Apparently my dad failed

At parenting because.. I don't believe in God.

I never knew until now that I had a godparent in case something happens or whatever, and I said "please don't tell me I have one" He said "uh yeah.. why wouldn't you?"

"Because I don't believe in any of that stuff."
"Please don't say that, you have to in case something happens to me or your mom."
"I just don't believe in it. I haven't for years."
"Well then I've clearly failed as a parent if my own son doesn't believe in God."

Frankly, this might upset the people who do believe in this stuff, I think it's crap. I don't see why we have to pay lots of money to learn the teachings of something that claims to be so crucial to life. It sounds like a scam to me. I don't believe in it, I have no reason to. There's no point in believing in something if at crucial times, nothing will happen when praying to said something.

Anyways, what do you guys think about the whole religion stuff?


Clearly you failed as a child. Why the hell do you blame your parents for your own stupidity? It's not their fault, it's yours.
[quote name='ShadowSoldier' post='3346425' date='Dec 24 2010, 12:56 AM']I don't see why we have to pay lots of money to learn the teachings of something that claims to be so crucial to life. It sounds like a scam to me. I don't believe in it, I have no reason to. There's no point in believing in something if at crucial times, nothing will happen when praying to said something.

Anyways, what do you guys think about the whole religion stuff?[/quote]

Have to pay a lot of money for their religion? What are they, Mormon? Scientologists? Mormon-scientologists? Lol.

Religion is completely bullshit.
I thought that a godparent was just someone who took you in if your parents could no longer look after you.
I had no idea that they had some religious significance.

I'm an atheist. I think most people in my area are.
I find it quite odd that you don't have the same beliefs as your parents. If they believe in God, then didn't they ever take you to church?
My parents are from China so we don't give a crap about religion. There's already too much shit in the real world to worry about, we just don't have time for this religion nonsense.
If you have to pay for it, it's a cult.

Christianity however, is pretty much free. You don't have to pay to get in to church, you don't have to pay a membership fee, you don't even have to buy your own bible because people are always giving them away.

And if you're freaking out about having a Godparent "in case something happens", would you also freak out if your parents told you that you had a legally appointed guardian "in case something happens"?
I was raised as a Christian, and my parents still believe I am one. They're ridiculously hardcore in their religion, and would basically disown me if they knew that I consider myself agnostic. Hell, they made me go through a Christian private school from preschool all the way through middle school. Now I'm right on the fence between Christianity and atheism, caught between my own sense of logic and the things that have been drilled into my brain since I could barely talk. I for the most part think every scientific theory (the big bang, evolution, etc) makes more sense than the idea of a deity, but I still find myself praying if I'm anticipating something really bad. I don't really believe it'll make a difference, but I can't deny that it settles my nerves a bit in rough situations.
[/life story]
Organized Religion is a scam. No one needs to go every Sunday to a church and pray to a god and give donations in order to feel they have earned a place in heaven. Thats just my belief. I do believe in god but i just feel he's got more pressing matters to attend to besides keeping an eye on whether I attend church or not.

[quote name='PeregrinFig' post='3346469' date='Dec 24 2010, 12:11 AM']I was raised as a Christian, and my parents still believe I am one. They're ridiculously hardcore in their religion, and would basically disown me if they knew that I consider myself agnostic. Hell, they made me go through a Christian private school from preschool all the way through middle school. Now I'm right on the fence between Christianity and atheism, caught between my own sense of logic and the things that have been drilled into my brain since I could barely talk. I for the most part think every scientific theory (the big bang, evolution, etc) makes more sense than the idea of a deity, but I still find myself praying if I'm anticipating something really bad. I don't really believe it'll make a difference, but I can't deny that it settles my nerves a bit in rough situations.
[/life story][/quote]

pretty much the same way I am to a certain extent. But I still belive in a god. He just put the wheels in motion and stepped back to see what would happen.

Also ShadowSolider Why would your father even think that. Your you own person with your own set of ideals. Tho he may show you a certain way of things as he sees them it's important as a parent for him to understand that you still are your own person. Your going to do what you want to do,how you feel like doing it and belive what you what to belive.

Thats how I'm trying to raise my son anyways.
[quote name='m3rox' post='3346445' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:04 PM']Clearly you failed as a child. Why the hell do you blame your parents for your own stupidity? It's not their fault, it's yours.[/quote]

Man you've seriously been trolling me a lot lately, what's up your ass? A Christmas goose that isn't cooked yet? Why is it my fault? Actually.. WHAT is my fault?

