Smiley's Dream Journal

Some of you might remember my dream logs in which I wrote down my more interesting dreams (the last one was posted over a year ago, jeez). It's been a while since I've had a longer and more elaborate dream (that's technically not true, but I forgot to post about them, so shh~) and I've read that keeping a dream journal can help you recall dreams more vividly over time, so I'll start writing down my shorter, simpler dreams as well (except wet dreams of course). Who knows, maybe I could even use these as writing prompts in the future or something.
Dates correspond to the dreams I've had the night before, so a dream that I've had in the night between 1-2 April will be labelled April 2. I'll be using my local date format for simplicity's sake (which is clearly the best format anyway and more countries should use it; it's like the difference between the metric and imperial systems what the heck--).
I'll comment on this entry with each new dream I have.
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2020 May 30
I was Thanos's daughter (not the one from the movies/comics, interestingly, but a pink humanoid lizard thing that could transform into a red spiky lizard thing) and he was collecting the infinity stones. I tried to prevent him. I got to a planet with a super-advanced civilization that used a stone to keep their planet alive. Sometime in the past they built their own planetoid and used up some of the "fuel" of their planet in the process, destabilising it. If it wasn't for the stone, the planet would be doomed to explode in one hour. Thanos just showed up and took it. I tried to stay and help the residents evacuate.
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2020 June 1
I lived in a town similar to IRL. A new neighbour moved in who was a bit suspicious. A guy whom I think was supposed to be my dad in the story had a feeling he might be an alien with malicious intent. I met three kids who were also aliens. While the neighbour looked human, they didn't. They looked like several species of human-sized talking dinosaurs. Two of them had proper hand-like appendages, but one of them only had something like an elephant. I asked how they can be so different and we agreed that evolution is weird.
My dad started worrying for a cousin who stayed with us, but wasn't home at the moment and he couldn't reach him by walkie-talkie. Him, the dino kids and I got off to go and find him. He was supposed to be in the wildlife park near town, so that's where we went. We got in a car halfway and somehow managed to hit a street light and screw up the front-right corner. When we got closer to the park my dad could finally reach my cousin and we headed home. I made friends with a female dino kid rather quickly who was also suspicious of the neighbour. I started playing with her face in a very friendly/romantic way, squishing it, poking it, patting her head, playing with her hair and cleaning her ears.
I've decided to hire a spirit so I can learn some proper magic. I was at it for a while, but took a break. Our house was positioned on a hillside and while our door was at ground level, there was also a floor under us that was being rented, completely separate from us, with the door also being at ground level on another side of the building.
A woman staying with us (whom I don't remember my relationship with) got worried about the spirit and remarked that spirits shouldn't just travel through the internet and that magic isn't what it used to be.
The floor under us was at the moment being rented by Mike Matei and Vinesauce Vinny. I wanted to befriend them and get to know them a bit personally, but had no idea how to approach them. Later in the day they hosted a party with more people being there. They had an outdoor space behind the house where the people were gathering. A dark blue table cloth accidentally fell out the window, so I asked someone if they could give it back to me, but they couldn't find it.
Also, one last detail I remember: the people were playing volleyball with a ball that had a Vinesauce darkshroom on it.
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2020 June 3
Some rich family employed me and I got turned into a cat girl.
Yes, really.
...Well, at least now I know what it feels like to touch your own cat ears and NGL it felt good. I was the second cat girl in the family and the other one felt like an OP (fighting outside forces was in the picture) but nice and caring big sister who helped me.
Also, they said that if I wanted to I could grow my wang back with magic and it would only take a few days.
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2020 June 4
I time travelled into the future with my mum. Apparently, the Danube becomes so filled with garbage that fish are forced to evolve. Some fish become air-breathing, bird-like flying fish (though physically not resembling birds except for having side fins large enough to use as wings) and others become human-like with human intelligence (think more Deepsea Metro here than common furry designs). The two ends (about 4-5 stops on each end) of tram line 4-6 also become underwater lines. I got on and saw what the moment is like when the tram goes underwater. It was really beautiful, as the sea creatures, when underwater, start glowing in all kinds of colours.
