The Clannad anime is complete garbage

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Seriously, what the fuck is this?

tldr: Clannad is cheesy, overhyped, overpopularized, and has one of the worst art styles in any show I have ever seen.

Last blog post got me in some pretty hot water so I’m trying to be a little bit more passive here to win some of my audience back.

I already wrote something like this for Spirited Away, and out of all my blogs, that seemed to get the least hate. So I’m going to try to make much less drama from now on.
Again, sorry for being such a dickhead.

Also, I’m talking about the ANIME, not the weird little click book thingy on steam.
Moving on, I watch a lot of hentai, right? So naturally when I want to watch regular anime, I always try to get the closest thing to hentai.
Like High School DxD, that anime is awesome.

I have floated so far down the eechi anime list on MyAnineList to the point where there dosent really exist any good eechis out there anymore. So I now I actually need to trust the sites judgement and see what they say is the best non-eechi anime is.

And look, anime dosent have to be hentai for me to enjoy it, Code Geass is my favorite anime ever and that is nowhere near eechi. Therefore, I thought it was worth it to give it a try and look on the “Top Rated” section to see what anime I should watch.

Most of the ones in the top 30 or so I have seen (except those dumb 600 episode anime’s that suck). Except for one: Clannad After Story.

I figured that if I was going to watch Clannad AS, then I should probably watch Clannad 1 before. So I did.
I got my friend Johnny to send me some mkvs and I was all set.

LET ME JUST SAY: Clannad After Story was good, not perfect, but genuinely good. Like an 9/10.
I still didn’t understand the whole thing with the robot and the snow but whatever, it was fine.
CLANNAD 1 HOWEVER was complete horse shit.

Let me explain,
First off Clannad’s artstyle is awful. Just look at the picture I attached. It looks like she has some sort of birth defect! Everyone’s eyes lie so far apart that it’s off putting. I know anime dosent always follow the golden ratio but Clannad is the only anime I’ve seen to really have a shitty artstyle.
It’s not like this is a small point, either. One of the main reasons anime is popular is because it’s appealing to the eye. So Clannad really lost a lot of points for me on that one.

But whatever. There’s countless hentai out there with bad artstyle but still are good. So i kept watching.

Saying that this show is slowly paced would be an understatement.

To put it in perspective, Code Geass has a really complicated setting, so obviously it would take a while to recap everything before the real plot begins. Yet, it managed to move the plot significantly foreword and provide atmosphere and implications for past events all in the same episode. That is awesome.

On the other hand, throughout all thirty-or-so episodes of Clannad, NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS.
I could litteraly explain it in 2 sentences. Want me to prove it?

“A high school boy with a troubled home life becomes friends with an emotionally unstable girl. Together they meet friends and eventually fall in love.”

NOW HOLD ON. Obviously this isint every little detail of the show. But that’s because everything else (the blonde kid, fuko ibuki, etc.) is simply just filler. Pure filler.
Almost everything in Code Geass has some weight to it. Like Shirley’s crush on Lelouch, Lady Marriane, Kallen and her home life, every event isint just there for the cuteness or comic relief, it ACTUALLY MATTERS TO THE PLOT OF THE ANIME.

On the other hand, 85% of Clannad dosent even need to exist.
Without Clannad AfterStory, the story would be so dumb and unsatisfactory that it’s amazing that people consider both parts amazing.

Clannad 1 is the reason why I feel like so many people avoid anime.
Because the over the top cheesy moments and fire in combination with the artstyle make the whole experience uncomfortable and cringe.

You could argue that people avoid anime because the eechi stuff grosses then out, but to be honest American television has just as much of not MORE sexual fan service than anime does.
Walk into a movie theater anywhere to see the latest James Bond type action movie and there are tons of full on sex scenes, booty zoom in shots and scantily clad women. It’s actually irritating more than it is good.
Like at least with eechi they kind of own it. There’s no excuse to throw that kind of shit in Hollywood movies.

So that’s one thing I will give it credit for. Clannad dosent have that much sexually charged fan service. That would only further add to the filler that it possesses.

That said, it’s still an awful anime.

I WILL SAY THIS THOUGH: Clannad After Story makes up for it almost completely. It has the emotion, events and characters have more weight and depth to them, and it is pased much quicker to keep you interested. The first 5 or so episodes of ClannadAS are kind of lame though. It’s not the best thing ever, but it’s a special one, I give it a solid 9/10. Which is a very generous rating for having such a shitty first season.

Feel free to dissagree here, I watch hentai so my judgement is pretty fucked up anyway lol.

At the end of the day this post will just sink into the abyss of threads and be lost forever.

And who cares if one more light goes out?
(First person to get the reference will get a follow)

P.S: Again, I wanted to apologize to anyone I offended in my last blog. It really wasn’t meant to cause the kind of drama that it did. I’ll try to post more blogs like this instead of getting too personal from now on.
(In other words, please dont hate me Dionicio3 I didn’t mean to act like a dick to anybody).


Allow me to speak from experience and say that Asserting that you watch a ton of hentai and ecchi is probably not the best thing to put right before any sort of serious criticism
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Wow man, Trump should really contact you ASAP, you really know how to build a wall (of text).

I don't like Clannad either, but hell I couldn't end up reading this blog post.

Actually I would say I don't really like almost anything coming from that Key VN company, Air, Kanon, Little Busters... not even Angel Beats. There's something all of those share, some kind of... I don't know, idiocy? I can't really put my finger on it, but they bore me to hell. Ah, opinions.

