This site has some really biased and immature mods.

Think it's time for a reshuffle, guys. Expecting all the downvotes and dick replies to this, but you know it's true. There's one mod on here who's really kind. The rest? Absolute passive-aggressive dicks who abuse their power, and attempt to quiet people they simply "dislike".

It's real childish. What a horrible set of moderators who abuse their "power".

Beyond ridiculous. Absolutely asinine. Time to get some new mods. Because most of the ones here are like Bortz 2.0.; Passive aggressive, rude assholes.

I can say that because I'm not just saying it with intent to insult. I'm saying it because the mods here are actually incredibly incompetent, they pick and choose what rules they follow, and let some slide, while they don't let others. It's incredibly biased, and the mods here need to be clean housed.

Don't get pissy with me as a reply, just to hold your pride. Accept it to be true, because you know it is, and act like fucking mature moderators, and do your job, without bias.

Jesus this is fucking crazy...

Take this opportunity to read this as feedback, instead of trying to shut me out. I've talked with quite a few others who feel the same. If you just shut this feedback out, and talk back to me, you're proving my point. Grow up, and do your job. Thanks.
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They're pretty shit, honestly. Except for foxi and the lion guy. And the other guy with the shaved pubes.
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It's real simple really if you don't like how things are done around here then go find another site to be a part of. I heartily recommend you go post stuff on gamefaqs then you will truly learn what a bad moderator looks like and you will soon come running back to the temp with your tail between your legs :)
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Seconding @Hells Malice suggestion of Reddit. Heck, you even said downvote in your blog. Go back, young child, go back to your people. Your planet needs you.
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i'm not wearing my glasses so i read "blessed" instead of biased

then i looked closer and it's another one of those threads complaining about the staff
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So the presently behind the scenes/taking some stock staff get (another) hate thread before I get my own?

One day.
One day.
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That @FAST6191 is such a dick he makes us all feel small by using fancy words and his superior intelligence on us. He should be sacked immediately from the site how dare he be all educated and such like :)

I love ya really Fast
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I'm guessing all the mods are in this thread :lol:- what I want to kno how many mods are ther and has a mod attacked another mod before :lol:
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Man I dunno, I've posted here for a while, and I've not felt any of the mods are dicks or abuse their power. Not sure what set you off on this tangent, but it doesn't feel genuine to what I see on the whole, really leaves the impression that you've just personally felt attacked by a mod and are deciding that they're all terrible because of your one or two bad run-ins. But as someone else mentioned, without the receipts, it's hard to even tell if said occasions are even on the mods and not on you yourself.
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I think it would be a lot easier for people to feel sympathy if you could provide anything to back up this post.

I can relate somewhat as I have seen some (imo) unprofessional behavior and things that could have been handled better. But for the most part the mods are doing great.

If this was just an off-your-chest kind of post then ok, but if you're going to tell people to hold their pride and act mature, you probably should try doing that yourself first.
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Hey, fuckface. You can always go to other sites. I have a suggestion: why not try REEEEEESetERA? It's always welcome to pussy little snowflake babies that get triggered over satirical use of Jordan Peterson/Ben Shapiro videos like you!
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Where is the form I need to fill in to volunteer as one of the bad guys? I have always enjoyed being the villain, it's in my blood.
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After reading this entire thread, I have concluded that your argument is very flawed and biased itself, and the staff seem to be very patient people if they haven't banned you yet considering past behavior.
But *sips tea* that's none of my business.
People would probably take you more seriously if you actually gave constructive feedback instead of calling people names when you get mad. Taking out your anger like that doesn't usually make others like you very much. I hope you can see why your behavior isn't good and needs to change someday.
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