Why I Believe Nintendo Should Fail (and Why It Would be Good for the Company) (Abandoned Blog Post)

A Note to Newcomers of my blog: This blog post has been the target of many arguments due to the somewhat negative viewpoint I presented here, so I am no longer maintaining this blog post. Everyone here is welcome to read this, but commenting is not advised; not only will your comments not be seen by the author, but you may also start up another argument with others who are passionately against these opinions of mine. If you find people who are namecalling or trolling in here, I suggest you use the "Ignore" feature of GBAtemp to not see any more of their comments. If you do get involved despite my warning and your comment(s) are being attacked, please report the person(s) who are doing this to you and do not post any more comments here. Thank you for understanding!


This is merely an opinion. It is in no way to slander or attack Nintendo in any way. In order to show that this is opinion based off of fact, some wording has been changed, and links to various sources (mainly Wikipedia) have been left here.

Before you think that this is an open attack on a company from someone who doesn't know a durn thing what he's talking about, let me start by saying that I am a Nintendo fan. I live and breathe Nintendo. I am very passionate about the company, and Luigi is one of my all-time favorite cartoon characters. I've watched some videos with Kit and Krysta, and I have done extensive research on everything Nintendo.

That's why I hate Nintendo.

But if I'm a fan, how can I hate what I'm a fan of? Well, let me elaborate on that - I hate what Nintendo has become. Let me try to explain a few points, which includes a brief history of Nintendo as a video game company.

Nintendo Initially Did Well in Video Games

Most of the historical facts come from the Nintendo article on Wikipedia. A big majority of the history focuses on Nintendo's impact on the U.S. and it's home country Japan.

Nintendo has actually been around for almost 130 years. They first started looong time ago as a hanafuda card company. It wasn't until the founder's grandson, Hiroshi Yamauchi, came to the United States in the 1950s to manufacture licensed playing cards, that Nintendo would later become a video game giant. During the 1960s and early 1970s, Nintendo ventured in toys, taxis, a subway station, rice products, and even a love hotel. Then, after they started distributing the Magnavox Odyssey, they got into developing video games. It started with the "Color TV Game" series, then branched to arcade machines (including the highly successful Donkey Kong), then they started the the Game & Watch handheld units (Pong being the first).

Then, the Video Game Crash happened. By 1983, many manufacturers of dedicated game console systems and their games either went out of business, suffered bankruptcy, or decided to manufacture the increasingly popular platform - microcomputers. These computers hooked to your television sets were much more flexible than consoles which just played video games. That reason, along with the overflow of low-quality games and money mismanagement, hurt many video game companies during the early 1980s.

That was before the Nintendo Entertainment System, the savior of the video game industry. The innovative, yet surprisingly out-of-date technology that made up the NES was top-notch for the day, and really hit on all over the U.S. by 1989, with it's new handheld partner the Game Boy and the release of the first Nintendo Power magazine. Nintendo was flushed with success, and flourished even more with the Super NES (which also spawned the PlayStation - but that's another story).

Kimishima Caused a Downfall in the U.S.

Before you hit a brick wall, you're supposed to stop. Nintendo, unfortunately, didn't. The mid-1990s started a terrible period for Nintendo. The Virtual Boy was canned after seven months, the Nintendo 64's cartridges were financially difficult to manufacture, and the design flaw of the N64's controller caused many customers to complain. While the Game Boy Color did well, it didn't do as well as Nintendo hoped. To top it all off, one of Nintendo's key hardware designers, Gunpei Yokoi, left the company and was soon killed in a car accident. Despite all this, Nintendo kept pushing on. The success of the Pokemon Game Boy games did help Nintendo keep going, and a strong fan base still backed the company. It's true that no matter what, when you're going through hell, you must keep going, but while the worldwide headquarters were changing for the better which would eventually reach Nintendo of America, the american division of Nintendo first made a very costly mistake.

By "costly", I mean the changing the president in 2002 to Tatsumi Kimishima. Kimishima graduated from an economics and commerce school (Hitotsubashi University), and was in charge of financial departments in a bank and as president over the Pokemon Company. His financial business sense should have helped Nintendo overcome their difficulties, and they somewhat did, but at a cost. Kimishima, although intelligent in the monetary sense, is by no means a sociable man. After becoming president of the Nintendo of America division, he jacked up the prices of new consoles, games, and accessories. The Game Boy Advance, released during his presidency in the U.S., sold for nearly $150 nationwide - later Game Boys, with better and more expensive hardware, sold for less than $100! On top of that, the Club Nintendo service, a loyalty program which started in 2002, did not reach North America until after Kimishima left. Due to ridiculous pricing and mismanagement of Nintendo services, the company began losing fans. Nintendo managed to make more money in the U.S., but not particularly due to Kimishima.

