Never use your dick as a compass

I just love booty too damn much and lately it has been getting me into a lot of trouble... :(

Girls at the club these days don't even present a challenge anymore, and I have become a man slut...

But I just keep coming back and back again, not having a solid relationship.

When will I ever find THE one? :(


You're going out to get laid, get laid, and then complain about it...

No. You will never find the one.
For some reason I expected this blog was going to involve peculiar forest navigation, and terrified tourists.

"No, no it's ok. My penis is a certified compass."
hahaha lol "the one" will never be found in a bar or in a club.... why do you think they are their????? to get laid derp.... same reason as you.. if you want to find the one, you need to go out and do things in real life that you enjoy... and possibly there might be a girl interested in the same thing, and key part here.... you dont stick your dick in her within the first 48 hours of meeting her.. about a week of waiting will give you a somewhat reasonable feeling of who she is and if you would want to have her in your life.... i mean really in your life..
its not easy bro... but sex is not love, and if you have a girlfriend and all you do is have sex.. i suggest breaking up before it ends up badly.... ive had two major relationships with women that almost solely revolved around sex and after 2 1/2 years with one it ended up very badly, and 6 months with the other and i swear i would have killed her if she gave me one more snarky look over lighting a cig.......its not like she didnt know i smoked when we started dating....sorry bought that.... lol love life, god loves ugly, its not love until you hurt someone!
When you see "pretty" girls at a club, go in the bathroom and wank. Then come out, see how hideous these sluts actually are, walk out, and become a productive member of society. Then and only THEN will you ever have any form of a chance of ever finding "the one". Whatever the fuck that means anyway. Buuuuut.... If you prefer getting laid every night and don't want to spend most of your nights alone yearning for a damn fantasy, keep doing what you're doing. At least bar sluts don't drain your wallet as much as girlfriends do. :creep:
[quote name='Thesolcity' post='3867830' date='Sep 3 2011, 05:52 PM']When you see "pretty" girls at a club, go in the bathroom and wank. Then come out, see how hideous these sluts actually are, walk out, and become a productive member of society. Then and only THEN will you ever have any form of a chance of ever finding "the one". Whatever the fuck that means anyway. Buuuuut.... If you prefer getting laid every night and don't want to spend most of your nights alone yearning for a damn fantasy, keep doing what you're doing. At least bar sluts don't drain your wallet as much as girlfriends do. :creep:[/quote]

Keep hatin' on the girls and ignore the fact that he is doing exactly the same thing.

If they are hideous sluts, he is a hideous slut.

These double standards hide only your own self-hate.
Man! I only wish I could be like other guys and one-night-stand women, but I can't. Goodness knows I've had the opportunity, but I can't bring myself to just jump in bed with just anyone just because they are there, pretty and are female. I guess I'm old-fashioned or something, but I have to get to know someone first and....I guess you'd call it it bond with them, before I could even possibly think about sleeping with them. Shallow women turn me off.

I've been told that I play the hard-to-get type of guy. I don't go for just any fact, I've been called gay for not liking and turning away some certain women (which amounts to quite a few actually) that most guys expect other guys to care about. But women have to impress me in some kind of intelligent way. It's hard to explain, but they MUST command my attention, either by what they say or their actions or a very specific type of look and/or mannerism, before I turn-on to them. I'll tell you for a fact that the "cutesy act" does NOT work on me. You know, that way they act when they want something from money or beer or whatever from you....but you KNOW you ain't gonna get anywhere with them? Yeah, that just doesn't work on me. I'm immune that that BS. Too freaking shallow, you know?

I must admit though that looks has at least something to do with it though. Guys, generally speaking, are visual beasts and I'm no different, if a woman is hideous, I can't deal with that (I won't be mean to them, but I don't want to go out with them), but as long as I can tolerate looking at them, then the "bond" can still happen, as long as they impress me with their conversation or actions.

I can honestly say that there have been 2 females on GBAtemp that have impressed me, but I don't do the online dating crap. So other than than a minor intellectual attraction, I consider them inconsequential and not realistically worth pursuing, not to mention I believe one of them to be too young for my 43-year-old ass. I won't mention names, but I would assume one of them (and some staff) might know who I'm intellectually attracted to.....

One thing I've never learned is how to be the perfect asshole. Women SAY they want a sensitive guy, which I am (maybe even more than I should be, for a guy), but they really don't want that type of guy....they want an asshole. My problem is I'm either too much of an asshole or not enough of one to suit most of them.

