My consoles

Everyone does this in their signature, but my list is far too expansive to actually fit into my signature, no matter how I tried to format it. I'll update it as things change, if I can ever remember. Before you ask, yes, this is pointless because nobody will care but me. Okay. Oldest to newest, let's go.

Sega Saturn - Modchipped
PS1 - Serial port cheat device (import/backup enabler, too)
Sega Dreamcast - Black VMU. It's pretty.
Original Xbox - 1.2, TSOP'd with EvoX and 200 GB hard drive, running EvoX. Power button no longer works.
Original Xbox - 1.4, TSOP'd with 80 GB hard drive, running XBMC4Xbox
PS2 - Slim, FMCB in slot-1
Xbox 360 - Phat, Jasper, 120 GB hard drive, RGH 1.2, FSD 3
Xbox 360 - Slim E, not modded yet
Wii - Blue, no GC ports, 4.3u, HBC + RiiConnect24
Wii - White, GC ports, 4.3u, HBC + RiiConnect24
Wii - Red, GC ports, 4.3u, stock
PS3 - Slim, 4.86, HEN, 120 GB HDD
Xbox One - Blue, Forza 5 edition.
Switch - Unpatched, newest OFW.
Switch - Unpatched, modded running Atmosphere

GBA SP - AGS-001, red, Supercard SD
DS Phat - Blue, R4i 3DS + 16GB mSD (Lost this in a fire, may it rest in peace)
DS Lite - Zelda edition, stock (many issues)
DSi - Black, 4GB SD, Unlaunch + TwilightMenu++
PSP 3001 - Black, 6.61, PRO-C CFW + Infinity 2.0, 16 GB mSD
o3DS - Red/Black gradient, LumaCFW + 32GB SD
o2DS - Blue/Black, LumaCFW + 32GB SD

Welp. There we go. I haven't modded the red Wii because it was a big part of my youth (Visits to the Aunt's house meant using her red Wii, which I was later gifted, and it's been kept stock for nostalgia reasons), and that DS Lite was part of my youth around the same time, but it's just about fallen apart. L and R buttons don't work, dead pixels on the top screen, D-Pad's kinda janky, and of course, wobbly hinge. I might sell it to someone who wants to fix it up..

Oh, an addendum. I don't consider the Switch a handheld console because being played on an external display is a primary part of its intended function. It is technically a portable console, but not a 'handheld' by nature in my opinion, regardless of the fact that you can hold it in your hands. You can hold a lot of things in your hands. Before you argue that the PSP is a home console by that nature because you can connect it to a TV, that's not a primary piece of its function. It's just an optional accessory.

Second addendum. Before you ask how the hell I got all this stuff.. I worked at a local video game store for 5 years, and had a big in with the manager. Lots of employee discounts and lots of saving, lol.
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Don't say nobody cares but you.. Some of us do care too. :)

Awesome. I grew up with many consoles too but I sold them because I had to. Don't want them to be a junk in our house and no space, lol. Awesome, really. See ? I care. :P
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@alexander1970 Thank you! Don't worry about the red Wii, it gets plenty of use from my grandparents. Even though it's mine, it stays with them.

@azoreseuropa :D I'm glad someone else cares, hehe. I had a lot more when I was younger (My family used to run a local game store, so I was given some consoles that wouldn't sell if they stuck around too long), particularly an atomic blue N64, a fat Xbox 360, and a slim PSONE, all of which I really wish I'd held onto, but sold years ago because I wasn't using them. Oh, well. At least they're probably having a happy life with someone who enjoys them to this day.
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"Oldest to newest"
Home console list starts with Sega Saturn.
Handheld list starts with GBA-SP

No NES? No Master System? No classic Game Boy (DMG-001)? No Game Gear?

Fixing that DS-Lite is not easy. (L) and (R) need cleaning or replacement (micro-soldering).
Since the hinge is damaged (happens frequently) a shell swap is the best thing to do -- which means the upper screen can be replaced right away.
Most people would argue: "It's not worth the effort and/or money." I disagree. Since DS Lite are out of production for quite some time now it is the best to preserve as many as possible. Screens and shells and conductive rubber pads and all hat stuff is produced by third party manufacturers. What is gone forever when it gives up are the motherboards and probably the firmware/WiFi chips.
At the moment is certainly easier to get another working DS Lite. Might look different in ten years.

