End of long ass failure

So today was my last day at work in a buisness I left my full time job for because my boss flushed all the money to open said buisness on weed and supplies to open said buisness.... but didn't save any to pay the bills/employees.

So it's a long story beginning with my last blog post as the catalyst. I moved to Florida in an attempt to distance myself from a really shit situation and to double as a foot in the door for my grandparents to move down to retirement land. My first job was as a chef in a nursing home and it was honest to God shit, dead rats under the cabinets and old folks being treated poorly but so were the workers ie nurses and me. I was able to deal with most of that and even made some progress getting the boss lady to like me and give me a bit more room to breath. At least until Thanksgiving came by I had several weeks prior set up some time off with the manager but when the time came the owner tried to take away my scheduled time off. "Luckily" my uncle also worked there he was able to cover for me.... until he didn't, halfway through he quit due to differences with owner and with him I was also removed. So 3 months into my big move I was out of a job and being threatened with eviction cause without a job rent isnt easily paid.

Shortly after my notice I found my way into a job at habitat for Humanity it was a decent job reliable. But boy was it different in my first job I was a home health aide so I was used to lifting 100+ lbs but not lifting 100+ lbs all day and of all sizes so for the first few months I was constantly sore and chaffing everywhere. The bosses weren't bad but early on there were alot of issues. I usually get to work early to ensure I'm not late so I'd go into the break room to grab/eat some breakfast but the manager didn't like that cause she was working so I should be as well so I started skipping breakfast and getting to work penning in my time earlier and earlier each day which made her happy until payday when I had a few hours overtime. So she told me to start marking down wrong times so that I didn't end up with overtime. So I just stopped coming in early I started eating breakfast in my car or at home before I left, started arriving either exactly on time or a few mins late. As time moved on the phrase there's always something to do was being thrown my way more and more often. I'm the kind of person that if there's something to do its been done already and boss had a knack for walking in when I was just done doing something and was headed back to the register, I was the cashier but that wasn't my position there are no positions except the managers. Everyone does everything, but the everyone was usually me I worked with a team of mostly older women which meant anything involving lift,tech or dirty was my job and you'd be surprised what that included. Dead animals, poo covered walls, clogged toilets, inputting numbers for inventory, you name it I've probably done it at some point in that job. I was never moving fast enough for the Manager always being told I wasn't doing enough or to go do something/stop doing what I was doing. It got so bad at one point I had a panic attack and had to go out to calm myself down otherwise I mightve quit on the spot. But I worked through all of it even when the boss started screaming at me cause I needed to take so pills for my vertigo and needed water but she wanted me to do something first. There is no first when it comes to my vertigo it's either take my meds or I'm on the floor vomiting and out of commission for a few hours. I was out of commission for 3 days once because a side effect of my meds is drowsiness and that led to some accidental breaking of some inventory so I tried to cut back and that was a very bad idea. About 2 years in covid hit and I got hit pretty bad I was unconscious for most of 3 days I don't know how to describe it but imagine being in a volcano one second then in Antarctica the next and then sometimes it was like inside your were on fire but outside you were frozen. The coughing sucked the worst though cause in the moments between coughs your muscles contract and you feel like everything is squishing in at once. The headaches were a close second mostly cause of the coughing that made them worse. But 2 weeks I don't remember later 3 days of which I didn't leave my bed except to grab a snack bar and use the bathroom. I get the results that say I can go back to work along side with the news that some how I had contracted Covid, influenza A and Influenza B all at the same time and I was lucky to be alive.