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2020 June 5
There were two scenarios today, though I can't recall if they were separate dreams or not.
In the first one I was sitting in my aunt's car with one of my cousins was next to me and I was playing Mario Kart on my Switch with one Joy-Con (despite playing alone).
In the second one I was with my school. We were on a road trip (maybe my aunt took me there?), but all I can remember is that we were in a place similar to where Temető St and Széchenyi St in Budakeszi meet. A professor was talking about some computer virus that we may have gotten by going there which screws with your clock at random intervals. Also, everyone was becoming increasingly naked for some reason. The professor, despite having been stripped of his clothes completely, continued walking around and explaining things without a care in the world. His schlong was also long enough to reach his knees. A girl next to me (who later introduced herself as America America and still had her clothes on) stuck one hand down her pants and started wanking.
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2020 June 9
I was in Budapest, I think. It was the future. Androids were commonplace and took on many jobs. Policemen were all androids, for example. A lot of people (including me) also had little AI floating orbs.
It felt like the end of the world. I got on a bus which was almost full. Police were chasing this bus and half-destroying it. The bus driver was also an android and kept on driving no matter what. I found two cats on the bus, a grey (or light blue?) short-haired one and a light brown long-haired one. I cuddled them for comfort. One of the high-energy songs from Kagerou Project was playing on the radio (it was being played in the bus like in shops). Everything felt like it was collapsing. People were driving around all crazy-like. There were cats and dogs in the road, a lot of them getting hit by cars (although the bus driver took care not to hit any).
I got off near a church, which felt like a recurring place. (I've definitely hadn't been in a place similar to it IRL, but somehow I knew that I've spent a lot of my childhood helping in there.) While approaching the church I've tried to lecture my floating orb about human kindness. I helped a stray chicken drink some water, and I saw three black kids and a white one whom I knew, and I knew that the white one was an orphan and the family took him in. I met them and a priest whom opened a back door to the church and we all entered. We found ourselves in a little secluded room that was separated from the main space of the church, but was decorated in the same way. I've heard through the walls that people were in the church. We all started praying.
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2020 June 14
A couple of different scenarios today:
I was sitting in IT class.
I was sitting in church, but it was in school (which looked pretty similar to my grandma's apartment).
I was playing Counter-Strike, but I was in the game. I was a CT. I tried to light the Ts on fire, unsuccessfully. They tried to tell me how it's not them who are guilty, but the government. Also, it turned out we were in a country where you couldn't buy any technology made in the past 15 years, because importing them was banned for some reason.
I was putting up something on the entrance at home, but I only got as far as three nails.
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2020 June 19
There was a SpongeBob sequel show. It didn't take place in Bikini Bottom, but a different underwater town. I didn't like the visuals much, mainly the fact that the sky flowers have been replaced with other shapes glowing neon near the horizon and light brown bubbles and gas above them. I woke up as SpongeBob and found Squidward shrunk down and in my microwave. He was also covered with liquid cheese. I took him out and gave him a wash. Later, I was out in the streets. This new place looked more like a small city than a town, similar to Eger. I got in a fight with Mr Krabs, I said I don't like it here, he said I wanted to move here, and I replied ‘No, the creators did.’ Later, I found a museum that allegedly told fake information and the ‘true facts’ were vandalised on the wall, but the text was unreadable.
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2020 June 20
Basically, the plot of a bunch of isekai shows -- I got transported to another world and started ‘inventing’ stuff I've seen in my old one.
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2020 June 25
I was at home. A creature that looked like an anthropomorphic bear was looking in my window. My mum said it was called a burlow. When it saw me through the window, it slashed at the mosquito net and opened some holes in it. I closed the curtains but it kept trying to look inside. There was a smaller, female burlow at the front door, wearing clothes. She was intelligent and could talk. She felt bad for the other burlow's behaviour. Another male one, dressed like a professor was there too, sitting in a small scooter. They also had a wolfdog. I pet it.