[quote name='kai445' post='3346448' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:05 PM']Have to pay a lot of money for their religion? What are they, Mormon? Scientologists? Mormon-scientologists? Lol.

Religion is completely bullshit.[/quote]

Catholic. But I meant like having to go the Church's here, pay $20.00 for parking, and then they ask for another $20.00 in donation. And Bibles are expensive as shit. It sounds like a big scam to me.

[quote name='_Chaz_' post='3346451' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:06 PM']I thought that a godparent was just someone who took you in if your parents could no longer look after you.
I had no idea that they had some religious significance.

I'm an atheist. I think most people in my area are.[/quote]

That's a legal guardian. I thought the same thing. A Godparent is someone who you choose and basically get the OKAY from the minister to look after you if something happens, and keep you religiously believing basically.

[quote name='Law' post='3346468' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:11 PM']And if you're freaking out about having a Godparent "in case something happens", would you also freak out if your parents told you that you had a legally appointed guardian "in case something happens"?[/quote]

Oh no no no, I'm not freaking out about having a Godparent as it's my Aunt, but I was just sort of shocked that my dad basically said if something happened to them or whatever, I'd basically be forced to go to church basically. Going against my beliefs in believing there is no God. That's what caught me off guard.

[quote name='431unknown']Also ShadowSolider Why would your father even think that. Your you own person with your own set of ideals. Tho he may show you a certain way of things as he sees them it's important as a parent for him to understand that you still are your own person. Your going to do what you want to do,how you feel like doing it and belive what you what to belive.[/quote]

I have no idea. I've been like this since I was 10 basically. This is what he says "if me and your mother are really sick and about to die, wouldn't you want to pray to something to help us?" And I thought about it, but didn't say "but countless people have tried that in the past, and has God ever helped them at all? No. He's let them die, and let the people left behind be sad."

I just don't see the point in believing in something that doesn't help at all, but yet still have to pay lots of money to know his teachings and all that voodoo stuff.
[quote name='PeregrinFig' post='3346469' date='Dec 24 2010, 12:11 AM']I was raised as a Christian, and my parents still believe I am one. They're ridiculously hardcore in their religion, and would basically disown me if they knew that I consider myself agnostic. Hell, they made me go through a Christian private school from preschool all the way through middle school. Now I'm right on the fence between Christianity and atheism, caught between my own sense of logic and the things that have been drilled into my brain since I could barely talk. I for the most part think every scientific theory (the big bang, evolution, etc) makes more sense than the idea of a deity, but I still find myself praying if I'm anticipating something really bad. I don't really believe it'll make a difference, but I can't deny that it settles my nerves a bit in rough situations.
[/life story][/quote]

I personally believe in a middle-ground between christian bullcrap and science. I simply believe that God created the universe at some point in time and just let it develop while making sure things don't go wrong from the background. Then life appeared and there was evolution and blah, blah ,blah. It makes more sense to me than God just pooffing stuff into place in seven days or that stuff just happened randomly and formed the Universe.
My whole town is atheist.
Frankly, a lot of us hate anyone who isn't.
[quote name='ShadowSoldier' post='3346493' date='Dec 24 2010, 12:25 AM'][quote name='431unknown']Also ShadowSolider Why would your father even think that. Your you own person with your own set of ideals. Tho he may show you a certain way of things as he sees them it's important as a parent for him to understand that you still are your own person. Your going to do what you want to do,how you feel like doing it and belive what you what to belive.[/quote]

I have no idea. I've been like this since I was 10 basically. This is what he says "if me and your mother are really sick and about to die, wouldn't you want to pray to something to help us?" And I thought about it, but didn't say "but countless people have tried that in the past, and has God ever helped them at all? No. He's let them die, and let the people left behind be sad."

I just don't see the point in believing in something that doesn't help at all, but yet still have to pay lots of money to know his teachings and all that voodoo stuff.
Yeah i don't see the point in it either. Thats why I don't go to church and I don't sit around praying to god every time bad shit happends.

Bad shit happends to good people and its called they need to pray and donate more. When good shit happends to bad people its called breaking the law.