I'm one of those guys that becomes too....what do you call it.........clingy.......if I like a woman and she like me back, she becomes the center of my universe and that ultimately chases them away because I end up being able to read them like a book and that scares them. It's like I develop and ESP towards them and they seem to HATE that for some reason. You'd think that being totally in-sync with a woman would be sexy, but trust me, it's not. In their eyes, it's considered creepy.

To this day, I can't figure out why girls I have no interest in seem to like me, but girls I'm actually interested in hate me. Apparently I act differently somehow with the ones I find attractive, but I'm not sure how it is that I am different with them. shrug

I've had dozens of girlfriends over my 43 years of life, but only 2 have ever truly grabbed my heart. One was realistically too young (and so was I) to ever happen (she moved away with her parents years before legal age) and the fiance......died in a car crash..........I don't really want to talk about it, but I haven't dated's been 13 years now........while I've had a few offers to date since that time, and one of them was really cool, but I just couldn't bring myself to......I feel like I'm cheating on world is a black-hole without her....she was my light, my player2.....the positive to my negative.....she was always the happy to my angry...but she's gone now......anger is all I have left.....the only balance I have left is her memory....but it's not enough.....

ahem....I've said enough.
[quote name='Schizoanalysis' post='3867866' date='Sep 3 2011, 12:29 AM'][quote name='Thesolcity' post='3867830' date='Sep 3 2011, 05:52 PM']When you see "pretty" girls at a club, go in the bathroom and wank. Then come out, see how hideous these sluts actually are, walk out, and become a productive member of society. Then and only THEN will you ever have any form of a chance of ever finding "the one". Whatever the fuck that means anyway. Buuuuut.... If you prefer getting laid every night and don't want to spend most of your nights alone yearning for a damn fantasy, keep doing what you're doing. At least bar sluts don't drain your wallet as much as girlfriends do. :creep:[/quote]

Keep hatin' on the girls and ignore the fact that he is doing exactly the same thing.

If they are hideous sluts, he is a hideous slut.

These double standards hide only your own self-hate.

What double standards? There's two types of people in the world concerning relationships. Sluts and faithful ones. If he's willing to leave the hooking up with girls at clubs constantly in search of a "true love" then good on him. Yea I guess you'd call him a slut fucking sluts, but that wasn't my point. My point is if he wanted to have someone he calls the one, he has to change. From a promiscuous life to a.... I can't think of the word for it right now but you know what I mean. "Faithful life"? Maybe. Anyway sorry if you got offended but its late and apparently I rant without thinking lol. But seriously OP, if that's what you want then change.
[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3867743' date='Sep 3 2011, 07:25 AM']For some reason I expected this blog was going to involve peculiar forest navigation, and terrified tourists.

"No, no it's ok. My penis is a certified compass."[/quote]
It does :tpi:
[quote name='Schizoanalysis' post='3867866' date='Sep 3 2011, 03:29 AM'][quote name='Thesolcity' post='3867830' date='Sep 3 2011, 05:52 PM']When you see "pretty" girls at a club, go in the bathroom and wank. Then come out, see how hideous these sluts actually are, walk out, and become a productive member of society. Then and only THEN will you ever have any form of a chance of ever finding "the one". Whatever the fuck that means anyway. Buuuuut.... If you prefer getting laid every night and don't want to spend most of your nights alone yearning for a damn fantasy, keep doing what you're doing. At least bar sluts don't drain your wallet as much as girlfriends do. :creep:[/quote]

Keep hatin' on the girls and ignore the fact that he is doing exactly the same thing.

If they are hideous sluts, he is a hideous slut.

These double standards hide only your own self-hate.

I'm pretty sure the entire point of the post you quoted was, in fact, that the man he was describing is a hideous slut.

Your personal agenda isn't helping anyone, so it's unconstructive.
First of all, get a life. Getting laid every now and then is not something to be proud of. I've never been in a relationship with a random girl. Heck I haven't even kissed my fiancee yet. Why? I prefer waiting till after marriage, that way when I do all this stuff with my wife I'll feel good.

Second, a life partner is not found in bars or strip clubs, women and men there are the ones who've devoted their life into having countless sex and eventually dying of Aids.

Third, life partners can be found in the place where you work (if you do), some people find theirs during their college life together, heck some even go as far as childhood school friends (like my cousin) etc etc.

