My local game store owner is a moron..

Yesterday I tried to sell my ambassador 3DS with preinstalled titles on a no name local game store. It was the first time my offer was rejected and I really need to tell you the reason. Basically the store owner rejected my 3DS for "legal reasons". I told him that my 3DS was registered to the ambassador programme and has already 11 games preinstalled. He said he can't buy something with downloaded games because there is a chance that I pirated them.

This was basically my conversation with him:

Me: Hi there.

Store owner: Hi.

Me: I have here a 3DS to offer.

Store owner: Cool, I shall have a look at it then.

Me: It comes preinstalled with 11 games because it is registered to Nintendos ambassador programme. And you can download additional 10 exclusive GBA games for free in december.

Store owner: Downloaded games? Sorry, I can't buy that then.

Me: Huh? What's the matter?

Store owner: I can't buy it for legal reasons. You could have pirated them.

Me: What are you talking about? You can't pirate 3DS stuff.

Store owner: Yes you can. I know those carts where you put a micro sd card in them and play pirated games. All kids have them today.

Me: These carts are for NDS games only. You can't pirate 3DS games, heck you can't even pirate DSiWare.

Store owner: You can't fool me. Nowadays you can pirate everything and the 3DS is no exception.

Me: Please do some research before blatantly claiming this.

Store owner: I did. Those devices are all over the internet. And some of them have a 3DS mark on them, which proves I'm right.

Me: No, those are still for DS games only. The 3DS is not hacked.

Store owner: Please quit convincing me. There are other customers waiting.

Me: Whatever.. (asshole)

Stupid store owner is stupid I guess.. I will never buy or sell anything again there.

Luckily I was able to sell my 3DS somewhere else for 200 bucks :)

Thanks for reading.


You should have pointed out that there's no card in your 3DS. And since he "knows" you "need" a flashcards with them micro-ass-dees in them to pirates the stuffs, that must mean the games are legit.

It wouldn't have convinced him, but it might have confused him for a while.
[quote name='_Chaz_' post='3906495' date='Sep 27 2011, 06:11 PM']You would think that someone who owns a game store would know a little something about the devices that they buy/sell.[/quote]
That was my thoughts.

I'm even more suprised that he even knows about flashcarts.
The store owner is really stupid.

Is he a flashcart noob or something? He probably actually has some kind of "R4 SDHC 3DS NYANi"
To be fair to him, if I saw a cart that had the words "3DS" and "R4" on, I would probably think it was hacked as well.
But a pirated-on console can be reset...
This reminds me of this exchange that went between me, the cashier at the local game shop here, and a random customer.

Random customer: Is Dragon Quest in the Dragonball series? My boy loves Dragonball!
Cashier: The art's the same, so yeah. I think so.
Me: Um, excuse me.
Cashier: Wait your turn.
Me: No, that's not what I was saying. Dragon Quest and Dragonball are two different series.
Cashier: No they're not.
Me: *Turns to customer* There IS a Dragonball game for the DS called Dragonball Origins.
Random customer: You don't know if that's the same thing as Dragonball.
Me: I do know. I've played a little bit of it.
Random customer: But that doesn't mean they're the same.
Me: Dragonball Origins follows the storyline of the original Dragonball cartoon and comic book. (I was avoiding saying anime and manga because parents around here don't usually know what that is)
Cashier: What? Dragonball was never a comic book.
Me: Then what's that? *Points to some older manga they're selling, one of which is Dragonball*
Cashier: But that's the prequel.
Random customer: *Confused and ends up buying Dragonball Origins, because it looks the same as the manga I pointed out*
Me: That's not the prequel.
Cashier: The first Dragonball was when Goku was an adult.
Me: No, that's the sequel. Google it.
Cashier: *Googles it* What's an anime and manga?
Me: Anime is a Japanese cartoon and manga is a Japanese comic book.

I was kicked out for "harrassing" the cashier (the manager later told me I was right about everything I said and that cashier's had about five incidents of this happening already with other people, so they were probably going to be fired). I was allowed back after that, but that guy hates me now.... And just today I went there to preorder Skyrim for PC..He said it wasn't releasing for PC and I ended up proving him wrong. He kicked me out again after taking my preorder. Guess he likes being "right."
[quote name='Sora de Eclaune' post='3906824' date='Sep 27 2011, 05:07 PM']This reminds me of this exchange that went between me, the cashier at the local game shop here, and a random customer.