I like the DS Lite for it's simplicity. Extreme fast boot (especially with FlashMe). Pretty good screens, good battery run time, no flashcart blacklist, GBA slot.
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Obviously, I have my own gaming PC to do everything, but I still do have some consoles that I might use here and there that I also own...

TV-based consoles I actually own:

*OG Xbox with CFW.

*PS3 with CFW.

*Two Nintendo being the regular Switch with the Mariko chip, and a launch Switch for CFW. I've been considering the Switch Lite lately for the form factor, I guess...? Does the smaller size make things more comfortable? Either way, due to the lockdowns, these have been sitting in the dock for quite some time now. I have games I want to play, but not enough time to play them... :(

*Some OG PS1 stashed away somewhere in the house, collecting dust. Has the auxiliary port, at least. It doesn't see much use nowadays because what I can do with it, my PC can do better.

*Purple GC with a broken drive. I also have a black one that works better, but like the PS1, it's collecting dust for the same reason.

TV-based consoles that, at the time of writing, I may as well own. These are consoles that one of my older brothers have left behind after getting married and staying an apartment that can't support all of the items he owns, and has left it here until he finally moves out at some point:

*Sega Saturn. This is what I fallback on if none of the emulator cores work. Otherwise, and this is just my opinion, but for as few games as this thing has (other than better versions of Capcom ports and some gems that should just be ported to modern platforms), it's probably the coolest looking console out of the 5th-generation home consoles.

*Nintendo 64. Not a whole lot of games for this system that we own, but then again, my family was more about the PlayStation and Dreamcast.

*Sega Genesis, all 3 of the models. The Model 1 and Model 3 work fine, but the Model 2 was rendered nonfunctional, like, 20 years ago when the older brother who owns all of these systems tried to modify it/fix it/whatever he tried to do with it and, well, fuck it up.

*Sega CD, for the Model 1. This was working, but then something broke to where the CD audio isn't playing anymore. But just setting this thing up makes it look like a system on life support with all of the cables, and I'm just glad we're missing a cable for the...

*Sega 32X. This particular older brother bought a lot of shit from eBay in the early 2000's, and this console, along with the games, and everything else that was supposed to come with it, came in...except for the cable that goes to the Genesis itself that displays the graphical layer that made the 32X...ahem, a "sexy" purchase if you want to go by the ads made for the thing. Oh, and it was also missing the prongs for the Model 1, btw. And this thing was made to help defeat the Sega 32X, apparently...yeah.

*Super Nintendo. With bsnes and higan, is there a reason for me to pull this thing out? I mean, we have some of the highlights for this system, but we grew up more with Genesis than we did the SNES. Seriously, the prices for a lot of the games on the SNES Mini like ALttP, Super Metroid, Super Castlevania IV, etc. is OUT OF THIS WORLD! Earthbound is essentially the Snatcher of the SNES library.

Handheld Consoles:

*PSP Go. I love this handheld and form factor...but there's only so much this device can do. Like, SNES emulation at full speed is technically doable...but there's this delay that doesn't exist on the next system after this.

*New Nintendo 3DS with dual IPS screens with the Majora's Mask skin. Now, here's a doozy. I managed to snatch this from an eBay sale while on my break at work, as I knew that, when the auction would conclude, I'd have lost at my current bid. So, against all odds, I remember bidding something outrageous that I knew was a gamble since someone who really wanted this particular model could easily outbid if they were a diehard for the 3DS, let alone a rare 3DS with the benefits of being a New model, XL, and a cool skin on top of that, all before my lunch break at Walmart ended. I come back, at my last 15 minute break, and discovered that not only did my gamble pay off, but that the sale apparently pissed the sad soul I outbid off to where the seller actually mentioned that fact when he sent me a message later on eBay.

So not only did I get this rare as fuck 3DS, but I also pissed someone off! I just thought it was hilarious!