A good business makes a lot of money, but a better business cares about people just as much as making money, or perhaps more so. Kimishima didn't really care so much about if it was good enough for the customers; he cared more for the welfare of Nintendo. Quite possibly because of this, the Playstation 2 outsold the GameCube by a landslide (GameCube Sales v.s. Playstation 2 sales).

Iwata and Fils-Aime Saved the Company

Ironically, both Satoru Iwata, president over all of Nintendo, and Tatsumi Kimishima, president of NoA, were appointed in the same year. Those first few years, during Kimishima's time as presidency over NoA, were miserable for Nintendo. However, things started taking a turn as Reggie Fils-Aime took the stage, and eventually Kimishima's position. Fils-Aime and Iwata became very good friends, and Nintendo started seeing success with the introduction of the Nintendo DS.

Satoru Iwata saw how Nintendo seemed just like any other gaming company, and decided to kick it up a notch with a new console that would not only be innovative, but help tackle the problems of technology isolating people and helping them be immobile. That's why the Wii was released, and it was such a huge success, Nintendo had problems keeping up with the demand for two whole years! Not long afterwards, Iwata began creating videos and attending conferences all across the globe to better interact with his customers.

Although the Wii U was critiqued and didn't sell well at first, Iwata's stubbornness for doing what he called "creating something unique" (which he says at the beginning of Nintendo Direct Pre-E3 2012, along with his ideas for helping people become "connected", or physically interact with each other) helped to boost sales and gain better reviews. Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Brain Age, dual screens, Wii remotes - anything that would be considered cool, keep people active, and perhaps even teach them a thing or two, Iwata allowed to be incorporated into his ideas. Yes, I very much believe that these things were his ideas. He was indeed a visionary, and took careful steps into providing the customers what he saw they wanted.

Reggie, too, was outspoken up until shortly before the reveal of Nintendo Switch (and he plans to retire April 15th of this year). Reggie is known as "the Regginator" due to his aggressive approach at showing that Nintendo was unique from other game developers.

Iwata's Death + Kimishima's Presidency = Nintendo's Doom

Good fortune never lasts long enough. In 2014, it was discovered that Iwata had bile duct cancer. After treatments, it was assumed that he would live, but the very next year, it returned with a vengeance and killed him. The death of Iwata left Nintendo in a shambles. Progress on current projects simply halted for a time. Desperation calls for drastic measures, and that can lead to unintended - and often disastrous - consequences. Kimishima stepped in, and took charge. I have reason to believe that Nintendo searched for another Iwata-like president, and when none could be found, Kimishima stayed.

As I've said before, Kimishima has more expertise in economics than he does in socializing. While he was able to boost sales initially, and was able to promote the Switch well, things started to go downhill. Their decision to keep Kimishima as president for all of Nintendo was a great mistake. Under Kimishima, a dozen services and legacy shops were closed or announced to be closed, including Miiverse, the DSi Shop, and the Wii Shop - critical services which consoles relied on. Also, E3s of times past had ranged from mediocre to awesome, but during Kimishima's time as president, it went from pretty fantastic to abysmal in just three summers (2016 - 2017 - 2018).

It is in the wake of the latest E3 that I am now no longer crazy about following everything new in Nintendo as I was once upon a time. As long as Nintendo doesn't seem to care for their customers, I will never buy a Nintendo Switch, nor will I partake in anything Switch related. I have the next-to-latest console, and that's good enough for me. As far as I'm concerned, anything new in Nintendo is just to make money, not to connect with customers.

What's Taking Furukawa So Long?

Shuntaro Furukawa, I assumed, was going to be another Iwata. However, despite his initial statements about uniqueness and support for older devices, it seems that we have lost contact with the man. He's not in the lime light as Iwata was. Is it possible that he's just another Kimishima - or worse? How much do we really know about the man? It is my lack of hope in Nintendo that has led me to believe that Furukawa is not going to do anything new or exciting, nor does he seem interested in keeping the Wii U and 3DS as there is no longer any more news on them.

What I Believe Is Wrong With Nintendo

Don't get me wrong; I like the concept of the Switch, simply because it has Iwata's handiwork all over it. He was a key developer in the project before his death. I like the fact that you can take it with you, and the Joy-Cons being like handheld Wii remotes - even better since they have cameras which help them interact with things! The Switch sounds like a fun toy... so why do I refuse to get one? Several things...

