My mom knows...

On June 18, 2021, I was getting ready to leave to visit BlueMew, a new ABDL friend of mine. I was taking an unopened pack of diapers with me. He agreed to let me store them (and my paci) at his house, where my parents wouldn't find them. I had already packed a large gym bag with my belongings, and then told my mom that I was ready to leave. She was very upset that I was taking such a large bag, and figured that I was hiding extra electronics or something illegal in there. I told her that it was too late to switch bags, but she said that she wouldn't let me leave until she inspected the bag.

I had already obscured the diapers a bit by putting them in several layers of garbage bags. I only let her have a very quick look in the bag, and immediately took it away once she stuck her hand in and started feeling around. Even though she didn't get a good look, she insisted that she knew what was in there from how it felt. She asked if they were hers, and if I stole them. I had no idea that she had her own diapers (she bought some in case her health continued to decline), and I told her that I have no idea what she was talking about.

I told her that she was mistaken about what was in there, and that she was spreading misinformation like Trump. She said that if I needed any, I should only take 1 or 2. I told her to mind her own fucking business, and let me leave. She responded by saying that perhaps the police should get involved and search my bag. I'm almost 26 years old, and told her that she needed to leave it alone if she values her life.

My dad then entered the house after working outside, and gave me a hard time too. My mom then threatened to tell him everything if I didn't hand over the bag. I called my friend, explained the situation, and told him that I'd be late. From his calm response, she could tell that he knew what I was taking. After a stressful 15 minute talk, she finally agreed to let me leave. I called him back to let him know that I was leaving, and my mom talked to me in the privacy of the car about how she is very open-minded, and didn't think less of me. She had her suspicions for years, and more than anything, she was very sad that I felt that I couldn't trust her.

I apologized for my anger, threats, and shoving, and after briefly returning home (I forgot the RCM Loader for my Switch), I finally arrived at his house. He showed me his networking equipment, onesies, diapers, plushies, and electronics (including an original Game Boy and a Game Boy Color with a custom shell and a backlit screen). I installed B9S on one of his New 3DS systems, and we watched lots of Pororo together (which he had never heard of before), and he really enjoyed it.


I know the feels bro, I steal my mums diapers all the time and wear them with my friends while watching anime and playing 3DS. Its more common than you think.
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fuck off jeffythehomo you bloody racist

There is a saying an idiot like you needs to pay attention to

"Never judge a man until you have pooped a mile in their nappy"

Now go get educated bitcha
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Never mind all the other stuff in this blog the one thing I found totally bizarre is the fact the OP is nearly 26 years old. So why the fuck is his mum going through his stuff? He is a adult his mum has fuck all reason to be checking his bag ect.

She is totally breaking invasion of privacy laws
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Sorry @tabzer the op is over 18 years old so according to the law in America the parents are breaking the law by invading the OPs privacy as the op is legally classed as an Adult.
@AmandaRose I'm not looking for an apology, just something to back your claim, as the only thing I have found are the lawyers stating otherwise.

The only laws that I've found to touch such topics is unlawful search and seizure (for law enforcement) and "expectation of privacy" laws which apply to cameras in the toilet, but not prisons and mom's house.
@AmandaRose Those are the laws I am referencing. Maybe you have an example of a precedent where someone sued their parents for snooping through their things while living in their house. If OP stole her diapers and put it in her bag, then she definitely has the right to search her own things. If she has reason to suspect that there is something illegal in the privacy of her home, her car, etc, then of course she should search. OP threatening their mom is the most illegal thing here. If Mom did anything wrong, it would be a civil tort that needs to be taken to Judge Judy.
For the record, this is a serious post. As for others claims of her overstepping, keep in mind that she has legal guardianship over me.


My mom promised not to tell anyone, so imagine my surprise when I check the sent folder of her email account and find the following sent to my psychologist for over 15 years (most names and locations have been changed for privacy reasons):
Dr Psychologist:

LL, our case manager with Service, Inc., has distributed the state required Psychiatric History and Eval submitted by Dr Psychiatrist to all of the CILA providers to whom we had previously sent LAH's pertinent information.

Did you read Dr Psychiatrist's letter, Dr.? Where the previous H & E done through Day One Pact might be considered bloated, this one is succinct.

LL expressed surprise at the brevity. LL discussed it with her co-worker (perhaps her supervisor?) and questioned if it would be acceptable to the State of IL. After review, they decided it was "okay" and could pass.

I am satisfied. For me, it does contain what I consider to be of paramount importance. Dr Psychiatrist does not agree with Dr Former Psychiatrist's diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder made in June 2019. It is my hope that LAH receiving the diagnosis of ADHD will entice a provider to offer him a placement.

