Modern Warfare 2 PC

So, I played MW2 on the 360 Monday night, and I absolutely loved it. One of my roomates friends brought his 360 over and we played 4 player splitscreen using a projector on the wall, so it was like we each had 32" flatscreens!

Anyway, I ordered a copy for myself for my laptop. After I ordered it, the next day I started reading a bunch of people complaining about how much it sucked compared to the console versions. in fact, most of the player reviews on give it 1.0/10!\;user-score

I recieved it today, so I installed it as soon as I got out of work. I played some of the campaign (holy sh*t is it hard!), and later some multiplayer.

Apparently the routers in the dorms here use "strict" NAT settings. However, I was able to join a couple of matches almost instantly and didn't have any lag at all!

So, my biggest question is:

What the hell are people bitching about?!

So we can't choose which match to play from a long list? So what? consoles have been doing that for years, and hardly anyone complains there!

I also haven't experienced any lag or any other issues that people have been complaining about, and I'm on a wireless laptop!

Have PC gamers been too spoiled? Take away the ability to choose servers and the ability to mod, and people FLIP OUT!

I haven't found any faults with the PC version of this game. Anyone else think there's nothing wrong with it?


I am currently arrrrring MW2 for PC.

You could say gamers are just spoiled. They received a lot of privileges while using a PC than a console, but then there are just people that aren't used to it. People get the PC version of some games for features that the console version don't have.

For example, the L4D for PC beats the console version because it can have custom maps from what I have read. CoD4 for PC has dedicated servers, so no need to worry about some things. Such as Martydom fags or Grenade Launcher users. But in 360, you will also notice that pro players [prestige rankers] never use those things. So to be honest, it is just the custom maps that make PC the better one.

This is all preference. Once I get MW2, I will be happy to play it. Then I will get it for 360 when I get the money.
It's not really about being spoiled, it's about regression, in my opinion.

But also in my opinion, COD is a console shooter rather than a PC shooter so "consoleafying" it isn't a terrible idea.
I got it today as well, and I've been loving it. I don't see why everyone is crying about no dedicated servers...It's the same game as the 360/PS3 versions, and I bet if they were "hardcore" PC gamers, and played the game on the 360, they would still enjoy it (The 360 version that is). I also like how there isn't a huge max player amount. 64 players (Or whatever the max amount in CoD4 was) is just ridiculous.
64 players are definitely too much, but I think they should've had a max of 24 instead of 12. Nothing a little patch won't fix ;)
I keep trying to lean only to forget that I can't anymore and be blinded by the flashbang I just threw, or knife the wall. I should probably change those since I bind them to my mouse anyways I guess.

And the max isn't 12. I'm pretty sure they said up to 9v9 or 18 total? Even 40~ people made a really crowded map in MW1 though, so it's not bad. After a while, I seemed to settle with smaller servers with around 18 people in MW1 anyways.

So we can't choose which match to play from a long list? So what? consoles have been doing that for years, and hardly anyone complains there!
I think that's why they don't play on a console. It's for that specific reason they PREFER the PC version because they CAN join a server. Some people feel like it's much more fun to meet other people by meeting on the same server everyday it seems. Basically, you can't really meet up with the same people everyday over the current way to join an online game, unless you have known them in the past (on Steam or a forum) or in real life. You could try making friends in under one match. Though, I've never really played online since I went and pirated MW2 only for the Single player... So I don't exactly know what's extremely bad about connecting to one host rather than a server.

To top it off, some people don't like the idea of paying 60 bucks for less features.

Here's a little chart I found somewhere that shows the kind of things you get in MW1 vs MW2:

On the other hand, Bad Company 2/EA DICE is now gloating that they support dedis. I certainly don't think that's a bad game at least and the maps are bigger, which make 64? player matches great. but... Some people just like the CoD series more than the BF series. No reasons to hate one another though.
dedicated servers aren't dependant on a players connections. without them you probably will join a game, only to find out the host is some kid with a 256kbps connection trying to host a game with 12 other people. whereas on a dedicated server, the only person who would experiencing lag/slowdowns would be the person with the slow connection.

