It Was Never As Good As You Remember (Horizon Zero Dawn PC)

yikes, i saw a video on Digital Foundry's Youtube Channel on how bad this game performed. I didnt believed it until I pirated the game and played it. Now I was thinking of buying it later even though I already bought the Complete Edition for ps4 around $15 a good while back, still have the copy. Here's my takeaway on it on PC with a PS4 controller.

This game sucks and it always has.

When Zelda BotW came out in 2017 and was an instant hit, playstation owners needed something to play which released around the same time, that game being Horizon Zero Dawn. Now HZD won "game of show", three e3's in a row if I remember so there was a bit of buzz around it, however I dont think that it would have sold as well if not for having the same release window as Zelda. Many reviewers giving the game 10/10.

As for me, I never placed these two in competition because of their genres. If anything I would have put HZD in competition with Assassins Creed and BotW with Metal Gear/Death Stranding. When I played Horizon Zero Dawn I personally never thought it to be any good or fun, just a new IP with excellent graphics (for the time) and one of the very few exclusive ps4 games there are in ps4's library. I forget what happened in the game's story but I remember that the game was very predictable from the e3 previews that I knew the ending before it even got released, they were robots and the ending would present you with shutting everything down or not. I mean c'mon the main character was named Alloy and everyone had robot faces, badly generated faces like a newer version of an Elders Scrolls Game. Even when I first played it I remember thinking that if I had to score the game it would have been a 73/100, and that was mostly due to the graphics and the cool primal-robo settings.

Even if this game were optimized superbly, HZD PC would still not be that good. The player movements are slippery and the traversal feels lifeless. The graphics are outdated. The textures, the terrain, the repetitive greenery, cutscenes, basically everything needs an overhaul. And this is sad because 2017 was not that long ago and there are games in-genre from 2017-before that might actually be better than HZD now in retrospect, Assassin creed Syndicate for one, hell even Watchdogs 2 might be another thats a better game (and i still havent gotten my free copy from Ubisoft for their FAKE GIVEAWAY from watching a boring presentation). HZD's combat is broken as melee is useless. The Bow feels more like a gun than a bow. The AI is bad. Players choices meant nothing. Its More repetitive than most other repetitive games etc.etc. This game was done on an old engine and it hasnt aged well.

It Was Never As Good As You Remembered. Claustrophobia Simulator LOL. Im talking of course about the PS4/PRO version, and that of PC too however PC users can now turn up the Field Of View, FOV, to see more and also set the game to UltraWide which is cool, however with the bad optimizations it would still run worse than an original PS4 on anything but a newer $450 grahics card. The cutscenes also get boxed in and it even furthers how great of a claustrophobia simulator on-ice this game was. Aloy is also a terrible protaganist, she's basically a grown up Female Chucky Doll with all the murderous intent and grumpiness and chucky-like movements and all the sneakiness and there's nothing to like other than if you like playing as a female protagonist, however in this day and age, Who knows whar Alloy identififies herself as now LOL #BlackLivesMatter

Luckily I found out this game was pirate-able and i snagged it, only to remember that this game is what I thought it to be, Overrated. I gave it a score of 73/100 above, but after seeing how bad this game runs and how outdated it actually is in comparison to those games that came around the same time or before or newer that were also released for PC and perform better, Now I'd have to bump down HZD to something like a 54/100. If it werent for the Zelda "rivalry" at the time Im hard pressed to think HZD would have sold better than it did. It actually makes me wonder about HZD 2, that game looks amazing and the new landscapes in that game with the floaty islands and the beach settings make me excited, however revisiting the first game scares me on if they've actually tightened all the physics and movement and all the other non-graphical stuff that needs to get polished. Guerrilla Games did work a bit on Death Stranding and that game's player movement and feel was pretty darn good so hopefully they take something away from that.

All in All. Horizon Zero Dawn is a Claustrophobia Simulator specifically made for Playstation 4 that hasn't aged well and is not a must have for ps5 backward compatibility either. DONT BUY IT FOR PC. Get something else like Death Stranding or Monster Hunter or something better.
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*side note. Played at Ultrawide 21:9, Native 4k/60fps on RTX 2080 Super on Ultra Settings with FOV 100 on 4k IPS monitor. There were lots of inconsistent frames usually going down to 45fps but it mostly was able to play at 60fps the majority of times. It looks Really Bad in 4k. I had manually overclocked my Processor, Ram, Graphics Card pretty much to their maximums to try and give this game as much a fighting chance as I could judge it again. HZD looks best as a 1080p game that gradually gets worse as you go higher in pixel count. Although some say 1440p is its target.
I find HZD is a clunky game. The stealth mechanic is ok, although it's a dumbed down experience compared to stealth games such as deus ex or dishonored. But the worst part is probably the sniping mechanic. I am amazed with people who could attack enemies with arrows using a gamepad. I like the narrative though.