Time is running out here, I am trying to hold fast, but am fully aware that if LAH is not placed before the end of the year, it will probably be too late for me.

Moving on.

Remember when LAH met his new friend, 42 year old BlueMew, at a park bench along the River? I did marvel at the surprising improbability of two compatible, distinctly different people meeting in this way. However, I did not consider that their "meet cute" was a carefully arranged fabrication.

Vastly more perceptive than I am, and not emotionally involved, it would not surprise me if you had your doubts about the whole scenario

Yesterday, LAH finally revealed most of the backstory.

BlueMew had invited LAH to spend several hours at his parent's home in the suburbs. BlueMew is proud of the extensive computer lab he built in the basement and wanted to show it off. LAH had agreed to modify one of BlueMew's many Nintendo devices. BlueMew is a passionate collector of many things. When the arrangements were made several days ago, I had no idea about their other shared interests.

I made sure that LAH was up on time and that his breakfast was ready to be eaten. The night before, Dad helped him gather the few electronics that would be transported to Suburb.

All was well until it was time to get LAH out the door. I had set aside a clean tote bag for his electronics and told him to pack up while I darted into the bedroom to get dressed. Upon my return to the living room, I noticed that LAH was tense, very twitchy, something was amiss.

I was confused because it had been surprisingly calm up to that point. I thought, "What is going on?" Then I noticed that the tote bag I left out for him was empty. Instead, LAH had packed his large gym bag. That is it was packed, as in completely stuffed.

Quickly, I walked over and unzipped the top. reached down and felt the bulk of what was within. Was it a large package of diapers(?), encased by the thin beach towel that is always in the gym bag? On top, he had scattered the few electronics that I knew he planned to take with him.

LAH completely flipped out. It was terrifying. He wrangled the bag away from me and began screaming that we needed to leave NOW! I asked him to explain himself. What is going on here? Tell me what else was in the bag.

This prompted his terrifying barrage of threats to kill me. LAH gave me a couple of strong shoves.

I began to suspect that he may have added some of Dad's electronics to the bag. Or worse. His reaction to me insisting that I just wanted to make sure that he had not taken anything of ours revealed that there was plenty going on with whatever his scheme was.

LAH insisted that what he had in the bag was personal and none of my F***ing business! I said that until I was sure he was not up to something illegal, he was not going to visit his friend. After 10 minutes of this back and forth, his dad came in from working in the yard. He has some Fridays off to use up vac days before they expire.

Desperate to limit his dad's involvement, LAH quietly and forcefully threatened me again. "Shut the hell up! Do you want to die today?"

Still calm, I repeated that he needed to sit down and open the bag. He was adamant that this would not happen.

"LAH, you have threatened to kill me repeatedly. Why? Over what? You shoved me and are behaving erratically, even for you. I have a right to check that you did not steal anything from us which you have done for years. Please calm down, we can look at the contents together, just me and you. Otherwise, I will need to call 911 and get the police involved. You have a long history of stealing from us. The PD knows this. They will want to be involved because you are the only person here who is out of control. We are your legal guardians. That means we have a responsibility to make sure that whatever you are doing is on the up and up. Your aggression is so out of control that I am concerned for you and for me. I think the police should be here."

I called out to his dad in the other room, "Please, prepare to call 911 immediately, if asked." I was prepared to have them send medics and take him to the hospital for evaluation."

Then, LAH pulls out his cell and insists that he has to call BlueMew. I was pleading with LAH not to involve his friend in this mad, avoidable LAH-induced drama. "Do you want to drive away another person you care about? Please do not force this madness on BlueMew!" I did not find out until later that BlueMew had picked up and heard me say that last bit. LAH was beyond hysterical and could barely catch his breath or get his words out.

If not for LAH's love of the speakerphone, which gave me the ability to hear the unfiltered, real time reaction of BlueMew to LAH's extreme distress, I might still be in the dark.

BlueMew's manner never shifted from reassurance and total calm, beginning to end.

Right away that caught my attention. Rather odd, I thought. Wouldn't the first reaction to your friend calling in such a state cause, at the very least, an initial heightened concern?

LAH led with a protracted rant about my invading his privacy because I was suspicious about what was in the gym bag. He went on about my intent to call the police because he was threatening me, etc..

Suddenly, it hit me. BlueMew knows exactly what was in the bag. While LAH had him on the phone, BlueMew repeated versions of..., "It will be okay. Try to calm down. Trust me, it will be fine. Everything is okay."

