The Insanity of Mozilla

Let me explain
Ok, I trusted Firefox for years until now. I read an article about how the amount of Edge users were increasing but Firefox dropping. I was clueless at first why, however, I think I understand now.
Hidden Trackers
Let's start from the beginning. Firefox claims to be a private web browser. That is the biggest lie Mozilla has ever told. The only way you'd really know if you were being tracked is by looking at their privacy policy. They have built-in cookies, trackers that they send to Google. Imagine pretending to be a privacy worshiping company and doing that. It's really just a messed up move. They were hiding the deadly truth from us. They also have sponsored news in the Startpage which I honestly don't mind because what if Rap Star Big Wii Ner dies, for example, I'll need to know that stuff. However, they look at your search results to decide what news they'll show you
Profit Of Google
95% of Mozilla's profits are from Google. What does this mean? It means Google has a knife on Mozilla's throat and can slash it anytime. Google pays millions so Firefox makes Google the default search engine. However, if they stopped Mozilla would die. Couldn't Mozilla use Bing, another paying search engine? They could, but Bing has gimmicks to make people use Edge. That means Google can and will kill Firefox when there really ready.
In January 2020, Mozilla laid off 75 employees (rumor) Then in June 2020, 250 workers were laid off. (confirmed) Keep in mind Mozilla only has about a 1000 workers. Why though? Some blame it on COVID, but wouldn't covid cause more employees since everyone is browsing the web in quarantine? It's because their dirty CEO wanted to secure their paycheck and the amount of Firefox users dropped. Remember Mozilla is supposed to be a NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION.
Mozilla made a biased bog towards the capital march in January. They want to get rid of any unpopular opinions they dislike or disagree with. Their goal was to "Make an open web" however, they've made the web evil.
Waterfox and LibreWolf are good clones
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"The Real Jdbye @FAST6191 It's still based on an ancient Firefox version that they have done very little to besides some small security fixes and tweaks here and there and it lags more and more behind other browsers with every passing day. That's not good enough."
The ancient firefox version thing is something of a misunderstanding ( ) and all associated UI elements (tab groups is still nice to have) and APIs is a deliberate choice as far as I am aware, one deliberately taken as they did not like where firefox was heading.
Still supports the same HTML, SSL, CSS, javascript... standards and revisions/versions thereof as far as I know and can tell, as well as a few legacy ones firefox dropped because they felt like it.
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I gave up on FF years ago because extensions kept breaking with updates.

Chrome has it's issues, but it's less maintenance.
@N10A I think they are targeted towards webkit more than Chrome itself, as webkit is prevalent on multiple platforms (Safari uses it too for example and iPhone exploits are popular)
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@The Real Jdbye yeah, that's probably true. I would personally rather use chrome than safari, but I suppose there are a lot of people who prefer to just use the thing that came on their computer.
Also, I wrote my own blog post about this issue if anyone is interested:
I would love to have more discussion with people on this topic as it is something that I care about. (Also my thoughts come out more naturally through conversation than a blog post, I usually end up needing to edit them.)
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