Best advice I could give is - Just wait till you find a girl whom you can proudly look upto and say "She's the one"
[quote name='Rayder' post='3867873' date='Sep 3 2011, 09:38 AM']......I feel like I'm cheating on her[/quote]
I lost someone too It is a trauma ... BUT don't cheat with yourself ..don't ruin your life like that you must overcome that !
Good luck Rayder ;-)
Sorry to hear about that, Rayder =( I can't even imagine how hard that was on you and still is to this day...

Aside from that very last bit, though, I will say I can relate to you on a lot of what you said. I too am fairly similar in those respects, and really wouldn't want a one night stand either.
[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3867743' date='Sep 3 2011, 08:25 AM']For some reason I expected this blog was going to involve peculiar forest navigation, and terrified tourists.

"No, no it's ok. My penis is a certified compass."[/quote]
I thought this was about the difficulty of drawing a circle with a tool that semi-randomly changes size.
[quote name='SamAsh07' post='3867921' date='Sep 3 2011, 11:39 AM']First of all, get a life. Getting laid every now and then is not something to be proud of. I've never been in a relationship with a random girl. Heck I haven't even kissed my fiancee yet. Why? I prefer waiting till after marriage, that way when I do all this stuff with my wife I'll feel good.

Second, a life partner is not found in bars or strip clubs, women and men there are the ones who've devoted their life into having countless sex and eventually dying of Aids.

Third, life partners can be found in the place where you work (if you do), some people find theirs during their college life together, heck some even go as far as childhood school friends (like my cousin) etc etc.

Best advice I could give is - Just wait till you find a girl whom you can proudly look upto and say "She's the one"[/quote]
i totally agree
[quote name='elenar' post='3867902' date='Sep 3 2011, 07:18 PM'][quote name='Schizoanalysis' post='3867866' date='Sep 3 2011, 03:29 AM'][quote name='Thesolcity' post='3867830' date='Sep 3 2011, 05:52 PM']When you see "pretty" girls at a club, go in the bathroom and wank. Then come out, see how hideous these sluts actually are, walk out, and become a productive member of society. Then and only THEN will you ever have any form of a chance of ever finding "the one". Whatever the fuck that means anyway. Buuuuut.... If you prefer getting laid every night and don't want to spend most of your nights alone yearning for a damn fantasy, keep doing what you're doing. At least bar sluts don't drain your wallet as much as girlfriends do. :creep:[/quote]

Keep hatin' on the girls and ignore the fact that he is doing exactly the same thing.

If they are hideous sluts, he is a hideous slut.

These double standards hide only your own self-hate.

I'm pretty sure the entire point of the post you quoted was, in fact, that the man he was describing is a hideous slut.

Your personal agenda isn't helping anyone, so it's unconstructive.

My personal agenda? He is calling women he has never seen hideous sluts. What would you call that? A well reasoned argument?

I was merely reponding to the implied superiority; more so, what you hate in the other you are denying about yourself.
[quote name='shlong' post='3867892' date='Sep 3 2011, 11:02 AM'][quote name='Hells Malice' post='3867743' date='Sep 3 2011, 07:25 AM']For some reason I expected this blog was going to involve peculiar forest navigation, and terrified tourists.

"No, no it's ok. My penis is a certified compass."[/quote]
It does :tpi:

I c wat u did thar.
[quote name='Schizoanalysis' post='3868041' date='Sep 3 2011, 04:02 AM'][quote name='elenar' post='3867902' date='Sep 3 2011, 07:18 PM'][quote name='Schizoanalysis' post='3867866' date='Sep 3 2011, 03:29 AM'][quote name='Thesolcity' post='3867830' date='Sep 3 2011, 05:52 PM']When you see "pretty" girls at a club, go in the bathroom and wank. Then come out, see how hideous these sluts actually are, walk out, and become a productive member of society. Then and only THEN will you ever have any form of a chance of ever finding "the one". Whatever the fuck that means anyway. Buuuuut.... If you prefer getting laid every night and don't want to spend most of your nights alone yearning for a damn fantasy, keep doing what you're doing. At least bar sluts don't drain your wallet as much as girlfriends do. :creep:[/quote]

Keep hatin' on the girls and ignore the fact that he is doing exactly the same thing.

If they are hideous sluts, he is a hideous slut.

These double standards hide only your own self-hate.

I'm pretty sure the entire point of the post you quoted was, in fact, that the man he was describing is a hideous slut.

Your personal agenda isn't helping anyone, so it's unconstructive.

My personal agenda? He is calling women he has never seen hideous sluts. What would you call that? A well reasoned argument?

I was merely reponding to the implied superiority; more so, what you hate in the other you are denying about yourself.

I replied to your post on the first page. o.o

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