it was the deciding factor to whether or not i would get the PC version or not. instead i got the 360 version due to the early leak. i definitely dont want to be playing a lag filled fps game, when its somebody elses connection thats the problem, not mine.
the deciding factor for me was that... I only have a pc, lol :lol:

One of my roomates told me he might bring his PS3 back with him after vacation, and hopefully he'll have MW2 with him by then :yay:
Dedicated servers are gone, great, now I can go online and get owned by fucking marty and last stand noobs all the times. That's just stupid and irritating.
And 'pro' players may not use it, but that doesn't mean it will not be used!
But they've done many things wrong with this version, and they just kicked the PC gamers in the balls so hard.
No lean? WTF!?!? How can you not have lean in a semi-realistic shooting game?
60 dollars? I find 50 a lot, what's about that extra 10 dollars?
18-player limit is just ridiculous, 64 is too much, but 32 is just perfect IMHO. Not too much, not too less.

This game is just a fucking joke, I'm really hoping it dies in a month or so (on PC), and I can definitely see that happening because the online is so weird and there is too less skill in it, and more arcade.
[quote name='Satangel' post='2389796' date='Nov 13 2009, 01:50 PM']Dedicated servers are gone, great, now I can go online and get owned by fucking marty and last stand noobs all the times. That's just stupid and irritating.
And 'pro' players may not use it, but that doesn't mean it will not be used![/quote]Martyrdom is now a death streak perk, which means it can only be used after 4 deaths (Or is it 3?), and it will only be that time, unless you keep dying. I don't see how you find last stand noobish...It's not THAT easy to use. The only thing I hate about it in this version is that you can crawl with it.

[quote name='Satangel' post='2389796' date='Nov 13 2009, 01:50 PM']No lean? WTF!?!? How can you not have lean in a semi-realistic shooting game?[/quote]There isn't leaning in the 360/PS3 version, but yet you'd probably love those versions, despite the lack of leaning

[quote name='Satangel' post='2389796' date='Nov 13 2009, 01:50 PM']60 dollars? I find 50 a lot, what's about that extra 10 dollars?[/quote]Again, 360/PS3 is the same price. Other games for PC are $60, and some are more! Also, it's 10 fucking dollars, get over it and pirate it or something.

[quote name='Satangel' post='2389796' date='Nov 13 2009, 01:50 PM']18-player limit is just ridiculous, 64 is too much, but 32 is just perfect IMHO. Not too much, not too less.[/quote]I'm going with the 360/PS3 version comment again. IT'S THE SAME! Why should one version be so superior than the others? PC gamers HAVE been too spoiled in the past with their extra/superior features, and now that some of those features have been taken away, everyone is crying about it.

[quote name='Satangel' post='2389796' date='Nov 13 2009, 01:50 PM']This game is just a fucking joke, I'm really hoping it dies in a month or so (on PC), and I can definitely see that happening because the online is so weird and there is too less skill in it, and more arcade.[/quote]This isn't Halo 3, Mr. Ignorant. You may say CoD4 or WaW didn't take skill, but this one is much more advanced, with the depth that the multiplayer portion of the game goes into.
^^Again it's regression, why do PC gamers have to suffer just because developers are making it convenient for themselves by not having to pay for dedicated servers and downgrading a superior version to console level? Especially when you pay $60 for a game, which is not the norm for PC games.

You can say PC gamers are spoiled, but that's like saying 'oh well the graphics can suck because I've ben spoiled by good PS3 graphics so I guess PS1 graphics for this game are okay"
[quote name='TDWP FTW' post='2389877' date='Nov 13 2009, 03:42 PM'][quote name='Satangel' post='2389796' date='Nov 13 2009, 01:50 PM']Dedicated servers are gone, great, now I can go online and get owned by fucking marty and last stand noobs all the times. That's just stupid and irritating.
And 'pro' players may not use it, but that doesn't mean it will not be used![/quote]Martyrdom is now a death streak perk, which means it can only be used after 4 deaths (Or is it 3?), and it will only be that time, unless you keep dying. I don't see how you find last stand noobish...It's not THAT easy to use. The only thing I hate about it in this version is that you can crawl with it.


This isn't Halo 3, Mr. Ignorant. You may say CoD4 or WaW didn't take skill, but this one is much more advanced, with the depth that the multiplayer portion of the game goes into.