Random customer: Is Dragon Quest in the Dragonball series? My boy loves Dragonball!
Cashier: The art's the same, so yeah. I think so.
Me: Um, excuse me.
Cashier: Wait your turn.
Me: No, that's not what I was saying. Dragon Quest and Dragonball are two different series.
Cashier: No they're not.
Me: *Turns to customer* There IS a Dragonball game for the DS called Dragonball Origins.
Random customer: You don't know if that's the same thing as Dragonball.
Me: I do know. I've played a little bit of it.
Random customer: But that doesn't mean they're the same.
Me: Dragonball Origins follows the storyline of the original Dragonball cartoon and comic book. (I was avoiding saying anime and manga because parents around here don't usually know what that is)
Cashier: What? Dragonball was never a comic book.
Me: Then what's that? *Points to some older manga they're selling, one of which is Dragonball*
Cashier: But that's the prequel.
Random customer: *Confused and ends up buying Dragonball Origins, because it looks the same as the manga I pointed out*
Me: That's not the prequel.
Cashier: The first Dragonball was when Goku was an adult.
Me: No, that's the sequel. Google it.
Cashier: *Googles it* What's an anime and manga?
Me: Anime is a Japanese cartoon and manga is a Japanese comic book.

I was kicked out for "harrassing" the cashier (the manager later told me I was right about everything I said and that cashier's had about five incidents of this happening already with other people, so they were probably going to be fired). I was allowed back after that, but that guy hates me now.[/quote]
What the...WHAT THE...

As you can tell, I'm very slightly expressing my anger for all of that ignorance. MAH RAGE! Seriously, that pisses me off, and you can see why in my sig and here. I hate ignorance for one, but that...THAT...

Sora's cashier was stupid/evil.
He probally realized they where different
games but was just using evil selling
tactics. But had no idea about the other stuff.
Just to offer a counterpoint this could be a polite/sensible way of turning your offer down- when playing builder/tradesman and such should a job not be worth the aggro one will give a high estimate rather than be seen to turn away business (doubly nice when the person then agrees as every other trader did the same thing and you came out the lowest). It cuts the other way for a pawn shop or equivalent (the amount of cars I have seen purchased for £50.....) and frankly I would not blame them- there is a not unreasonable chance a 3ds will sit in his stock for some time to come and ultimately cause a loss.
[quote name='Oveneise' post='3906861' date='Sep 27 2011, 05:27 PM']He doesn't deserve your 3ds. Sorry to hear you couldn't sell it, though.[/quote]
He was, for $200.
[quote name='kevan' post='3906833' date='Sep 27 2011, 03:14 PM']had no idea about the other stuff.[/quote]
He apparently knows nothing about 99% of all video games. I was in there one time and he was swearing up and down to some customer that Oblivion and Morrowind were the exact same game (like he did with Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: World at War, but at least with that he was more or less correct), except were released for two different PC requirements so everyone could play it. Another time, he was convinced by a friend of mine that 358/2 Days, Re: Coded, and Birth by Sleep were releasing for the PS2, and even started taking preorders for it. At least with that last one, the manager caught him and had him give people their money back before they left the store. My friend was told if he spoke to the guy about anything other than yes, no, and questions about games he was buying, he would be banned from the store.

The guy's one warning away from being fired, from what I understand.
[quote name='Sora de Eclaune' post='3906870' date='Sep 27 2011, 05:30 PM'][quote name='kevan' post='3906833' date='Sep 27 2011, 03:14 PM']had no idea about the other stuff.[/quote]
He apparently knows nothing about 99% of all video games. I was in there one time and he was swearing up and down to some customer that Oblivion and Morrowind were the exact same game (like he did with Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: World at War, but at least with that he was more or less correct), except were released for two different PC requirements so everyone could play it. Another time, he was convinced by a friend of mine that 358/2 Days, Re: Coded, and Birth by Sleep were releasing for the PS2, and even started taking preorders for it. At least with that last one, the manager caught him and had him give people their money back before they left the store. My friend was told if he spoke to the guy about anything other than yes, no, and questions about games he was buying, he would be banned from the store.

The guy's one warning away from being fired, from what I understand.
You should give the final push.
I'm not surprised that there are game stores like that out there. Operators who have no idea what they're selling. The saddest part is that they can't give their customers the right information to make an informed decision. You'd think that their lack of knowledge would kill their business...

@Sora: it's good that you helped that customer in the end! :)
[quote name='Sora de Eclaune' post='3906870' date='Sep 27 2011, 04:30 PM'][quote name='kevan' post='3906833' date='Sep 27 2011, 03:14 PM']had no idea about the other stuff.[/quote]
He apparently knows nothing about 99% of all video games. I was in there one time and he was swearing up and down to some customer that Oblivion and Morrowind were the exact same game (like he did with Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: World at War, but at least with that he was more or less correct), except were released for two different PC requirements so everyone could play it. Another time, he was convinced by a friend of mine that 358/2 Days, Re: Coded, and Birth by Sleep were releasing for the PS2, and even started taking preorders for it. At least with that last one, the manager caught him and had him give people their money back before they left the store. My friend was told if he spoke to the guy about anything other than yes, no, and questions about games he was buying, he would be banned from the store.

