My DK, MC, Spyro, HP, CoD dream...

Well I don't remember the start of course.

So it turns out I'm a monkey from donkey kong country. I'm inside a cartoon 3D world with about a dozen friends and they are all different kinds of species of monkey or gorilla o_o'
The world is like a square maze the length of a football field and the far edges of the maze were just bottomless pitfalls and you could see the horizon in the sky. Everyone spits up and goes to look around for resources.
A few minutes later I'm digging away and get a phone call (I have a mobile and I am a monkey?). Someone tells me that "lord voldemort" has murdered one of the monkey friends. At this point everyone is scrambling around for a place to hide. I run to the east corner of the maze world and get my back against the wall. I can see voldemort flying around at one side of the maze looking for monkeypeople to kill so I start digging downwards from where I'm stood. (mine craft influenced this part it's safe to say.) Then once I'm a safe distance from voldemort I look horizontal and dig straight forwards. Then I drop onto a small shore with grass on. There's a wooden bridge in front of me and a canopy above covering the ground above my head. I call my best friend and tell him to go down the tunnel and bring everyone else but not to be followed. Then I walk across the bridge and there's a tiki hut right there with food and drinks. This world was clearly just basically this:

Then I'm just sitting on the tiki hut island and a few of my friends popped out of the tunnel and bounded across the bridge. I guess my brain forgot about voldemort's impending danger because then we all started having a party. Everyone was here now, me and my friend was talking and then this big guy nudges him out of the way and says some mean thing to him so then me and him are angry at the big bully. I pull out some monkey grenades and give one to my friend. (They explode and 3 monkeys come out of nowhere and pounce on the nearest guy.) Then my friend throws it at the guys feet behind him. 3 monkeys appear and jump on him making him furious. Then I woke up. :(

This dream seems to combine:
Minecraft (Upper world, Digging)
Skylanders (Lower world)
Donkey kong country (Characters)
Call of duty (the china doll grenades but with monkeys)
Harry Potter (Voldemort)
and alcohol! (What we drank at the party and what the guy was going to get when he was unfortunately monkey bombed.)

It's funny because I was talking about all of those things yesterday.

I heard your brain works somewhat like RAM and storage when you're awake, and like a processor when you're asleep so you can imagine a lot more when you sleep. :unsure:

I haven't drunk anything or smoked anything I swear.

EDIT: Inb4CoolStoryBro:yay:


[quote name='DryYoshi' post='3465490' date='Feb 19 2011, 03:31 AM']LOL, how the hell do you get a dream like this?[/quote]
Very carefully.
[quote name='Argentum Vir' post='3465494' date='Feb 19 2011, 08:35 PM'][quote name='DryYoshi' post='3465490' date='Feb 19 2011, 03:31 AM']LOL, how the hell do you get a dream like this?[/quote]
Very carefully.
Too bad it wasn't a dream within a dream.
[quote name='8BitWalugi' post='3465495' date='Feb 19 2011, 01:38 PM'][quote name='Argentum Vir' post='3465494' date='Feb 19 2011, 08:35 PM'][quote name='DryYoshi' post='3465490' date='Feb 19 2011, 03:31 AM']LOL, how the hell do you get a dream like this?[/quote]
Very carefully.
Too bad it wasn't a dream within a dream.

I see what you did there

inception lol .

- seriously how do you people remember about dreaming, its all a blur for me.
[quote name='Maz7006' post='3465513' date='Feb 19 2011, 03:58 AM'][quote name='8BitWalugi' post='3465495' date='Feb 19 2011, 01:38 PM'][quote name='Argentum Vir' post='3465494' date='Feb 19 2011, 08:35 PM'][quote name='DryYoshi' post='3465490' date='Feb 19 2011, 03:31 AM']LOL, how the hell do you get a dream like this?[/quote]
Very carefully.
Too bad it wasn't a dream within a dream.

I see what you did there

inception lol .

- seriously how do you people remember about dreaming, its all a blur for me.
Well see, it all come down to practice, lucidity and pure luck.
[quote name='Maz7006' post='3465513' date='Feb 19 2011, 05:58 AM']- seriously how do you people remember about dreaming, its all a blur for me.[/quote]First of all, for normal dreams, you have to wake up while you're dreaming either because of the dream, or because of an outside influence like an alarm clock.