I encouraged LAH to tell BlueMew that we would try to work it out without police involvement, but I could not ignore what LAH has done to us in the past. LAH told BlueMew he could expect a call in about 15 minutes, if we were able to leave for Suburb.

We sat down next to each other on sofa table benches and talked.

I was able to calm LAH down. As long as Dad was in the house, I knew LAH would reveal nothing more to me. It was vital for me to have him out of the house for a few hours or I was going to be in worse trouble emotionally than I was over the last two weeks.

As soon as we were in the car, LAH told me that he and BlueMew had connected for 2 or 3 months on a web site before that Suburb meeting.. "I got to know and like him online. I was careful and decided that we could meet in a public space."

Hmm. Did he decide or did BlueMew? I did not ask, but do have my suspicions.

LAH said that BlueMew had agreed to "store" some of LAH's personal items in his rooms at his parent's place. While he did not name them, I know that I felt the diapers and the pacifier. Both are now gone from the hiding place.

LAH knows that any agency CILA provider will pick through and examine whatever he brings into the group home. This has been on his mind for some time.

The big question for me is, did LAH ask BlueMew for this favor or did BlueMew put that offer forward? The answer will provide more for me to consider. I chose to hold back on some questions as it is more fruitful with LAH not to appear too eager.

LAH is very interested in what BlueMew has shared about what he was able to do out and about pre-Covid. Oh no, geez.

BlueMew attended conventions of like-minded folk. There were also group dinners in restaurants in Chicago. LAH wants to be able to participate in those functions when they resume again.

I spoke about his long term inability to discern the motives of others, which is one reason why he does require guardianship. It is not about control, but out of concern for his safety. LAH kept referring to himself as an adult who is entitled to his privacy. I said that he is an adult who has deficits in functioning which can be addressed through a structured program of therapy and practical experience in a sheltered environment.

I did not share my newly awakened misgivings about BlueMew. LAH has always fought against anyone prying into his clumsily cloaked life. That mantra about being an adult and the belief that he is capable of handling life without some supervision, that he is entitled to more privacy?all of that started up in earnest about the time he was connecting with BlueMew online. Is LAH repeating what has been said to him over the past 4 months?

Between the ride to Suburb and the return trip in my car 6+ hours later, LAH told me more.

I asked him to promise that he would never post pictures of himself on-line. Never. Please make it a hard and fast rule that you do not allow others to take pictures of you, either. Never.

LAH assured me that he had no intention of doing that, but spoke of others who do post pics but blur out their faces.

Then he revealed what I already suspected. He has several other Twitter accounts set up, specifically to be able to communicate with those who "share my interests".

"I never access them without first using a VPN. I don't want anyone to be able to trace what I do back to this house."

Wow, isn't that comforting? I did not mention that black ops type entities can probably get through whatever VPN service that my son is able to afford.

Part of the appeal of BlueMew, perhaps the main one, is certainly his intense familiarity with all things regarding computer networking. Rerouting. Hiding. Protecting.

On Thursday night, I remarked to Dad, "It will be nice for LAH to have a break with BlueMew tomorrow. It is a good thing that BlueMew is not a serial killer. Of course, if he were I might have LAH go over there anyway." We both laughed, but the dark humor does not tickle me now.


*My title of Dimmest Bulb in the Whole World has been confirmed.
Dr Psychologist:

According to what LAH knew, and what BlueMew told me later, he takes on contract jobs for various companies. This can involve fine tuning the processes in their company computer networks and, if I understood correctly, often includes an analysis of and fixes for any security blips.

I did look BlueMew up on LinkedIn. I did not run a background security check or anything of that nature. Not yet anyway.

BlueMew's father was a radiologist, who is now retired, as far as I know. He is in his mid-80's. Mom is in her early 80's. BlueMew lives at home with his parents.

They were home some of the time when LAH visited, but BlueMew did not introduce them. LAH saw Dr Dad eating a sandwich in the kitchen when they passed through to the basement. He heard Mrs Mom speaking when he was near a bedroom (?) door, but did not see or speak to her. Honestly, I thought that this was odd. I do not want anyone in my home that I have not met or greeted, do you?.

BlueMew told us that they are aware that he has felt asexual most of his life. After his first TeddyCon in 2016, which was held in NYC that year, he came home and told his parents that he was into AB/DL Age Play. I have known other men over the years who collected stuffed animals, but had no interest in Age Play or anything like that. All had experienced separation from their mothers at a tender age.

BlueMew has piqued LAH's interest in the conventions. I can understand why BlueMew likes them. I have known others who liked different kinks. They were transformed by their time attending conventions with like-minded people. Good for them, but they then discovered that not all conventions protect their attendees.