  • Nintendo now has only one primary console. I see how the Switch is being promoted over all other consoles they have ever made, even over New 3DSes. This means that Nintendo has abandoned 3DS and Wii U users, because there are no news or other improvements for those platforms. Iwata would have made sure that services for these older platforms were extended.
  • Focusing on beating the competition has killed their innovation. Nintendo seems to be more focused on competing with other consoles with such features as Nintendo Switch Online. This is not "Lateral Thinking of Withered Technology". This is not "creating something unique". This is Nintendo trying too hard to best their competitors, instead of doing what they were doing all along - being unique. Now, Nintendo Switch services are no better off than Playstation 4 or Xbox One, because they're just like them.
  • Nintendo support is less than helpful. I've had bad experiences with trying to reach out to Nintendo support. It appears to me that Nintendo has stopped listening to their customers. It's almost as if they're isolated on an island, listening only to the praises of reviewers, partners, and extremely loyal fans, while ignoring the problems of technology and barging on with what seems exciting and new, but is actually not that much different from competitors.
  • There have been no sales or discounts on the Switch.The price for the Switch is ridiculously high, and as far as I can see, Nintendo refuses to put it on sale. This does not mean that there hasn't been any sort of deal, as GameStop allows credit to go towards one, and recently you can get $35 eShop credit for a specific package, but the price itself will not bend from $299. Playstation 4 and Xbox One both have gone on sale multiple times, sometimes lower than the Switch price, and they're even more expensive than the Switch!
  • Online play is no longer free. Paying for playing online, although cheap, had to be conceived by Kimishima as a way to make money, not as a way to reach out to customers. Gaming online before the Switch has always been free, and for those Nintendo consoles that still allow playing online, it still is free.
  • Backwards compatibility is once again non-existant. The Switch has NO native support for Wii or Wii U game discs, nor does it have support for Nintendo 3DS cartridges. This is really bad for players who want to upgrade to a new system and expect to still play their old games.

I could list more, but these statements I provide here, based off of my own experiences as well as those I've talked to and chatted with on the internet, seem to suggest to me that Nintendo is losing fans again, due to them beating to the sound of their own drums instead of actually listening to the customers. In fact, I can't go into any store that sells the Switch without hearing complaints from employees about Nintendo's "typical" marketing strategies. It seems to me that Nintendo is no longer popular with people anymore - it's actually a pain in the neck!

The Future Looks Bleak, Yet Hopeful

Upon hearing about the Wall Street Journal's announcement of two new Switch devices, my heart sank. I suspected that this would mean the final nail in the coffin for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. Whenever they come out, I expect to toss my old consoles in the closet shortly afterwards - Nintendo will soon cut the eShop from both Wii U and 3DS, as well as any other internet-related services still active. If they do not, I will be utterly surprised.

Nintendo will probably receive mixed reviews on two devices that perform like the Switch. People want something new and exciting, not a repeat of an old product. If Nintendo expects to receive thunderous applause (which I'm afraid they do), they may only get crickets. There's a likely possibility that if Nintendo continues the way it's going, bankruptcy is in its future. People have already started to lose interest, and the fan base is shrinking steadily. If Nintendo keeps making high financial goals, they will suffer greatly.

Is there hope for Nintendo? There is always hope. As I've stated, I am a fan. I appreciate things Nintendo has done in times past, but I not only am disgruntled about Nintendo's current status, I am also concerned that they may not be able to make it without something bad leaving a lasting stigma on their name. However, Nintendo's failures could actually improve the company. Any kind of financial low could mean changing the current employees to those who might actually listen to their customers, and perhaps a revival of old services (under different names). It could be a wake up call for them.

Or not. Only time will tell.

What do YOU think? Please tell me! If you have some links to share, or would just like to leave input, post a comment below.

Additional Thoughts

Nintendo's Switch Lite May Cut Support for the 3DS

Nintendo recently announced the Nintendo Switch Lite, and it gave me concern upon finding this out as to the state of the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. The Nintendo 3DS is a very well-made system, and it would be absolutely stupid, but not unlike Nintendo, to annex support for the 3DS shortly after the launch of the Switch Lite. It may be necessary to shout out your opinions to Nintendo, if you want to keep your 3DS supported.
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I'm a huge Nintendo fan. I dont blindly follow them or agree with them on everything nor do i buy every version of the console they make like an apple sheep. 99% of my gaming collection is Nintendo stuff. They release complete polished games with minimal bugs. Not all their games i like, but i can see the quality releases. Star fox zero id of of their games that was not good. The motion controls ruined that game. They spend time to polish a game and will delay it so its better. most other game devs/publishers will release completely broken crap and expect $60 for betaware that has to be patched. Tell me a game that was betaware that nintendo released?
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What I Believe Is Wrong With Nintendo

Don't get me wrong; I like the concept of the Switch, simply because it has Iwata's handiwork all over it. He was a key developer in the project before his death. I like the fact that you can take it with you, and the Joy-Cons being like handheld Wii remotes - even better since they have cameras which help them interact with things! The Switch sounds like a fun toy... so why do I refuse to get one? Several things...

