I need help distinguishing the differences between two cartridge flashers!

I've seen two cart flashers floating around ebay and aliexpress, and I wanna get one, but I'm not sure which one is the better or newer model. Do any of you own one, and what's it like?

First one is Flash boy Cyclone:
View attachment 253660

Second one is just called Flash boy.
View attachment 253661

At first glance it just looks like a hardware revision to me, but I don't know. Can anyone help me shed light on this? I definitely want to buy the better/newer version, whichever one that is.
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Im curious which one is better, newer, etc... But I'm also thinking that maybe one cloned the other. It is a Chinese market after all.
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Didn't know there were such toys now available. I am slipping it seems.

I am also now wondering if "burn card" is the usual hilarious mistranslation or the code word of the day.
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Probably from 2 different manufacturers based on the same (cloned?) design. The first one has more LEDs on it so I would go with that one, they spent the extra cents so logically they care more about the quality of their product.
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