Dude, you are %100 right.

I'm mainly a PC gamer since I got my Acer 5739g, and I was one in the 90's as well. I've seen how PC and consoles have evolved, and I've been noticing that the line between PCs and consoles gets blurrier every year.

More PC exclusive games are being released on consoles, and vice versa. Pretty soon there will be more games like Shadowrun that will allow PC and Console gamers to play together. Hopefully, at least. Then we'd really see which gamers are better, PCs or consoles...

Not to mention you can get keyboards and mice for today's consoles, and you can even hook up certain printers to the PS3!

You can even put Linux on the Wii. It's not perfect, but it literally turns the Wii into a computer.

IMO, we're going to be seeing a LOT more games like Modern Warfare 2, so people need to stop bitching and live with it. Like it or not, this is what the future is gonna be :(
[quote name='TDWP FTW' post='2389877' date='Nov 13 2009, 02:42 PM'][quote name='Satangel' post='2389796' date='Nov 13 2009, 01:50 PM']This game is just a fucking joke, I'm really hoping it dies in a month or so (on PC), and I can definitely see that happening because the online is so weird and there is too less skill in it, and more arcade.[/quote]This isn't Halo 3, Mr. Ignorant. You may say CoD4 or WaW didn't take skill, but this one is much more advanced, with the depth that the multiplayer portion of the game goes into.

lol MW2 is definitely not advanced. More like a step-down.
Martyrdom is now a death streak perk, which means it can only be used after 4 deaths (Or is it 3?), and it will only be that time, unless you keep dying. I don't see how you find last stand noobish...It's not THAT easy to use. The only thing I hate about it in this version is that you can crawl with it.

Last Stand isn't that easy, that's true, but it's still annoying as hell! When you shoot someone 2-3 times or even more, you at least expect him to be dead!
And then you turn your back, and boom you're dead by a person who you thought was dead.

There isn't leaning in the 360/PS3 version, but yet you'd probably love those versions, despite the lack of leaning

True, I would love them for about 1 week, until I completed them and started with the multiplayer.
Then I would be sick of it, thanks to the reasons mentioned here.

Again, 360/PS3 is the same price. Other games for PC are $60, and some are more! Also, it's 10 fucking dollars, get over it and pirate it or something.

I'm gonna pirate it, that's for sure. If all I've read is true, then it's a not-so-good console port to PC, and I refuse to pay 60 dollars for a bad port.
I would have bought it though, if they didn't screw the PC version up so hard.
For your information I've bought all the CoD PC games (except WaW) , wouldn't want to miss this one in my collection.

I'm going with the 360/PS3 version comment again. IT'S THE SAME! Why should one version be so superior than the others? PC gamers HAVE been too spoiled in the past with their extra/superior features, and now that some of those features have been taken away, everyone is crying about it.

PC gaming is what made the CoD franchise to what it is now, and PC gaming is the best platform for shooters.
I find it a really bad way to thank us for all the work we have done to make the CoD franchise to what is today.
I can't see any legit reason to make the player-limit the same as the console versions, other then too lazy.

This isn't Halo 3, Mr. Ignorant. You may say CoD4 or WaW didn't take skill, but this one is much more advanced, with the depth that the multiplayer portion of the game goes into.

CoD 4 wasn't completely without skill, but I still enjoy CoD 2 the most of all the CoD multiplayers. And I have 'converted' many CoD 4 gamers to CoD 2.
When they gave it a chance, and played for a few hours, they all agreed CoD 2 was the best, because there is way more skill and thought in it.
The lean , The console , The mods . ALL of these CAN be fixed and probably WILL be.

The game is great , people just find too many reasons to hate it instead of enjoying the good things in it.
My computer locks up and a black screen occurs when I get to the truck in the Cliffhanger level. D:

Anyone have a save game past that level?
[quote name='Ducky' post='2391446' date='Nov 14 2009, 01:42 PM']The lean , The console , The mods . ALL of these CAN be fixed and probably WILL be.

The game is great , people just find too many reasons to hate it instead of enjoying the good things in it.[/quote]

No they won't, at least not by Infinity Ward.

They removed the features because they want people to play the game "as the developers intended" so it's more "balanced". They aren't going to get patched in.

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