Anyways, I have barely touched this thing. Outside of going and beating Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow to see if playing on real hardware as opposed to using a mouse like on PCs made a big difference in doing those stupid Magic Seals to defeat most of the bosses (hint: it does), and trying out and being disappointed by RetroArch having to take its time to load everything you do from loading cores, to loading games that not even my PSP Go has trouble loading, its just kind of been collecting dust for the same reason as my Switch: I have no reason to go out anywhere atm, especially when I'm in debt, and everywhere requires a mask, for better or worse.

And these are all of the consoles I own or may as well own. Lots to go around, and a lot that, given the advancements in emulation of all of these systems (outside of the PSP Go, Switch, and N3DS since I'd still consider these systems to be comfortable to take with you, with the PSP Go being my favorite for how pocketable it is) as of late (OG Xbox and especially the Xbox 360 being the exceptions) are starting to kind of make needing to have the consoles physically in front of you with separate controllers for each null and void. At least, in that regard, when I finally get to World 8-4 and save the princess known as my future wife, she won't have to worry about multiple systems on her entertainment center in the living room! ;)
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@KleinesSinchen Yeah, I don't own anything older than a Saturn or an SP. I used to. I had a front-loading NES with a 4-leaf clover badge on the top, a moderately yellowed SNES, a gamegear that actually worked (barely), an original Gameboy with a missing faceplate, an atomic blue N64, a model 2 Genesis, and an original GBA (AGB-001). I sold a lot of them off over time because I just simply wasn't using them. Although I do miss my N64 quite a lot.

On the topic of repairing the DS Lite, I do agree that it's worth it to do. However, I just use my DS Phat instead. The screens are a little worse, but I'm not really leaving the house much anymore, so it doesn't really affect me much. At some point when I have more money and time, I'll get around to fixing it up. If someone wants to buy it from me before then, though, I'd probably end up selling it to them.

@Silent_Gunner Ahh, nice selection. I'm jealous of that PSP Go. I always wanted one, but they got really expensive by the time I could actually buy one. Yeah, I can definitely relate to the Switch staying in the dock most of the time. A lot of my consoles don't get used very often, simply because a lot of them are reliant on multiplayer that I can't really.. do, barring the lockdowns, 'cause nobody wants to play these things with me anyways. Right now, the things getting the most use are my original Xbox, PSP 3000, and occasionally my PS3 for some JJBA.

Oh, I also completely forgot to include my Xbox One and my Dreamcast in my list, so I'll edit to add those. I use both of them so infrequently, they're being loaned out to friends right now..
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Just updated as I've now fully TSOP flashed my other Xbox, and installed a bigger HDD in it. Also fixed some inaccuracies, like my main Xbox has a 200 GB drive, not a 120 GB drive in it, and my secondary is a 1.1, not a 1.0.
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@alexander1970 I'll have to do a big photo shoot and make a second blog post with them all. When I have more energy, that is..

Just updated to include my newest acquisition, an Xbox 360 Jasper, soon to be RGH'd by one of the capable folks on this here forum.
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Three years later and still no pictures.. What a fool I am.

Most of my stuff ended up stashed away in boxes in the garage during a move this March/April, and it's all pretty much hidden from me as my roommates reorganize the garage on a bi-weekly basis. It's still in there, as I'm slowly uncovering consoles and games occasionally, but the presentation of my current room is absolutely trash in comparison to how it used to be.

I updated things to reflect the loss of my Phat DS - I lent it to a friend whose house burned down in a recent fire.
It had my childhood copy of Pokemon FireRed in it, as well as the R4. sigh.

I also removed the Xbox console I was selling to a friend, and updated it with one I picked up and tried modding recently.. which you can read about my tribulations in modding in this blog entry. My other Xbox had some capacitors leak and the power button no longer works, so I added that info as well.

The 2DS I bought late last year got represented here, too! It was sold to me as "untested" for $5 from a local game shop, and it ended up working just fine. The top screen on my 3DS has those ugly bottom-screen stains that make it hard to focus on games, and this ended up being.. way more comfortable to me than the 3DS.

I bought a cheap DSi at the same game shop last week to fill the void in my heart left by my phat DS going up in smoke, and to help cheer me up after getting 4 stitches in my hand.

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