[*]Nintendo now has only one primary console. I see how the Switch is being promoted over all other consoles they have ever made, even over New 3DSes. This means that Nintendo has abandoned 3DS and Wii U users, because there are no news or other improvements for those platforms. Iwata would have made sure that services for these older platforms were extended.

[*]Focusing on beating the competition has killed their innovation. Nintendo seems to be more focused on competing with other consoles with such features as Nintendo Switch Online. This is not "Lateral Thinking of Withered Technology". This is not "creating something unique". This is Nintendo trying too hard to best their competitors, instead of doing what they were doing all along - being unique. Now, Nintendo Switch services are no better off than Playstation 4 or Xbox One, because they're just like them.

[*]Nintendo support is less than helpful. I've had bad experiences with trying to reach out to Nintendo support. It appears to me that Nintendo has stopped listening to their customers. It's almost as if they're isolated on an island, listening only to the praises of reviewers, partners, and extremely loyal fans, while ignoring the problems of technology and barging on with what seems exciting and new, but is actually not that much different from competitors.

[*]There have been no sales or discounts on the Switch.The price for the Switch is ridiculously high, and as far as I can see, Nintendo refuses to put it on sale. This does not mean that there hasn't been any sort of deal, as GameStop allows credit to go towards one, and recently you can get $35 eShop credit for a specific package, but the price itself will not bend from $299. Playstation 4 and Xbox One both have gone on sale multiple times, sometimes lower than the Switch price, and they're even more expensive than the Switch!

[*]Online play is no longer free. Paying for playing online, although cheap, had to be conceived by Kimishima as a way to make money, not as a way to reach out to customers. Gaming online before the Switch has always been free, and for those Nintendo consoles that still allow playing online, it still is free.

[*]Backwards compatibility is once again non-existent. The Switch has NO native support for Wii or Wii U game discs, nor does it have support for Nintendo 3DS cartridges. This is really bad for players who want to upgrade to a new system and expect to still play their old games."
Ok... Let's go through this one by one.
"Switch only has one console"
And? Sony has one console, Microsoft has one console. And they did extend support for wiiu in the form of breath of the wild. Even then Nintendo is known to lie about that. Remember when gba was supposed to be the 3rd pillar of Nintendo's handhelds along with the ds?
"Focusing on beating the competition has killed their innovation"
Exuding how bad Nintendo online. that's pretty damn false.
I don't see microsoft picking up gyro aim, I haven't seen sony make gyro aim despite the fact it's in their controller. I don't see hd rumble being a thing for the two. And the switch itself is a concept that is innovative and done well
"nintendo support is less than helpful"
How many experiences have you had? Because when I went through Nintendo support each time it was extremely good. For example two months ago (since I was a day one switch) I realized I forgot to send my joycon in, and since it wasn't in warranty I would of had to pay. However! You know what the person on the line said? After a slight delay as I wanted to talk to my mom about the price, which was 20 dollars for repairs. The lady on the line dropped it to free. "Nintendo also offers a one time repair program" Where they take all costs. Shipping and repair.
"Online pay is no longer free" I can't defend that. It's currently ass, fair point
"backwards compatibility is once again non-existent"
first off big question. Why the hell did you phrase it as again. Wiiu supported wii. Wii support gamecube... 3ds supported ds, ds support gba. And now let's look at the switch. First off it would likely be difficult to get a wiiu disc to work on a switch, so that makes sense. Now let's also understand their is a huge massive power gap between the 3ds and switch. 3ds,ds, wiiu,wii all got their compatibility for one reason. It was because the hardware was extremely similar, so all they had to do is down clock and change how loading works to suit the hardware. Switch however, is significantly more powerful than both and the architecture has shifted significantly. And the hardware for the two are simply too unique. I don't think the switch could comfortably recreate the 3ds dual screen experience along with the wiius gamepad.
In the end a lot of what your saying is untrue. Now in regards to online. I'm not going to say that shit ain't broke because it is.
Edit:And in regards to price, that isn't wrong. Comparing a system that came out in the market 2 years ago vs systems in the market 4+ is not exactly a fair comparison. Of course the ones in the market for longer is going to be cheaper.
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I never cared about backwards compatibility because its called i just keep the old one. The only reason wii worked on wii u and ps4 will work on ps5 is because of same hardware. You cant expect a new console that has a different hardware to be crammed in the new machine and not affect the price. I never understood why it is so hard to keep the older console. I just leave it in the same place i put it and add the next one. They aint taking much space at all. a 52 inch tv takes more space...
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Good grief!!! These comments are a bit too long for me to read. If you expect me to comprehend what you guys are saying, either condense your comments or break it up into several smaller comments!