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2020 July 6
I was running away from Robotnik and a female henchman of his in a hillier version of Budapest. I could glide in the air above slopes, descending slowly. I also learned how to glide without losing height later. By that time the sun was almost down; it wasn't completely dark, but places turned their lights on and the cityscape looked wonderful. At some point I checked my phone and saw that a parcel that I've been waiting for almost a month (IRL) was finally arriving. I also saw Google Play Music receive a glitchy update where they scrambled strings, so everything said the wrong thing. There were also two new features: watching videos and live streams, but to use the latter you must first have watched a video of Nicki Minaj explaining it.
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2020 July 10
This one wasn't as interesting as usual, but the atmosphere and some ideas were nice and I would like to remember them.
I saw a show on TV where the premise was that an alien guy came to the Earth and it turns out that cliché alien head was actually just a space helmet and he actually looked pretty human, and a girl was trying very hard to screw him (even to the point of getting almost completely naked in front of him ‘by accident’), but he was very-very dense.
After that, I went to IKEA with my mum. This dream was a little futuristic, because my vehicle of choice was a flying kayak-looking thing, which was pretty fun to control and fast. The building was near a large lake (possibly Balaton?) and the whole atmosphere looked really nice with the sun shining on the water and everything.
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2020 July 11
Valve released an external program, a level editor for Portal 2. It was more fleshed out than the built-in one, but more user-friendly than Hammer. Now, the interesting thing about it is that levels made with this editor had a complete skybox. You know, there were parts of the game (mostly in the beginning) where you could look up and you could see a collapsed ceiling and what looked like the sky. The skybox made with this tool, however, was something you could go and explore with noclip and it looked great.
Now, technically it wasn't the skybox, which is a smaller model projected around the main level, but a model appended around the level itself. If you made your level high enough, you could even see out near the top pretty well. You could look around and see trees as far as the eye can see. Turns out, Aperture Laboratories was in the middle of a huge forest. With noclip, you could venture outside the building and look around. This aboveground part of the building was rather small: imagine the Nintendo HQ, but half as tall and about ⅔ as wide and deep.
It had a garden in front with all sorts of critters in it. There was a pair of small birds that let me pet them. There was a small river in the right side of the building that had an Easter egg in it: a goldfish that, if you interacted with it, would start talking, panic, and explode.
The river (which was more like a man-made surface sewer channel, now that I think about it) flowed away from the building. I followed it and saw two old men still taking care of the surroundings years later -- I guess the deadly neurotoxin never reached the surface, did it? One of them looked a bit like Grunkle Stan.
Now zooming out a bit, you could see the whole building and its surroundings were on a man-made island drifting along a river in a great forest. I guess this is how no one had discovered it yet.
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2020 July 12
Someone made a ROM hack for an SNES JRPG that swapped the party with SiIvaGunner characters and changed dialogue, too.
Nintendo officially added it to SNES Online.
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It was my very first period in my new class and I managed to immediately befriend a cute chuunibyou girl. She was small, blonde, had a bowl cut, and was sitting next to me.
My teacher was talking about Halloween stuff while having a surgical mask on, but it was cut in half horizontally, which made him look like a bird. He took it off and I immediately started to regret not taking a picture. She enthusiastically agreed.
There was also a shy boy who could turn invisible and remained as such for the rest of the dream.
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2021 Mar 14
I've decided to go home on a hot air balloon. I had some difficulties controlling it: accidentally going into the clouds, or going so low that I almost got hit by cars or dangled in electrical wires, but I've reached my destination in the end.
Interestingly, what I called my house was not the one I'm currently living in. Instead, it was a different house in the same town, but more to the East. (I think I said it was the one I move into after the one I'm currently living in.) I called it a recreation of the layout of the flat I grew up in, even though it only had two rooms: a kitchen and a lobby in a ‘[]|’ configuration.
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2021 Mar 27
A shape-shifting species of aliens came to the Earth, with friendly intentions. One of them seemed interested in me and I asked it to turn into several cute waifus.
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    I rather enjoy a life of taking it easy. I haven't reached that life yet though.
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    what are you looking at?
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    BakerMan @ BakerMan: nah but i am +1