I could buy this game for $5 on epic games though, but I am not in a rush to play it.
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I've been trying to get into this game the past few days. Can't get either my Steam controller or PS3 controller to work with it. So I'm stuck with M+KB, which totally blows. It's clearly designed for analogue movement. (Pirated though, hopefully the legit version works with these controllers)

I'm several hours in, where you start to get multiple side quests at once. I just don't know what I should do and it feels quite bland. I don't feel like wasting time running around this map, and only have 2 fast travel packs so I don't want to waste them.

So far the only cool aspect of the game is overriding the machines. But I can only override a couple kinds right now, wasted a bunch of time trying to override other types.

Meanwhile, I'm totally in love with Death Stranding. Somehow I don't feel like I'm wasting my time with it. It's much more engaging. I'm a gameplay > story person, and Death Stranding still beats H:ZD.
I never had any interest in either BotW (equipment fragility, limited stamina, open-world, repetitive shrines, overpowered enemies, temperature, resource grinding) or HZD (open-world, no male player character).
I'm honestly surprised so many people cared about this borefest, honestly, when those two factors alone cripple it. Open-worlds are just so large, tedious to traverse, and boring, compared to a lot of closed-worlds, and for the last decade we've been swamped with the damn things - we don't need any more. A male player character would be appreciated, since I (and a lot of others, presumably) would prefer to play as one instead of as a female, for personal reasons; being forced to play as something you don't like just isn't acceptable.
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Would a male main character really save this game? :rofl2:

I personally never cared which sex I played as, if it's a story type game it's basically watching a movie: It can either be good, or not well written. It doesn't matter what sex the lead character is.

Getting a little more personal and off topic, if I have the option, I'd rather play a female character specially if it's a 3rd person camera. Why stare at a dude's backside the whole game when you could look at a lady's? Even in Dark Souls games, I like the fashion of the female characters better.
@thecasualties yea Death Stranding is way better than they said it was, I was worried I had wasted $65 on a preorder of a game selling for $30... Then all doubt went away when they give you control of Sam leaving the cave and that song "Dont Be So Serious" played and the controls are smooth and you have to actually traverse the river and rocks and stuff. Im sure watching it is boring but playing it isnt, the game forces you to pay attention to everything and then there are moments where you reach the top of a hill or turn around a cliff and on the other side is just pure Awe inspiring scenery.
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The problem is that every other game is open world now, so it's no longer anything special worth celebrating or marketing. Like, it was a bigger deal on the PS3/Xbox 360 era because there were a lot of games that, sure, there might be forks in the road that contain rewards/bonuses/extra lore/ammo/equipment/whatever for those who went out of their way to find them, but now? When every game is trying to basically be GTA? It's not special anymore, and honestly, I'd rather a game zone in and have more focus on something that makes it unique, like Yakuza. Sure, there's plenty of games with real time battle systems backed up by RPG-esque systems that make up your upgrade network for your character(s), but how many of them have the options of especially the later Yakuza games in how you can approach this or that, how to finish your opponent(s) off, or offer variety in a way that's legitimately fun and doesn't make you go, "golfing, huh? Why don't I just put in some good 'ole Hot Shots Golf here and try and get a Joel-in-*coughs* ahem...I mean, hole in one as opposed to dealing with this janky as hell golfing minigame?"

I remember watching Matt McMuscles' video about Demon's Souls, and how the game started off as a Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion competitor when the game's eventual director came in and realized they weren't gonna have a chance against a game that just works at normalizing DLC with the Horse armor. Instead, he made it more about combat that was punishing as hell (although I have to ask if the difficulty of any of these games is comparable to something like the first two 3D Ninja Gaiden games), and the souls mechanic that basically all of these games have adopted since. As opposed to trying to be everything, it had a focus that I honestly find a lot of open world games fail to get right in a way that I found to be personally satisfying.
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I was surprised by how wildly this took off for PlayStation. I rented it on launch and just couldn't get into it. I think it's a decent game, and it definitely felt like it was trying to be safe rather than attempt new things, but it wasn't bad at all.