Everyone, please be aware that THIS IS OPINION, NOT FACT. I am basing a big majority of this off of what I know as well as what I've experienced, and everyone else's knowledge and experiences are going to be different from my own. If you read this blog post and thought I was saying how things really are, then you're very mistaken. The fact is that I could be absolutely positively totally wrong. As I've stated before, I accept disagreements, but when people are typing out what could consist of entire novels (yes, I am using hyperbole here!), it's quite obvious that you not only disagree, you have to prove that I'm wrong. That means you're accusing me of lying, and that's an insult. I'm not lying; I'm only stating my point of view.

I apologize if I somehow have led any of you to believe that this blog post is about how Nintendo is. I do not work for the company. I do not work with the company. All I do is buy their products and get involved in the same services that is available to everyone. I may know a lot more about Nintendo than most people, but that does NOT mean I know EVERYTHING THAT THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT NINTENDO. There is still much more that I have yet to find out about them.

If you're willing to say "Yes, I agree with you" or "Well, actually, in my opinion...", letting others know that this is what you believe, then I'll accept that. If you feel like proving me wrong, however, either source your claims with links or references that anyone can access, or don't post here.

(Addressing certain comments in next post)
I know what I said about long posts, but since this is based on a long post, it's gonna be a little longer than I'd like to post. I'll try to be as minimal and yet as concise as possible in my responses.


"Switch only has one console"
And? Sony has one console, Microsoft has one console. And they did extend support for wiiu in the form of breath of the wild. Even then Nintendo is known to lie about that. Remember when gba was supposed to be the 3rd pillar of Nintendo's handhelds along with the ds?

Nintendo advertised the Game Boy as much as the NES/SNES. The Game Boy Color with the N64. The Game Boy Advance with the GameCube. The Nintendo DS/DSi with the Wii. The Nintendo 3DS/2DS/New 3DSes with the Wii U. Nintendo Switch is the first console to not have a handheld advertised as much with it. Now, you can argue that this is because it too is a handheld, and that may very well be the case, but this makes Nintendo not as unique as other game console manufacturers. That's a minor gripe compared to the looming termination of Wii U and 3DS services due to this.

"Focusing on beating the competition has killed their innovation"
Exuding how bad Nintendo online. that's pretty damn false.

What I mean is that Nintendo has lost their focus on "creating something unique" and is more or less trying to match their competitors in various services and software. While Sony and Microsoft may not have a portable tablet, they too have paid services, as well as features like adult/kid accounts, Netflix, Hulu, connections to social media, etc. while the Wii U did have video and music streaming services, it had it's own social platform (Miiverse), but now it's been replaced with sharing content on Facebook via the Switch! That's not even original!

"nintendo support is less than helpful"
How many experiences have you had? Because when I went through Nintendo support each time it was extremely good.

It really depends on what you're calling about. For instance, I had a silver 3DS which was breaking at the hinge (but I didn't know it at the time because the lid seemed only a little loose when I got it second hand - looking back on it now, it was staring to break then), and I was having a LOT of trouble connecting to Miiverse. Every other device connected fine, right? I called Nintendo Support, and after a series of questions, the support guy said that it sounds like my router. He then got me someone else who asked the same questions! I decided to hang up, because it was getting me nowhere. They wanted to blame me and not the 3DS for the faults! I didn't call support again until the transfer of data from a broken Wii U to a new one, which the guy there was actually quite helpful (although I got some kind of strange feedback during the phone conversation). I don't like calling support because sometimes you get people who are complete idiots when it comes to servicing. There. I said it.

"Online pay is no longer free" I can't defend that. It's currently ass, fair point

Well, at least you agree on me there.