Secondly, when you wake up, you need to concentrate on the feelings you had while dreaming, not necessarily the details of the dream. When you concentrate on what you felt, you generally start remember more of the details.

You also need to make sure you don't start thinking about real life things like current weather, what you're doing that day, or stuff like that once you wake up. They pretty much overwrite your memories of the dream.

That's for regular dreams. Another way is to have lucid dreams. If you are aware and are in control of your dreams, you normally remember them better.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on any of this.

Awesome dream btw. ^_^
It was like I was controlling the dream, as if it was my decision to dig down.
After re reading it now that I'm fully awake I'm starting to wonder if someone spiked my drink or something :s
[quote name='Ramonra' post='3466154' date='Feb 19 2011, 03:01 PM']Not that awesome if there's no monkat[/quote]
Although I agree that it cannot reach the highest degree of awesomeness without Monkat, I believe it is possible to scratch the lower heights of awesomeness. This dream has done so.

It was like I was controlling the dream, as if it was my decision to dig down.
But if you were fully aware you were dreaming, I doubt that would actually be what you'd do. As you said, the digging had a clear connection to Minecraft. I bet it was your subconscious makin' that funky dream for you. Although it may have felt you were in control, I don't think you were fully aware you were dreaming at the time, therefore I don't think you were lucid dreaming.

Remembering your dreams is one of the first steps to being able to have lucid dreams. Try to remember as many dreams as you can! ^_^
But beware, lucid dreaming can be very addicting. Some prefer to be lucid dreaming than to be in real life. After all, in lucid dreams one can fly, and even have teh secks as much as they want. ;)
[quote name='ineap09' post='3466192' date='Feb 19 2011, 07:38 PM'][quote name='Ramonra' post='3466154' date='Feb 19 2011, 03:01 PM']Not that awesome if there's no monkat[/quote]
Although I agree that it cannot reach the highest degree of awesomeness without Monkat, I believe it is possible to scratch the lower heights of awesomeness. This dream has done so.

It was like I was controlling the dream, as if it was my decision to dig down.
But if you were fully aware you were dreaming, I doubt that would actually be what you'd do. As you said, the digging had a clear connection to Minecraft. I bet it was your subconscious makin' that funky dream for you. Although it may have felt you were in control, I don't think you were fully aware you were dreaming at the time, therefore I don't think you were lucid dreaming.

Remembering your dreams is one of the first steps to being able to have lucid dreams. Try to remember as many dreams as you can! ^_^
But beware, lucid dreaming can be very addicting. Some prefer to be lucid dreaming than to be in real life. After all, in lucid dreams one can fly, and even have teh secks as much as they want. ;)
You know something's up when one day you're on a square maze world and are a monkey. :/
Damn I wish I had talked about final fantasy 7, pokemon, and megan fox that day, then I WOULD have had the most awesome dream ever :P
If I have another dream that pokes through the boundaries of average to awesome tonight, I will post again ^.^
Ghehe my perfect dream:

Final Fantasy VII, XIII and Street Fighter!(and the guy who i really love)

Woah! Idea, *snap*

Square Enix VS Capcom! :D

I wanna have these dreams too! D:
Here's my dream I had just last night.