Earlier that year I met the man who would be my landlord he came in to buy some random stuff for his house he was repairing and I was talking to my co worker about how I was being forced to move from my current residence because my uncle who I was living with decided that I was over staying my welcome. Even though I was paying rent and helping out around the house babysitting the kids and doing my best to stay out of the way I'm a wall flower I hide in corners and play my games when not called upon, my parents used to think I wasn't home at times cause of how little noise I make. But 6 months I guess is to much time to get my self stable not considering that I had lost my first job in Florida cause of him. So my soon to be landlord made me a deal if I worked some hours after my job at habitat for him he'd give me a deal on my rent because I couldn't afford the rents in the area on my own and I didn't have the credit or time to find decent roommates. So I took the offer and began working 2 jobs in the morning with habitat and in the afternoon with the landlord fixing the house and living in the basement. I'd wake at 6am and be done work at anywhere between 8pm to 10pm. Thanks to the deal I was slowly able to get my feet back under me but at a cost, the land lord was an wary man. He had amassed some wealth and felt like everyone was trying to take advantage of it and of him. So when I first moved in my family came to visit for a few days from up north 7 days total which was less then the 14 the lease said I could have people visiting for. But during those seven days he didn't give me any time to properly enjoy my family I hadn't seen in almost 2 years, phone calls, texts messages, spying neighbors, he harrased me the entire time and when after seven days had passed he threatened to evict me if I didn't have my family leave. Before I even had much choice he had come to the house and had harassed my parents in person, so much so that they left. I was alone again and now my landlord was at my neck to move out even though I had complied for the last 2 weeks left of the month I had to run around trying to find a new place to live. But I was having no luck at that point I had just given up and figured I'll just head back up north give up on my plans and face the mess I had left behind. Luckily on the day before I was gonna pack my bags and take what little I had the landlord called and said I could stay but only if I didn't have family come visit. So i stayed and continued with my work on the house after work at habitat alone except when I was at work with him or those people at habitat. Eventually I started working at his company as a file jockey helping with cleaning and other things. Then covid hit and I was out of that job, as you have read he was a wary man and was afraid I'd give him covid and he'd die from it so he cut off my work at the house and at the office. It wasn't the greatest loss of income but it made things a bit harder saving became difficult again but I got to spend more time relaxing except when I got sick.

4 years had passed and I was approaching my 3rd year at habitat, I had never missed a work day any day I was sick I was covered by vacation time or sicks leave. And I was still at the bottom of the food chain, so after an event where a new employee decided to throw a fit and complain to the manager because I told him to come back inside and do some work (which the assistant manager had to me to say and ask him to do) I decided it was time to leave. If after 3 years a new employee can complain to the manager and the manager, knowing the situation can tell me to my face that I'm in the wrong and that I have no right and no authority to tell anyone what to do. I was done I made peace with the idea that I had wasted my time at this company and double by the fact I had only gotten a 50 cent raise over those 3 years. I made the move to a different job.

During my last 6 months at habitat I met a woman who offered me a job assisting her doing exactly what I was doing at habitat but for higher pay and a position with an actual title. She said she'd call me when everything was ready as it was a new venture and she was getting everything ready. She called Shortly after the events mentioned prior and I jumped on the opportunity but I had unknowingly jumped into hell. When I arrived at my new job things were not what I was expecting, it was a small shop and nothing was ready not even the paperwork to open was started. I had come expecting an open place of buisness and instead got a box and desk. Considering the situation though things were fine at first the boss lady gave me a checklist and then left me to it for 2 weeks while she went off somewhere, we got along fine when she got back too and over 2 months I got everything ready, all the inspections where done all the forms were filled and all the certificates were in place. I had installed the security system set up the cash register and created an inventory sheet to upload to the register that had all the prices for the stock we had so that it would automatically keep track of it. But slowly the more I did the more she took away from me. For the first month I had my own desk and file cabinet/storage. Then she took my desk away which was fine I didn't really need a desk. I started finding that things in my storage/file cabinet shed take and hide or place in her desk. My stuff I'd leave on my file cabinet or storage would be thrown on the floor or my jacket and other belongings would be in the garbage in the mornings. And then month 2 she began sabotaging my work, she make a to do list and then change her mind after i had checked everything off. She'd take things I made that she had called perfect and break them or undo them and tell me to do it a different way. Some days she'd just come in and tell me to go home and this became a real problem because our opening day was around the corner we still had things to do but opening day came and went and we couldn't open because she'd find ways to push it off. By the 4th month and our 2nd "opening" she had taken my file cabinet away saying she wanted me to copy everything in my file cabinet and put it in hers exactly as I had it in mine. Which I did and she said I did it wrong. So I redid it full alphabetical and detailed, mines was organized by ease of access and use so I figured she'd want it more organized now. She called that chaos apparently alphabetical organized and detailed descriptions are to chaotic for her so I asked what she wanted she and she showed me something that made no sense everything was everywhere the only organization was just this goes here cause it's company stuff and this goes there cause it's personal. She then took my whole file cabinet said I dont need it and that next time the file I had made for myself that I put my name on shouldn't have my name on it it should say employee cause I'm just an employee and files don't need to have my name on them. Even though she took my personal files and told me to make exact copies of them. So as month 4 rolls around I have no desk no file cabinets and she's beginning to cut back my hours because we have to save money till we open. She's refusing to be in the same building as me so she makes me work from 6am to 12pm and that I'd better be gone before she gets there or else there will be problems. In those 6 hours I have to get a full checklist of stuff done and then clean the entire store so that when she arrives it looks perfect so that she can come in and wreck up the place. And this went on for a few weeks until I wasn't cleaning well enough so she hired a cleaning company to do it. Finally may rolls around its time for our 3rd opening day a real day to sell and make profit..... except no as people come in she says nothing is for sale its just to look and see. So people come in ask if they can buy something and she runs up says no. Repeating that the whole day and then the next day we are no longer open we will reopen when she gets back from a big event to buy more stock. We are already nearing the red by this point but I setup everything so she can go and i take care of the store and her house while she's gone for 2 weeks and when she gets back I unload a bunch of heavy boxes into our storage room and then am give the day off. When I get back the next day everything is everywhere she opened every box but didn't put anything where it belonged inventory is on the floor on every surface in every crevice the store is in an inoperable condition and she tops it off with oh yeah we won't be able to open for a long time. So I take 2 weeks off unpaid vacation time, but not for me I take it because during covid I wasn't able to work to keep up the hours I owed the landlord for the rent so I took the 2 weeks to head up to his company up north a 24 hour drive not flight drive because he's too cheap to by a ticket and work 14 hour days to make up for the time I missed so I'd wakeup at 6 am and then drive an hour start work with nothing more then a quick break for lunch and if he even saw me not working for a second he'd complain that I wasnt here to slack off. At some point during these 2 weeks I pissed him off because I clocked out of work and went to grab some food and he was still working and said wow great job being lazy while the boss is at work. I'd just finish a long ass day on a can of spaghettios of course I'd sit my ass down to eat I'm hungry.