I have spoken at length to LAH about why, even if I had a deep interest in one kink thing or another, I would never attend a convention. It is unsafe for a wide variety of reasons. especially in today's world.

Nor do I want LAH introduced into the special interest Chicago area dinner scene by BlueMew or by anyone else. BlueMew knows that I am not going to budge on that, whether it is Chicago or Suburb. The dire Chicago carjacking problem means that now I will not allow him to be driven into the city, by anyone, for any purpose. Not even to go to a museum. If that is something he desires, Dad and I can take him via Metra and a cab, sans BlueMew.

The last event that BlueMew spoke of was an event that he plans in WI Dells for a core group of people that he has known over the past few years. It is an invitation only event. They rent a large space at Dells resorts. Not the Villas. I think they are large cabins.

There may be an Age Play area, one with crafts like finger painting, some attendees may dress in onesies or other gear over their diapers. I do not know if they do a talent show like TeddyCon does. The only thing I am sure of is that I have no reason to think it is a good environment or is safe for LAH. LAH poring over BlueMew's online posts or Dad and I meeting and speaking with BlueMew on a couple of occasions, is not enough to reassure me that my son will be safe. Maybe BlueMew is as nice as he appears. How do I know?

If he has so many friends, why does he want to speak with BlueMew every day? LAH says that BlueMew looks forward to talking with LAH because it is so much fun.

Hmm. Maybe, but it is how I was approached by an ex-con from NOLA, who lived with a former mistress of my father's in Chicago. Though, in the beginning I had no idea about his history. Ned was one of dozens of unsuitables whom our parents welcomed into our home. Like BlueMew, he also favored the slow approach with gentle flattery. We were discovered before anything happened. My father was livid and vilified me as a homewrecker. Funny, coming from him. Later, I heard Ned had done the same with someone else's daughter, but it did not end as happily. I was lucky after all.

My other concern with BlueMew is that, except for last night, LAH is speaking with him in private. In his bedroom, not on speakerphone or it is turned down very low. He has never done this before. I am trying to give him some space, but it is tough.

LAH said that when he was at BlueMew's house, they did not gear up in the diapers, etc. "We were too busy with electronics. I was so upset. Working on the Nintendo stuff calmed me down eventually."

I have not handled any part of this well, have I?

Dr Psychologist:

LAH was supposed to get up yesterday and exercise. That did not happen.

Instead he got up about 3pm and spent time in the bathroom before wandering into the family room. While the electricity had gone off for less than 5 seconds in the morning, causing his clock radio digital display to blink at 12:00, that was no excuse for him staying in bed. I do not accept that he never looked at the clock between 130am and 300pm. 10.5 hours? No way. Not when one of the reasons he has the clock with the large digital display is because he claims it alleviates his concern about the time whenever he tosses and wakes up briefly during sleep time.

I will wake him up today for his hair cut appointment at 330pm, mainly to reduce my stress. I told him that he needs to set an additional battery powered timer or other device.

We will be looking around for another clock radio which has a battery back-up already installed, just in case of future power outages. An item he can take to the group home, though no offers of interest have been received.

I was unhappy about LAH wasting his day in bed. Many days over each week. He continually squanders his life and it disrupts mine as well.

I expressed my deep dismay, again, that he is unwilling to be honest most of the time. His "go to" pattern of denial and lying will negatively impact LAH's entire life.

He agreed that, even when he has done something awful, I do try to see it from all angles. As I put it to him, "I am not like the parents who kick their kids out of the house for interests similar to yours. I spend time processing everything and try to understand. What upsets me the most is that you give me zero credit for what I get right as a parent. How is it that you and your dad do not see who I am? I think you do not bother to look. That is very sad."

LAH admitted that online posts he sees offer a view into what others in his situation endure. Many are evicted from the family home. Some are hauled off to therapists or doctors to be "fixed".

He said he appreciated that I do not think that way. Hmm.

"Okay, how about you "full stop" your threats to kill me? Or, when I am having a terrible day and I ask you to leave me be or to just stop talking while I am working to get a meal on the table, could you please be courteous and let me be?" LAH said he will try to do better.

He and I discussed more topics before LAH informed me that he had arranged for BlueMew to speak with both of us on speakerphone.

At first, I hesitated because I was up at 610am. It was my final PT appointment with a reassessment. I was there for 1.5 hours, arriving home exhausted. Then I thought, get it over with, Mom.

We were on speakerphone with BlueMew for 90 minutes, as LAH listened and occasionally commented.