It starts out I'm in my cousins room for some reason sleeping on her bed.
My eyes are shut and I start to feel as if something is moving in the room around me.
All of a sudden something grabs me and I shake it off.
Open my eyes for a second and see the girl I like lying on the bed next to me.
I shut my eyes and again feel like somethings got a hold of me trying to pull me off the bed.
I once again shake it off.
Open my eyes to see the girl and then we start making out for no apparent reason.
Now here's where this dream becomes awesome.(atleast if you were there to experience it. It's impossible to put into words)
I shut my eyes and when I open them I'm still in my cousins room but the girl is gone.
All of a sudden I remember that I'm on a gameshow where you have to complete challenges.
All I know about what I have to do is reach the ceiling.
I see a pole in the center of the room and start climbing it.
after a while I see the ceiling.
Its a mirror
I see something climbing up the pole behind me. chasing me.
Its my uncle.
he looks mean.
I do the logical thing which is to fall down the pole to hit him making him fall to the floor.
then continue climbing
at the ceiling the pole ends at a square metal plate attached to a giant mirror.
confused I think of what to do.
The inner Professor Layton in me clicks and I know the logical thing to do is stick my arm INTO the mirror.
It feels like some liquid and my arm goes right through
I put both hands on the mirror side of the metal plate and pull myself through.
Im underwater(For anyone whos seen Narnia 3. It's like when they end up underwater after the painting overflows with water. JUST like that actually)
I swim up and theres my friend colton
he informs me that we must fight my other 2 friends jakob and jordan in a game where one team defends an object and the other tries to acquire it
Me and colton are attacking.
(all this is happening while swimming btw)
anyways about 5 minutes of us wrestling in the water happens then colton says.
"Hey, some other competitors already beat this course. If we hurry we can enter the next challenge without doing this one."
So we head off to the next watersport leaving my other friends looking a bit sad.
The next sport is a bowl of water with a huge waterspout shooting out from the center of it.
Me and about 5 other people are in the bowl and we have to do... something.
At this point my memory goes blank as the next thing I remember is me throwing my alarm clock against the wall in anger

Not sure what caused any of this to be in my dream.
None of it has anything to do with what I had seen or done that day.
The only thing that is relevant to the day I had is the girl whom I saw in 1st period at school
[quote name='pocchama1996' post='3467217' date='Feb 20 2011, 10:10 AM']Here's my dream I had just last night.

It starts out I'm in my cousins room for some reason sleeping on her bed.
My eyes are shut and I start to feel as if something is moving in the room around me.
All of a sudden something grabs me and I shake it off.
Open my eyes for a second and see the girl I like lying on the bed next to me.
I shut my eyes and again feel like somethings got a hold of me trying to pull me off the bed.
I once again shake it off.
Open my eyes to see the girl and then we start making out for no apparent reason.
Now here's where this dream becomes awesome.(atleast if you were there to experience it. It's impossible to put into words)
I shut my eyes and when I open them I'm still in my cousins room but the girl is gone.
All of a sudden I remember that I'm on a gameshow where you have to complete challenges.
All I know about what I have to do is reach the ceiling.
I see a pole in the center of the room and start climbing it.
after a while I see the ceiling.
Its a mirror
I see something climbing up the pole behind me. chasing me.
Its my uncle.
he looks mean.
I do the logical thing which is to fall down the pole to hit him making him fall to the floor.
then continue climbing
at the ceiling the pole ends at a square metal plate attached to a giant mirror.
confused I think of what to do.
The inner Professor Layton in me clicks and I know the logical thing to do is stick my arm INTO the mirror.
It feels like some liquid and my arm goes right through
I put both hands on the mirror side of the metal plate and pull myself through.
Im underwater(For anyone whos seen Narnia 3. It's like when they end up underwater after the painting overflows with water. JUST like that actually)
I swim up and theres my friend colton
he informs me that we must fight my other 2 friends jakob and jordan in a game where one team defends an object and the other tries to acquire it
Me and colton are attacking.
(all this is happening while swimming btw)
anyways about 5 minutes of us wrestling in the water happens then colton says.
"Hey, some other competitors already beat this course. If we hurry we can enter the next challenge without doing this one."
So we head off to the next watersport leaving my other friends looking a bit sad.
The next sport is a bowl of water with a huge waterspout shooting out from the center of it.
Me and about 5 other people are in the bowl and we have to do... something.
At this point my memory goes blank as the next thing I remember is me throwing my alarm clock against the wall in anger

Not sure what caused any of this to be in my dream.
None of it has anything to do with what I had seen or done that day.
The only thing that is relevant to the day I had is the girl whom I saw in 1st period at school[/quote]
:wtf: That was WEIRD. Nice though. Especially about the making out. But if I felt something grab me I would wake up immediately, that kind of thing freaks me out.
Blah I better erase this from my memory so I don't dream about it! Oh no, my subconscious is gonna betray me! Wat do.
Thats one thing a hate about my subconscious. It HATES me.
I had my first Lucid dream not too long ago.
I had my eyes shut and of all the things I could think of to make and dream of, my mind instantly goes to the scariest shit possible.

and nope I wasnt high at all.
I fell asleep at 7 pm and then this was the last dream I had before waking up at 7 am.
So It was my longest dream.

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