"backwards compatibility is once again non-existent"
Wiiu supported wii. Wii support gamecube... 3ds supported ds, ds support gba. And now let's look at the switch. First off it would likely be difficult to get a wiiu disc to work on a switch, so that makes sense. Now let's also understand their is a huge massive power gap between the 3ds and switch. 3ds,ds, wiiu,wii all got their compatibility for one reason. It was because the hardware was extremely similar, so all they had to do is down clock and change how loading works to suit the hardware. Switch however, is significantly more powerful than both and the architecture has shifted significantly. And the hardware for the two are simply too unique. I don't think the switch could comfortably recreate the 3ds dual screen experience along with the wiius gamepad.

That sounds pretty defeatist, man. You're trying to say that it can't be done. Who says it can't be done?!? Think of the Super NES! The hardware on the SNES was limited for some games like Star Fox, so those cartridges came with their own chipsets. The N64! Donkey Kong refused to work unless you had the Expansion Pak which doubled the memory of the N64 console. You're only looking at what comes with the Switch, not what all can be added on to.
Seriously? This isn't me being defeatist, this is me knowing what goes into this, do some research. let me try to explain this then, the switch would need to be significantly more powerful than the wiiu by a huge shot on it's own to emulate it, why? Because your trying to emulate not just the software but also the hardware. The switch is significantly more powerful but not the point that it can emulate the wiiu. 3ds maybe, but like I said emulating a 3ds is challenge due to the dual screens and two processors running at once and this is exuding the specific things the 3ds chip is good at and the switch chip isn't. Also listing dk64 is a poor choice, as the reason the expansion pack was needed was to defeat a memory leak the devs couldn't find and fix. Now let's talk star fox and addons. This is not the same at all. Star fox used a graphic support unit, in this specific situation, we don't need a gsu, we need literately a better cpu to handle emulation. Which is not possible considering how the gamecart port and gamecarts for the switch was designed.
"Nintendo advertised the Game Boy as much as the NES/SNES. The Game Boy Color with the N64. The Game Boy Advance with the GameCube. The Nintendo DS/DSi with the Wii. The Nintendo 3DS/2DS/New 3DSes with the Wii U. Nintendo Switch is the first console to not have a handheld advertised as much with it. Now, you can argue that this is because it too is a handheld, and that may very well be the case, but this makes Nintendo not as unique as other game console manufacturers. That's a minor gripe compared to the looming termination of Wii U and 3DS services due to this."
So keep the nintendo 3ds alive, a system that is 10 years in the market and is showing age... Yeah bad business right there.
Let's also talk termination of service since you clearly don't understand why that happened on the ds and wii. Their wifi abilities were cut because Nintendo relied on game spy. With the wiiu and 3ds now being hosted on their own servers, I find it unlikely that it's going to be cut as fast as it was with the wii and ds. Microsoft still provides services to the xbox 360 likely due the fact the xbox one flopped. I'm pretty sure the ps3 doesn't have the same level of support as the ps4 right now as well.
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On the topic of originality, all the things you listed besides paid online are good quality of life things, like adult/kid accounts and streaming services. They require little to no effort from Nintendo to implement something like hulu or Facebook, which provides more resources to make their actual games unique and improve their online service. Nintendo doesn't really need to manage their own social media platform, when they can have custom online experiences for their games such as smash world and in super Mario maker 2. Miiverse was neat but I'd rather them focus on the meat, games and online.
Nice, but please fix the typos on names, they just kill my eyes! (and perhaps the eyes of others)

Saturo -> Satoru
Amie -> Aime (or Aimé if you want to make the effort)
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the switch would need to be significantly more powerful than the wiiu by a huge shot on it's own to emulate it, why? Because your trying to emulate not just the software but also the hardware.

Who said anything about emulating hardware? I'm talking about adding hardware. Perhaps "native" wasn't the only word I should have used there, since it implies that the hardware is supposed to be already built-in. I also mean "add-ons", as in a mini Wii and/or Wii U attachment for TV mode of the Nintendo Switch. Connects via USB, attaches to the back of the dock, has a low profile yet contains all the critical components for Wii/Wii U mode on the Switch. Maybe it even has its own processor. Just an idea, anyway; it's a bit rough, but do-able. It may be better as a stand-alone Wii U Mini, but thinking on the fly, if it had its own wireless, you might be able to play in tabletop/handheld mode for the Switch via Local Play or some other wireless feature - maybe even a dongle that fits in the Game Card slot. As for the 3DS, I propose something similar that might even attach to the console itself.

Also listing dk64 is a poor choice, as the reason the expansion pack was needed was to defeat a memory leak the devs couldn't find and fix.