Is this bothering you at all that he thinks he failed? If it is have a talk with him about if you havent already and I mean a real talk about you and your beliefs and how you came to them. If he's any kind of understanding parent he should understand and if he don't just bring up the fact that his god is a god of forgiveness and repent.
[quote name='joshua8' post='3346511' date='Dec 24 2010, 12:36 AM']My whole town is atheist.
Frankly, a lot of us hate anyone who isn't.[/quote]
I can't stand people that hate others based on religion. If they're being a zealot prick that's one thing, but someone else having different beliefs than you shouldn't affect you one bit.
[quote name='431unknown' post='3346514' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:38 PM'][quote name='ShadowSoldier' post='3346493' date='Dec 24 2010, 12:25 AM'][quote name='431unknown']Also ShadowSolider Why would your father even think that. Your you own person with your own set of ideals. Tho he may show you a certain way of things as he sees them it's important as a parent for him to understand that you still are your own person. Your going to do what you want to do,how you feel like doing it and belive what you what to belive.[/quote]

I have no idea. I've been like this since I was 10 basically. This is what he says "if me and your mother are really sick and about to die, wouldn't you want to pray to something to help us?" And I thought about it, but didn't say "but countless people have tried that in the past, and has God ever helped them at all? No. He's let them die, and let the people left behind be sad."

I just don't see the point in believing in something that doesn't help at all, but yet still have to pay lots of money to know his teachings and all that voodoo stuff.
Yeah i don't see the point in it either. Thats why I don't go to church and I don't sit around praying to god every time bad shit happends.

Bad shit happends to good people and its called they need to pray and donate more. When good shit happends to bad people its called breaking the law.

Is this bothering you at all that he thinks he failed? If it is have a talk with him about if you havent already and I mean a real talk about you and your beliefs and how you came to them. If he's any kind of understanding parent he should understand and if he don't just bring up the fact that his god is a god of forgiveness and repent.

Stopped reading. He's one of those people where if you don't see it his way, it's the wrong way.

I can't stand people that hate others based on religion. If they're being a zealot prick that's one thing, but someone else having different beliefs than you shouldn't affect you one bit.

See, I think religious people are the worse. They care so much if you don't believe in the same way as them or if you do something, even if you aren't religious, that goes against their Bible. Yet, Atheist people simply don't give a shit and would offer you a beer.
[quote name='PeregrinFig' post='3346515' date='Dec 24 2010, 01:38 AM'][quote name='joshua8' post='3346511' date='Dec 24 2010, 12:36 AM']My whole town is atheist.
Frankly, a lot of us hate anyone who isn't.[/quote]
I can't stand people that hate others based on religion. If they're being a zealot prick that's one thing, but someone else having different beliefs than you shouldn't affect you one bit.

Of course you are under the assumption that they're singling out the religious folk and persecuting them for no reason, when I would assume it's likely that their proselytizing isn't well received (and in fact, the reason that they end up hating them. "Oh you're an Athiest? Let me tell you how great Jesus is. I love jesus. You're going to go to hell you know. Jesus is the reason for the season, jesus is love, jesus is the light, jesus jesus jesus...").
[quote name='kai445' post='3346524' date='Dec 24 2010, 12:43 AM'][quote name='PeregrinFig' post='3346515' date='Dec 24 2010, 01:38 AM'][quote name='joshua8' post='3346511' date='Dec 24 2010, 12:36 AM']My whole town is atheist.
Frankly, a lot of us hate anyone who isn't.[/quote]
I can't stand people that hate others based on religion. If they're being a zealot prick that's one thing, but someone else having different beliefs than you shouldn't affect you one bit.

Of course you are under the assumption that they're singling out the religious folk and persecuting them for no reason, when I would assume it's likely that their proselytizing isn't well received (and in fact, the reason that they end up hating them. "Oh you're an Athiest? Let me tell you how great Jesus is. I love jesus. You're going to go to hell you know. Jesus is the reason for the season, jesus is love, jesus is the light, jesus jesus jesus...").
When they do that, it falls under the "zealot prick" category, and I hate them too. In that type of scenario it's perfectly understandable.
Man that sucks for you. My dad was like that too but he never told me he thought he failed with me or that I was a failure to him. Tho he'd probably think if he where around to see it that I am failure as a parent since I don't rule with a steel toe boot like he did.
[quote name='kai445' post='3346524' date='Dec 24 2010, 04:43 PM'][quote name='PeregrinFig' post='3346515' date='Dec 24 2010, 01:38 AM'][quote name='joshua8' post='3346511' date='Dec 24 2010, 12:36 AM']My whole town is atheist.
Frankly, a lot of us hate anyone who isn't.[/quote]
I can't stand people that hate others based on religion. If they're being a zealot prick that's one thing, but someone else having different beliefs than you shouldn't affect you one bit.