The guy's one warning away from being fired, from what I understand.

WOW. People like that shouldn't even be working in the field of selling video games. And how he said Dragoball wasn't Japanese? ... My lord what an idiot. I agree with Machomuu, give it the final push. I'm usually forgiving to people who screw up, but this guy sounds like he has little to no remorse. And he sounds like a real asshat... Morrowind and Oblivion the same game? *facepalms*
[quote name='prowler_' post='3906470' date='Sep 27 2011, 11:53 AM']It isn't really stupid, most people would think that the 3DS can play games on it (which it can, DS games anyway) and there are carts marked 3DS on it and such. Anyone who isn't involved in the 'scene' would think it, that's why you always call these people noobs for asking if you can.

It's stupid for you to think they even care about the installed games, they system wipe consoles/handhelds before selling.[/quote]

I'm going to side with Prowler on this one. A lot of gamers or otherwise tech savvy people aren't very knowledgeable about the specifics of how pirating works. It seems like he was just erring on the safe side and trying to cover his ass just in case.

It's a bit silly still, sure, but I think calling him a moron over this is a bit too much.


Okay, reading through some of the other posts, he does sound like a moron. But at least for this incident he was somewhat justified. Somewhat.
He presumed to know things he did in fact, have absolutely no knowledge in.
He's a moron.

But moron or not, he knew to reject the 3DS since it involved something he clearly had no idea about. He was obviously not a gamer of any sort. So he's a moron for arguing and making presumptions, but justified for not dealing with something he had no knowledge of.


He's also a moron for working at a game store when he isn't a real gamer.
Real gamers should fill those positions.
[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3907227' date='Sep 27 2011, 10:27 PM']EDIT:

He's also a moron for working at a game store when he isn't a real gamer.
Real gamers should fill those positions.[/quote]

Well, when you don't have many other options, sometimes a job is a job. I don't think it's right to fault someone for that; after all, and especially considering the current economic turmoil, beggars can't be choosers.
[quote name='Sora de Eclaune' post='3906824' date='Sep 28 2011, 05:07 AM']This reminds me of this exchange that went between me, the cashier at the local game shop here, and a random customer.

Random customer: Is Dragon Quest in the Dragonball series? My boy loves Dragonball!
Cashier: The art's the same, so yeah. I think so.
Me: Um, excuse me.
Cashier: Wait your turn.
Me: No, that's not what I was saying. Dragon Quest and Dragonball are two different series.
Cashier: No they're not.
Me: *Turns to customer* There IS a Dragonball game for the DS called Dragonball Origins.
Random customer: You don't know if that's the same thing as Dragonball.
Me: I do know. I've played a little bit of it.
Random customer: But that doesn't mean they're the same.
Me: Dragonball Origins follows the storyline of the original Dragonball cartoon and comic book. (I was avoiding saying anime and manga because parents around here don't usually know what that is)
Cashier: What? Dragonball was never a comic book.
Me: Then what's that? *Points to some older manga they're selling, one of which is Dragonball*
Cashier: But that's the prequel.
Random customer: *Confused and ends up buying Dragonball Origins, because it looks the same as the manga I pointed out*
Me: That's not the prequel.
Cashier: The first Dragonball was when Goku was an adult.
Me: No, that's the sequel. Google it.
Cashier: *Googles it* What's an anime and manga?
Me: Anime is a Japanese cartoon and manga is a Japanese comic book.

I was kicked out for "harrassing" the cashier (the manager later told me I was right about everything I said and that cashier's had about five incidents of this happening already with other people, so they were probably going to be fired). I was allowed back after that, but that guy hates me now.... And just today I went there to preorder Skyrim for PC..He said it wasn't releasing for PC and I ended up proving him wrong. He kicked me out again after taking my preorder. Guess he likes being "right."[/quote]

In my case

Person: May I know what's that?
Me: 3DS (He asked me and wants to answer WTH!)
Person: That's a DS
Me:( A bit pissed ) That's a DS that let's you play in 3D!
Person: So you wear 3D glasses and play... My that's stupid!
Me: Inner thought: I think you meant to insult yourself... Without Glasses!!!
Person: Impossible
Me: Google it yourself!
Person: (Flicked out phone to Google... Not just any phone, the HTC EVO 3D!!)
Me:Do you need 3D glasses to see that?

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