Granted, that was not the best choice on my part, but still there were a couple of other titles which definitely needed more memory than most - Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Perfect Dark's story mode. It also enhanced several other titles which did not need it, but used it's extra memory for enhancements. This is to reinforce my point on unique hardware for the Switch.

So keep the nintendo 3ds alive, a system that is 10 years in the market and is showing age... Yeah bad business right there.

Oh, really? So you're telling me that ten more years down the road, no one is going to feel nostalgia and want to come back to it? Strange, I was under the impression that since service for the Super NES in Japan was supported until 2003 that this was actually good business! You know, do everything to satisfy the customers? Let's see, how many players still play on a 3DS? Apparently still quite a bit, because it ain't dead yet! Pardon me for sounding a bit sarcastic, but trying to keep a product active in order to please customers is NOT bad business. Think of Playstation 2, Windows XP, SEGA Genesis - all of which have been upgraded and supported for over ten years. In the case of the Genesis, it still continues thanks to SEGA's partnership with various companies, including AtGames, making the platform last for over 20 years! And many of these revisions support the original cartridges and controllers!

With the wiiu and 3ds now being hosted on their own servers, I find it unlikely that it's going to be cut as fast as it was with the wii and ds.

Maybe, maybe not. Time will tell.
"Who said anything about emulating hardware? I'm talking about adding hardware. Perhaps "native" wasn't the only word I should have used there, since it implies that the hardware is supposed to be already built-in. I also mean "add-ons", as in a mini Wii and/or Wii U attachment for TV mode of the Nintendo Switch. Connects via USB, attaches to the back of the dock, has a low profile yet contains all the critical components for Wii/Wii U mode on the Switch"
Wait... you serious?! LMAO
So do you also believe we can just plug in graphic cards over usb as well? Do you also realize that what you just said is so stupid that I have lost any credit or faith in you. WIIU IS POWERPC, switch isn't powerpc. How the hell would it communicate between the two chips (because instruction differences) let alone not be security issue, AND DO IT OVER USB.
So we can just plugin ram as well over usb as well according to that logic. AnYtHing can be solved over usb.
@monkeyman4412 I don"t see any reason that wouldn't be feasible. It doesn't sound like something that would be cheap or that would sell, but you make it sound impossible: it is not.

You could easily connect a whole system to a USB3 port, you might or might not need to an additional power supply if the add-on system requires too much power. You could send/receive data through this USB3 port easily.

I don't see any technical reason why a whole PS4 add-on couldn't be created (if someone wished to do it), make it read gamepad data though some API created with this purpose in mind through this USB3 port, run the game inside the add-on hardware, and perhaps even compress the video output in H264/H265 and send it back through the same USB3 port for the "main" console to decode it and output the video a la streaming service.

Feasible, it is.
Does it make sense in a commercial way? I doubt it.
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@sarkwalvein Thanks for at least backing up my theory on its possibility. Now as for the reasoning behind my way of thinking, the reason you would want the newer console to support the one(s) previous is because it would be so that Nintendo can attract those of the older platforms while being able to completely wipe out, or at least minimize, the services of the older systems. While my idea may be flawed, it's not without a purpose. In fact, there's a possibility we may see something like this in the upcoming, more advanced (and probably more expensive) Switch console to be announced next year. Who knows?
A simple request: Please do not troll my blog posts. Constructive criticism is accepted, but those who simply call my posts stupid will get their messages deleted.

So you're a fan of compelled speech? Because I had a bunch of stuff typed up here, and you went full "IM LITERALLY SHAKING BECUZ SOMEONE DISAGREED WITH ME REEEEEEE!!!" and got my responses to your BS deleted?

This is almost as bad as Reddit here with Reverend_Sins and his BS. Just because you decide to take apart someone's arguments and methods and counteract them with the facts and don't give a fuck about the other party's feelings, you get banned because you're not a virtue signaling weak talker who's trying to desperately get everyone to vote for you without taking a hard stand on something that will get people to resonate with you as opposed to just voting for you because you're either on the right or the left. Looking at how you're responding to others on this website who are at least trying to have a "conversation" when it really comes down to realities of how things are in the gaming community and gaming industry nowadays, it sure seems like you'd rather talk to people that'd suck your dick than people who'd challenge your arguments on the basis of the fact that Nintendo is just becoming another company anyways, and really, the Switch isn't as bad as you're fucking making it out to be.