I did like Aloy's design, and I loved the setting a lot--post-apocalyptic mixed with future-past stuff,--you can't go wrong. Taming that robo dino was like, the highlight of the game, and riding him around? 10/10

Everything else was a hot mess. I glitched the game out more times than I could count, and when I tried to let my boyfriend play it, he fell halfway through the world and got stuck. The gameplay itself was clunky and janky; my enjoyment came from laughing at all the unintentionally hilarious glitches and bad voiceover performances.
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Personally I love the game but its a poor port. With a 1070ti I made the decision to play at at a locked 30 as per the ps4. For a game like this I think thats preferable to dropping frames all over the place trying to hit 60 fps
@Chary So, you're saying that this game was the equivalent of this for Sony's PS4 exclusive catalog? XD

@TheCasualties I care about player character sex, since I really don't like playing as something I'm not - that is, playing as a woman. This is especially true in games with combat, since violent women are repulsive, disgusting, and just wrong, in my opinion. Never liked them.

This wouldn't save Horizon, but it'd certainly make it more tolerable. Same for Senua's Sacrifice and Tomb Raider, honestly, and Metroid.
Saying a game would be more tolerable by changing something as minor and cosmetic as the gender of the character is the most laughable take I've ever seen.

Thank goodness game writers are willing to try new things and create varied characters, rather than Gruff Man #8594.
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@AkiraKurusu I'm curious, how would you have reacted to the original Metroid? Where you play through the entire game as a masked character whose gender is never mentioned nor implied, only to find it was a woman at the end?

Say you had a blast with the game and thought every part of it was thoroughly fantastic. Would this revelation ruin it for you, or would you accept the good times you had as the good times they were?
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If I had the same approach to video games as @AkiraKurusu I wouldn't be able to play any video games at all.

I played Horizon on PS4 and enjoyed. Did I think it was perfect, no. Did I really enjoy the game, Yes and I am looking forward to the sequel. It has a a pretty great protag and a world and lore which I really found interesting.
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"no male player character"
i dont even
where the fuck do i even start
this is a joke, right
While I agree @AkiraKurusu's take is a bit of a facepalm, I would say that I'd prefer it when the devs make characters the way they want to and not the way focus groups and/or politically motivated business people want them to be. If a dev wants to make a female Link in an actual Legend of Zelda game because why not? Perfectly fine in my book.

If some executive at Nintendo tells the devs to make Linkle a reality to appease REEEEEEEEESetERA and Twatter? That would be a bigger facepalm IMO than @AkiraKurusu's take. And that would go the same for if they decided to make Samus male or, fuck me, I'm putting my neck on the line with some people on this forum by saying this, transgender. NOT BECAUSE I HATE PEOPLE WHO ARE TRANS, BUT BECAUSE IT WOULD DESTROY ANY LEGACY THE CHARACTER HAS HAD UP UNTIL THIS POINT!

I normally wouldn't go full CAPS LOCK, but I figured I'd make it abundantly fucking clear what my views are, even though I still am expecting to get fucking crucified because the golden era of the Internet is fucking over.
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@Silent_Gunner the devs portrayed Alloy like a resentful robot especially when it was in its child stages. Kind of along the lines of that overrated movie Black Panther. The villain in Black Panther was basically the same character as Alloy. So I played the game mostly as an Anti Hero even though the choices didnt matter. This game was basically a Chucky Doll / Making A Murderer simulator. As for the gender thing, I wouldnt ever categorize a Robot as having a gender (im a roboticist but in the way where i discriminate). As for female characters... I remember Samus from the original Metroid when i was a boy so I never really cared. I also thought Link was a female because of the title The Legend of Zelda for a bit too, it never bothered me.
Wait, the main character in Horizon's a robot? As in, like, android? Or cyborg? Or just an augmented human kind of like any of the MCs in the Deus Ex games?

As for Link, I thought pretty much the same until I played Melee for the first time. With Samus, I actually thought it was a guy partially because Samus isn't exactly a common name, mixed in with my not beating any of the games until I was maybe 10-12 and, to seal the deal, partially because I sort of wanted to insert myself (no, not in a rule 34 way! XD) into the character that I thought was male when I sort of grew out of that phase when I was a teenager and accepted the character for who she was, which was certainly more silent, badass, and cool than whatever you call this that should have been reserved for Zero Mission:

Don't give a shit what gender the main character is I love Tomb Raider, Metroid, many other games with female characters. But I must say, this is a game I've always wanted to love but just couldn't get into the gameplay. I beat a shitton of games but I only got about 6-8 hours into this one and struggle to revisit it.
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I found the animations in this game to be really bothering. Zelda on GameCube had better animations. At least as a first impression.
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