I am gonna be a waifu!

On June 18th, 2020, my girlfriend (now fiancée,) purposed to me! I am so excited that I've had to rewrite this introduction multiple times as I am lacking the words to describe how happy I am. I knew from the second she appeared in my life that I wanted to spend my life with her, that I knew we would happy together. Despite so many hardships and the years when we were separated, I never stopped wanting her back in my life. I've waited for this moment for so many years and it's finally happening! I am finally getting married to the girl of my dreams and I am so overwhelmed with excitement! I wanted to make this my normal long-winded life update blog but I am not sure what more I can add to this. My life has been pretty good and improving every day, so I guess I can talk about it a little more.

My life hasn't been too eventful, which is a nice change of pace for me when one considered everything I've been through. I've often dreamed of living a peaceful life with someone I loved without something horrible looming in the background or that life being a lie created to hide the ugly truth. I waited a long time for the moment when I could say "I didn't make any blogs this past couple of months because I've just been enjoying my life." Which is something I am happy to say is a reality for me in these recent months. My fiancée and I have spent a lot of time together enjoying deep conversations about everything. We have been enjoying each other's company this past couple of months through quarantine and everything happening in the world right now. She's been helping me learn to cope and deal with my mental illnesses, like helping talk me through PTSD induced panic attacks or doing everything to comfort me when the stress gets too hard for me to deal with. She and I spend all of our time together but yet never grow tired of each other and know how to give each other space when we need it. We regularly go on hikes, walks, and she loves to encourage my need to explore the world around me. I've found my mental health has been greatly improving and in return, I've been doing everything I can to help her when she needs help. We've been building each other up, working as a team to improve both of our lives as partners and individuals and I am so happy that I can see her bright smile and beautiful eyes when she looks at me. I am so happy when I wake up to find her holding me in the morning that life has gotten better. I truly adore her and love everything about her, she's my best friend and soon to be my wife. :wub:
Despite Covid-19 still being a thing, I've found happiness in wearing a mask all the time because it's helping me with my social anxiety. I am still working, but I've only suffered some minor illnesses here and there since wearing a mask all the time in public, so I feel a bit safer. I fucking love Mask Life™ and the fun of collecting masks. I feel like I've waited my entire life to have a valid and socially acceptable reason to wear a mask the time. To me, there are so many perks to wearing one:
1: Fucks with facial recognition, very nice!
2: Cute masks make everything enjoyable
3: No one knows my gender my mask, so I am almost always gendered correctly
4: Mask Life™
5: I feel cute wearing them
6: I am sick less often
My immune system is really bad like I used to get sick regularly and would take forever to recover from. The most I've been dealing with is a few minor illnesses that didn't last more than 24 hours. There's also the fact that I am not being as stressed as I used to be and taking care of my health has also helped me greatly. COVID has been rough but at least I found something out of it that has made my personal life so much better.
I am still active in school, despite feeling many of my classes are rather pointless and not beneficial to my fields of study. I am also still a straight-A student and working extremely hard on my schoolwork with most of my free time. That part of life has changed in the past two years and I still got a few more years of doing this. My goal is to use what I've been studying over the years in psychology and social psychology to help those in similar situations as I was or at risk of ending up in abusive situations. I want to use the trauma I went through as motivation to help others and the best way to do this is getting the proper education and qualifications to do so. As well as continuing my therapy and recovery process along the way. I am learning how to cope with or unlearn toxic behaviors/coping mechanisms, learning how to recognize and deal with my triggers. I am learning how to recover while learning how to help others recover as well.

I don't think there is much else I can add to this blog post. My life is for the better, much less eventful. I am not struggling with the same kinds of issues that I used to struggle with in the past. My life is pretty average and mostly just made up of fun little adventures with my fiancée and our Glaceon plushie, Potato. It was always my goal when making these blogs to one day not need to make so many of them if just make a few every couple of months as my life progresses. This blog was started as a means of getting my thoughts of my head because I wasn't in a situation where I felt like I was safe to talk to anyone, so I made these blogs to put my mind at ease. Now with my life getting better, an amazing and supportive partner who actively helps improve my life, and slowly recovering, these blogs are finally starting to spread apart. The growing distance in time between the blog posts was something I always wanted to see when making these blogs. Less frequent updates because my life was getting better. I am finally happy with my life and it's still getting better for me. Soon I will be married to my amazing partner, we are going to have a house together, and I am finally going to settle down in the life I've always wanted. This is something that I wanted to share for a long time and I am so happy that I am finally able to. :blush:

Lilith picture time! This one is brought to you by my amazing fiancée! This one was made for Mask Life™!
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Edit: and a new one she just sketched for this blog post!
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This one is her character, Aryia, petting, and comforting Lilith the same way she does for me!
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Wahoo after what has been a rather shit year for everyone this piece of news is wonderful. A mega huge congratulations Lilith.
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Side note, I am allowed to still be The Temp’s waifu, but y’all have to start buying body pillows of me
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Didn't get a chance to say it earlier. Congrats! Wishing you a wonderful marriage.

Did you ever do a post about how you 2 met? Or like, how you 2 started to become friends and/or dating? I'm in a situation where that kind of story might be helpful.

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It might've changed spelling because fiancé is for men and fiancée is for women.

It's still less ridiculous than widow and widower (male). That one never made sense to me since the later sounds like a person who died making the former a widow. It's still equally as confusing though.
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Sometimes I forget that gendered language is still unfortunately a thing, thanks for mentioning that!

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