The Wii U was a FAILURE. Outside of the year of 2014 when the PS4/XB1 were getting the typical cross-generation games with an exclusive here or there that didn't blow people away because, shocker, it's a launch title or a first year game when devs are still adjusting to the hardware, the Wii U only had the typical Nintendo games going for it. That's it. Zelda didn't even come out until it turned into a Twilight Princess situation and became, for all intents and purposes, a Switch exclusive, with a Wii U version for CemU users to take advantage of, because the game had all GamePad functionality stripped from it for the Wii U port, so people just got a Switch just to play the next Zelda, and any rat's ass to give to the Wii U by the general public was lost, especially as more Switch and 3DS games came to the Switch. *looks at Hyrule Warriors on Switch*

The 3DS...was a sleeper hit. Yeah, it did fine with Pokemon and some other games...and that was it. Sure, there was some good stuff on there, but nothing that made people go, "DAMN! I need to get a 3DS now!" Pokemon or Animal Crossing was about the only game that I ever heard of people playing on it. I'm aware of there being more Phoenix Wright games, two Persona spin-offs (on a Nintendo console for some damn reason), Bravely Default, Etrian Odyssey, and both SMT IVs, and a bunch of emulators for anything before the N64 working in any consistent fashion...and that's about it. Smash was on the system, but everyone who wanted Sm4sh waited for the Wii U version, which was pretty much the only reason to get a Wii U outside of Bayonetta 2, and look what's on the Switch along with the first game and is supposedly getting a new entry soon.

But, none of what I said matters. After all, I'm just trolling, amirite? How about we escalate what I'm doing? Let's say I'm dogwhistling, because after all, all who disagree with your holiness that would totally institute "real" Marxism/Socialism/Communism are the worst, most evil people imaginable, rite, m8?

Well you just screwed yourself. "You could easily connect a whole system to a USB3 port, you might or might not need to an additional power supply if the add-on system requires too much power. You could send/receive data through this USB3 port easily."
No it's not that easy. Let's first get this out of the way. The wiiu and switch would have to communicate between each other, especially considering that the switch has control of the dock. You know what is the problem with that? Wiiu is powerPC, switch is ARM. It's like telling two people who have completely different sentence structure and languages to understand each other. Now let's talk about how all this would work. Does the addon have it's own storage. If not then it's using the switches storage. Which is, you guess, a problem. Why? Again, the architecture difference. I could go on, but this getting to be a joke and chore. It's clear the OP lacks understanding of how computers work at a low level.
To everyone reading this...
I'm not going to keep updating this blog entry; there have been a lot of arguments over the things I've said here. I've said enough; in fact, I've probably said too much. There's too many people trying to tell me just what's wrong with my way of thinking, and it's gotten ugly. People cussing at each other and at me, namecalling, stating things without providing something to back their so-called "facts". From now on, I will be abandoning this blog post. I won't take it down unless absolutely necessary, but I will not comment in, link to, or re-edit this entry. It was a mistake to add more information on it; that has only opened up more attacks from various users.

I'm sorry, but I can't keep this up any longer. Feel free to bicker amongst yourselves. I'll still be active on GBAtemp, and I'll still post blog entries, but it won't be about things that are as serious as this one. Goodbye!
The only reason to get a Wii U was Xenoblade X, and the 3DS had some good games but it was nothing compared to the DS. The same can be said about most current consoles though, well from my perspective at least. Hmmm... well, I enjoy playing Forza Horizon 2, I guess that makes the Xbox One something I "must have".

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  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    AncientBoi's minding his own business.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Ancientboi is the one in the middle of that old grandpa photo
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Meatspin is Kens desktop background lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yes uremum didn't tell me about her transition and begged me to make it my background
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I couldn't hurt his or hers feelings
  • TechieSaru tempBOT:
    TechieSaru has joined the room.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, Don't ask him where to get lemonade. ;)
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Psi fondles big red lemons to make lemonaides
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Always wanting my lemons he can't have them
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Jeb stole bigonyas pants
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Jokes on you, I don't have any on.... "Cause I'm free.... Free ballin'"
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @BigOnYa, Sounds like you and AncientBoi get along together TOO well.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Thank God we are 20 states away from each tho. Kenny's almost neighbors with him.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I live in kc you dingus
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Ok still closer to him than me, perv boi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Not to mention you guys share the same last name.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I thought you were Mrs.bigboi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Nuh twice divorced, I took my maiden name
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Mrs. bigancientboi?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Ms. now, We divorced.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'd keep the Mrs. He's got more years on you
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    The end of this game, in the house, is like Texas chainsaw massacre house, is crazy. I just gotta find Chris n kill him.
    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: The end of this game, in the house, is like Texas chainsaw massacre house, is crazy. I just...