And that brings us to now I got back from my trip north Monday I had 2 days to recover before coming back to find out that today was my last day cause the buisness is out of money because the boss lady spent what was left of our budget and then sum to the degree of over 10 grand on inventory. But what kills me is that she was trading that inventory behind the store on camera for weed. I don't care if she spent her own damn money but that's buisness goods or it was cause now I'm jobless and probably gonna be homeless cause my landlords pissed at me for eating when I'm hungry and clocking out when it's time to clock out. Which means my 4 year pain in the ass Florida trip will end in utter failure and ill probably be moving back up north a defeated man and there's not much I can do about it either I've worked my ass off for just shy of 4 years and the best I got to show for it is a slightly good car and pc.

I know there are people out there who have had worst times and worst lives. This is not a pity request thread/post, this is a me bitching at life thread cause I got no one to tell this too so ill just post it here so that I can get it off my chest before I go crazy. So for now it's a shit sandwich and yes I made it and yes I choose to eat it up to this point but I reserve my right to bitch about how shitty it is. I'll post any updates if something good comes of this like finding a winning lotto ticket or something but for now have fun reading that long ass shit post. If you do fully read it thanks might not mean much but I appreciate that you took the time.
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what a craptastic time you've had. yikes.

at the very least, you got to live out that dream you had to go to Florida, made life experiences, and all those things. definitely not the best ending, and i hope things turn around asap for you and start looking uo
Agreed experience is definitely one of the things I got out of this. Sadly it's more on the side of things to avoid then things to do but eventually you run out of thing to avoid...... right.....
Took me 15 minutes to read. (liked the post to tell me "do not forget".)
Somehow funny (not really) cause I thought I was speed reader but ready line with same backgroudn colour made it difficult.

Anyway what a bad ass situation, seem like landlord there has a lot of power feel weird
To take your words might, not mean much but I give you my virtual support and wish you way better luck :)
I recall the moving to Florida post a while back... I am not sure where I would meet such a collection of people (though I guess the glib answer is Florida).

Can't say I have ever had such troubles but have generally avoided doing lowest rung on the totem pole stuff so as to avoid that.

Small comfort maybe but sounds like you put the effort in and tried to push through nonsense to make it work, which is far better than the "want it all on a plate" I so often see. I would say you probably also want to work on not letting people walk all over you but I am not sure how you might do that; I can walk away and know that the problems people want sorted are not going to get fixed if they are too unpleasant for my taste, though I have usually vetted someone long before then. If you are lurching from bad situation to what you hope is slightly better then that gets harder.
If you are reasonably well built courtesy of shuffling things around all day then I would note many building trades are crying out for people right now (as in have not got the people to take on work that people want done) and paying real money for those that are willing to put the effort in (or sometimes even just turning up with a pulse).
Yeah definitely one of those things I need to work on problem is in Florida it's very employer sided and I just recently got well off enough to be able to afford walking away from things. I had acquired quite a bit of debt from my previous life so i was constantly on the edge trying to make ends meet a few times I spent weeks living off of just Rice so that I could make my rent payment. On a similar side note consolidating credits is a very bad idea they don't explain that if you consolidate it they are closing the accounts and that destroyed my credit along side the credit consolidation company missing or being constantly late on payments.