While I understood that BlueMew was placed in a difficult position, it seemed short sighted on his part not to encourage LAH to avoid embellishment of what transpired and how they originally connected.. LAH is the one who concocted the whole scenario about BlueMew being in Suburb to pick up some Popcorn Shop's popcorn. The truth gave me pause. I reconsidered my original assessment of BlueMew.

He did apologize several times.

I get it. As I had said to LAH earlier in private, "You had BlueMew by the short hairs and made the wrong choice out of fear. BlueMew should have pushed back and offered an alternative to your fabrication. He was the older person in the mix."

We discussed LAH's fear to share with me their mutual interest in AB/DL Age Play, but since there is a secondary love of Nintendo and other video games, why not tell me that they met each other online through that? A partial truth which leaves out the more personal information for another, deeper conversation.

Easily, most of the tension and unpleasantness between me and LAH revolves around his deceit, thievery, recklessness, verbal harassment and illegal activities online. I have been dealing with all of it for years.

I explained to BlueMew that LAH complains about being watched, that Dad and I exert too much control over him, but that was never our desire. NOTE: We have not and never wanted to be his wardens. It is exhausting and demoralizing.

While I did not go into detail, I let BlueMew know that LAH has broken the law multiple times. He left Dad and I vulnerable multiple times to future legal action against us, particularly since he used our internet. Being tense and fearful of consequences for that which I did not do? Nope, this is not how I want to spend the last few years of my life.

It is not easy to have legal guardianship granted by the court. The case must be made to a judge that there are compelling reasons. LAH may be an adult in his chronological age, but he has deficits which make him as vulnerable as a much younger person. We have accepted the responsibility to watch over him. I take it very seriously.

We hope that LAH can move beyond his current inability to be fully functional in the real world and think that a group home placement is his best shot. He did well amongst his peers at Private School for 13 years. We hang our hopes on a similar positive result after spending years in a group home. Maybe he will be able to live on his own one day.

I have been trying from my end to get him to stick to a reasonable, steady schedule 24/7/365. This effort to help him succeed has taken years. Yet, LAH has never been able to meet most goals for more than 2 or 3 days in a row.

Now that we better understand how ADHD impacts him, maintaining a stable bedtime and a 900am start to his morning is more vital than ever.

I asked BlueMew more questions about the conventions, dinners and other trips, such as one that is organized by BlueMew in WI Dells for people he knows well.

At this point, BlueMew, these are all out of the question for a variety of reasons:

• Despite appearances, LAH is in no way ready to experience a large convention. I suspect this may never be an event that is a good fit for him.

• You may be a great driver. However, my main concern is that rampant carjackings are taking place all over Chicago. I myself will no longer drive to Chicago. LAH will not be allowed to ride with anyone to the city. It is not worth the real potential for danger.

BTW, Dr Psychologist: LAH does not know that I have shared the "special interests" piece of his relationship with BlueMew. It is better left that way, unless he decides to broach it.

I did laugh about the story he concocted for us regarding their first in person meeting. "Did it ever occur to you that others might question such unlikely circumstances?" LAH looked surprised. Very surprised.

"Like who?" Well, your Aunt never implied it was not the truth, but she thought it was most remarkable and unusual.

"Did Dr. Psychologist think that too?" Who knows, LAH? You can ask him about it when you see him in early July.

I hope that you enjoyed a fabulous Father's Day, Dr Psychologist.

I told her to check her email to see what she had sent, and I backed up the messages in case she decided to sweep this under the rug. She ended up being honest about what she did, which is the one good thing about all of this. I'm not going to say how I got access to her account, but it seems like I had the right idea since she obviously can't be trusted...

In the car ride discussed in the original post, she specifically promised that she wouldn't even tell Dr. Psychologist, even though she usually tells him everything about me. She claims that "it was unintentional" and that she "was just so worried" about me that she wasn't really thinking about what she was sharing.

I'm never opening up to her again. I don't care that she has legal guardianship over me. From now on, I'm keeping to myself. She agreed to cancel my future appointments with Dr. Psychologist, since I no longer feel comfortable talking with him. I'm changing all of the passwords that I have shared with her (under threat of having me arrested if I refused). I'm no longer going to abide by the rule of running any purchases by my parents before making them. I think I'll even pressure them to let me off my medication (which they threaten to call the police, when I refuse to take).

I won't be breaking any laws, but all bets are off...
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Im sorry to hear that that happend to you. I wish the best for you and your loved ones.
Also i didnt know that you could post this kinda stuff here (Im not shaming i just find it strange imo since its the first time i ever saw something like this on GBAtemp.)
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