Of course you are under the assumption that they're singling out the religious folk and persecuting them for no reason, when I would assume it's likely that their proselytizing isn't well received (and in fact, the reason that they end up hating them. "Oh you're an Athiest? Let me tell you how great Jesus is. I love jesus. You're going to go to hell you know. Jesus is the reason for the season, jesus is love, jesus is the light, jesus jesus jesus...").

I don't appreciate being called 'Evil' because I don't believe in a God.
[quote name='431unknown' post='3346533' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:47 PM']Man that sucks for you. My dad was like that too but he never told me he thought he failed with me or that I was a failure to him. Tho he'd probably think if he where around to see it that I am failure as a parent since I don't rule with a steel toe boot like he did.[/quote]

Stupid forum bug, my post didn't show up.

But I know what my dad thinks of me. Even though he hasn't came out right and said it, the things he says/does and looks he gives indirectly, is more than enough proof, and all the threats he's given me. But this one sort of bugged me the most because it's basically like:

"Listen, you'll believe in what I tell you to believe!"
dude the second post pretty funny trolling, from an unbiased point, but just classic trolling so dont let it bug you. (i say unbiased about my opinion about the relationship part, obviously we all have our religious biases but I tried to be open in my writing this) and yeah dude 20 dollars parking does sound like a scam, along with asking for specific donations.

The bible if anyone here has actually read it lol... asks that you give what you feel necessary, or if you are a christian the "holy spirit" calls you too.
I believe, a tithe is the standard, 10% of your earnings because Abraham set that standard in the old testament. I think legitimate christian churches do a lot of good, and are able to do this by support from people tithing.

But yeah I can understand why people see religion as BS but really i find life too complicated to be set into motion by chance or explainable by any theory we have stumbled upon so far. try to imagine the size a file with our earths physic engine in code... then imagine the endless galaxies out there and what they are capable of. Mind bottling!

But finally, it sounds like you and your dad should really just chat some more, I mean if he legitimately feels like a failed parent thats some messed up stuff and you guys should really try to fix that relationship up before its too late. Try to understand what why your dad believes what he does, but ultimately research this the facts behind catholocism, heck even check out the opposing protestant points to satanic arguments, but know what you are talking about so you can be confident in what you believe regardless of what you choose. Then you can even show your reasons too your dad. Like I said, just my unbiased view on your situation.

sorry guys I shot this message off pretty fast... most of the typos didnt destroy what I was trying to say besides "heck even check out the opposing protestant AND points to satanic arguments." basically explore it all... sorry for being so sloppy again...

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  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty you could get the basic idea watching a few episodes
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I had to buy a battery for my truck last week, freaking $280. I remember when batteries used to be like $50.
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @BigOnYa where did you buy it from? Autozone? Autozone has their stuff overpriced, Sams club and walmart is cheaper
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @BigOnYa the 50$ lifetime warranty ones, yall had it good
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I gotta buy new windshield wipers pretty soon least they're cheap so many different brands these days
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Costco actually, Its a Diehard battery.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Heard ceramic is the material to go with now
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    But mine has 5 hamsters in it...Top of the line.
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @BigOnYa I thought batteries came with 6 hamsters? what did you do to the 6th hamster?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Him being in Ohio probably fried it
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Hot seller in Ohio
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    These are selling out quickly, hard to find:
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You'd think it would have documents on that
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    This damn tower fan is leaking oil lol
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Maybe its made by Diddy Co.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Got arrested flipping the switch to hide all evidence
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    So that's why every useless gadget has wifi now
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I bet lube sales have plumented...
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Baby oil and lube are two words only mj would say together
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I had one of those suction cup phone holders on my windshield must've got so hot it melted and fell off pain to clean
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Why clean it if it melted, just buy a new one.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Because it melted onto the windshield
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Then just buy a new windshield...
    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: Then just buy a new windshield...