Oddly enough it's people who seem the nicest that do the most fucked up stuff. Its like the devils deal type of stuff sounds great on paper not so much in practice.

In terms of work it's not so much an issue as it's become a family thing. I was a pretty big staple in my family so when I left it cause some good things and bad things to happen. My family became more self sufficient but my little sister became suicidal, cause she felt I abandoned her. So my family whose basically run like a Patriarchy has decided to move in a way that I'm not really able to say no too.

At this point my argument that I was living in Florida to bring my grandparents down and it would be easier if I had a foot hold went out the window due to 1 the landlord and 2 my grandparents are now trying to move to Jersey to get out of a bad situation. So considering I really do love my grandparents and want them to be happy and that happiness will come if I move back up north I've given in and put a false front that if nothing changes in a month I'll move back. Don't get me wrong I'm not super thrilled cause privacy goes out the window and my family is quite restrictive in many ways but I'd rather be restricted abit then to not be around when my grandparents need me. The past 4 years were rough enough with both of them going through a bunch of stuff and my dad getting cancer and me being unable to be there. So in the end Ill be going back to recuperate and come up with a new plan.

I've done construction work before and I'm not Mr.Universe but I've kept up pretty well with guys twice my weight I was also considered the strong man of the habitat store in the last year. I could def get back into it if absolutely needed but I'd rather not cause I like my spine where it is lol.
Yeah New Jersey's taxes, general cost of living and impending bankruptcy make it seem like a hard place to keep your head above water in, especially if you get the normal kicking that advanced ages give you.

Construction jobs wise then doesn't have to be bricks, bags of cement and heavy stuff that wrecks your knees and back. Can sit there with a cherry picker installing aerials, satellite dishes, possibly solar, guttering, maybe doing pointing and similar things and with minimal entry requirements or training needed.

As far as employer centric then that is pretty much most of the US. Sure the "at will" states pump up the fun a tiny bit but looking on with European standards it all looks like borderline slavery.

On credit management. Another of the things I look on in horror for (only people that care about my credit score here are those I ask for a loan and maybe finance companies if I apply to work for them handling money, nobody else arguably even can know or cares much). That sounds more like a bad consolidation setup though than consolidation as a general concept being flawed, and while the time has probably passed and you would rightly laugh at me for the suggestion of paying a lawyer then if the consolidation company did indeed screw up it is on them.

Also yeah I have had a few friends landed with being the financial, emotional or physical support for various amounts of family, or maybe just straight overbearing/domineering parents and siblings, before that left them far less free to do things, and put a crimp in their social life and ability to get ahead/do things for them. Can be really hard finding a balance between what to do, what to not stand for and when to walk away, even more so if you come from a background where "you can choose your friends, can't choose your family" would get a shocked gasp rather than an amused chuckle. I would note there are limits and it is ultimately your life to live so maybe figure out something in all of that rather than allowing others to define it.
So update I just got a notice to move out by my landlord I was looking for jobs for the past few days and the pool I usually clean for him in the backyard and that is never used greened over for the first time in 2 years he took that as a sign that I was no longer a good tenant.

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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @K3Nv2, *kills him*
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    We've been over this I wear kill proof clothing
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You should talk about my mom it's a 100hp hit :teach:
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    Good night
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    Good morning!
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    what's up woke boy
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  • PandaPandel @ PandaPandel:
    i am sad ugh
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    What are we playing today?
  • PandaPandel @ PandaPandel:
    Destiny 2 and Pokemon Alpha saphire
  • Gamemaster2022 @ Gamemaster2022:
    Great titles. I'm about to play some Pokémon Emerald. I need to lvl up
  • PandaPandel @ PandaPandel:
    yassssss i love emerald
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    more of a platinum guy myself personally
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    guys i just checked to see what's in the fortnite item shop today and saw that metallica skins, atla skins and jjk skins are in the item shop at the same time rn, shit's not real 💀
  • PandaPandel @ PandaPandel:
    im playing fortnite rn and just got rsn over by a car
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @PandaPandel, irl or in the game?
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Btw it seems like the user dtapple disabled others posting on their profile, either they are going through something or they blocked me. Better leave them alone ig
  • Veho @ Veho:
    I sat on my ball and I think I crushed it

  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Veho, atleast you still have the other one
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Yeah that's why we have two balls. Redundancy.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    The squished one still hurts like a motherfucker tho.
    Veho @ Veho: The squished one still hurts like a motherfucker tho.