupcakes from strangers. That is all.[/quote]
But anything else is fine, especially money to be quiet after eating the cupcakes..... I mean muffins.

Anyways just don't click the links that have rick or roll or never gunna give you up in the url. <---- Click the link it doesn't have any of those!
DAMNIT GOLFMAN!! YOU GOT ME!! jeeze.. . . i thought it was a link to a rom site :(

Don't post Pr0n.

Don't post to just increase your post count.

Don't troll

Don't spam

Don't post illegal or pirated material (warez)

Don't Flame

Be nice.

Thats pretty much the rules but just summed up.

Avoid all the mods, and join the anti-mod members group, its a great place, we will take over this place soon :creep:


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    K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3: https://a.co/d/45q0nNC lol kick ass kicking horse