I saw you were talking about Code Geass, to be honest for me it's just another average dumb anime, but that was fun to watch when it originally aired subbed by gg... Actually, I think all the trolling gg put into it was the fun part... oh gg, those were the times, Gundam 00 would have been a bore if not for your trolls, that beautiful custom opening on Episode 23 (was it?), that were the days.
I hear ya, I always come in intending to write a paragraph or two and end up wailing a whole essay worth of text. I gotta learn to keep em shorter.

Also Code Geass was the shit man there isint a single character in that show that i don’t wanna fuck.
I watched a handful of Clannad episodes and honestly I just found it boring.
I saw all of Lucky Star and not much happened in that either, but at least it was interesting enough to sit through all of the episodes.
I guess slice of life anime might just not be my kind of thing.
Spirited Away however was great. Anything from Studio Ghibli always has a perfect combination of touchy/sad scenes, great plot and great animation, but Spirited Away was especially good. That dragon :cry:
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I also find most Studio Ghibli movies enjoyable, and though I would say for sure I like Spirited Away a lot more than the blog creator here, that is not my favorite. I guess that one would be, weird enough, not a movie from Miyazaki: Only Yesterday. Don't ask, I just love it for some reason.

And next to it probably the country roads one... what was it again? Whispers of the heart? perhaps... and then probably Princess Mononoke, and Nausicaa, and (allow me to include it) Castle of Cagliostro, then perhaps Laputa, but I also like Grave of the Fireflies (unlike somebody that hated it in the other blog) but probably less than Porco Rosso, yeah Porco Rosso is probably next to Nausicaa on my list, and Kiki was another movie I liked... I also enjoyed The Little Mermaid Miyazaki version to be honest, it wasn't that good but I really enjoyed that one... Also that one short movie... the name was something about the sea or waves (don't remember) also enjoyed it. Probably those are the ones I enjoyed the most, it's weird but even though I think Totoro is a good movie I don't enjoy it so much... except for the opening song (lol?).

That said, I think I prefer Future Boy Conan above them all (nah, but I really like it).

Oh wait, this is not my blog.

PS: I also liked Horus a lot, but it is a weird old movie. Long live Isao Takahata... oh wait, he's already dead :(
@sarkwalvein So which one is your top Ghibli movie? I have all of them downloaded and I mean to watch them sometime.
The ones I said above, I will list them down in order more clearly, from my top one down:
  1. Only Yesterday (from Isao Takahata, the one I like the most, but most people tell me it is boring)
  2. Whispers of the heart (from the guy that died after making the movie... don't remember the name)
  3. Princess Mononoke (Hayao Miyazaki)
  4. Nausicaa (Hayao Miyazaki)
  5. Porco Rosso (Hayao Miyazaki)
  6. -probably Future Boy Conan here, not a movie but a series, not from Ghibli but from Hayao Miyazaki-
  7. -probably Castle of Cagliostro here, almost from Ghibli, Hayao Miyazaki-
  8. Hmmm... Horus Prince of the Sun? (not Ghibli at all, 1968, Isao Takahata... also Miyazaki)
  9. Hmmm... Laputa?
  10. Kiki's Delivery Service?
I guess that is the top ten for me? Perhaps? Put there also Ponyo, Totoro, Grave of the fireflies, the one with the waves and the sea, the one about the guy that designed the Zero, etc. in some place after 10 I guess.

PS: I haven't seen some of the last movies, sure haven't seen the last one Isao Takahata made, so no opinion on those ones.

And you say I AM THE ONE who is skilled at making walls of text?:unsure:

Serously though I’m glad you agree about Porko Rosso, that movie is pretty underrated imo
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I never watched it myself but from experience most highly rated anime are complete garbage.

Attack on Titan for example
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Off topic but I’m surprised nobody has got the reference yet...
Maybe they just didn’t read the whole thing.
Ponyo was pretty... Boring... To say the least. Not enough in it to keep my attention.
@Memoir It was not the best one for sure, to be honest what I liked the most about Ponyo was the animation somehow, other than that... hmmm... no idea. But I would say I get more bored by the movies Yonebayashi made on Ghibli, Marnie and Arrietty were not bad movies but they bore me. Tales from the Earthsee on the other hand was such a mess... my point, IMHO Ponyo is far from the worse Ghibli has come up with. (but probably the worse from Hayao Miyazaki)... though I didn't like Howl's moving castle that much either.
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I saw ponyo when I was like 10 and I was tripping balls or something man. I thought I was drunk. My memory might be faulty but I remember that movie being really weird.
All I can say is dont judge it unless you have seen the entire series and understand the ending
Yeah, all people say that. Even Paolo here in this blog is saying the same thing about Clannad, but oh my god the first episodes are so unbearable that I made the biggest effort I could and was able to get only to the 9th episode before deciding that I would rather rip my eyes out than endure the bore it was.
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Yeah I hear ya.
I actually did watch the entire series, including the ending.
I love the second season but I thought the first was trash.
I would agree the first season is not the best though it does have its moments also the ending of season 2 is so misunderstood everything things it was a dream or something like that

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    Ancientboi is the one in the middle of that old grandpa photo
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    Meatspin is Kens desktop background lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yes uremum didn't tell me about her transition and begged me to make it my background
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    Psi fondles big red lemons to make lemonaides
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    Always wanting my lemons he can't have them
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    Jokes on you, I don't have any on.... "Cause I'm free.... Free ballin'"
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @BigOnYa, Sounds like you and AncientBoi get along together TOO well.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Thank God we are 20 states away from each tho. Kenny's almost neighbors with him.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I live in kc you dingus
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Ok still closer to him than me, perv boi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Not to mention you guys share the same last name.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I thought you were Mrs.bigboi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Nuh twice divorced, I took my maiden name
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Mrs. bigancientboi?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Ms. now, We divorced.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'd keep the Mrs. He's got more years on you
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    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: The end of this game, in the house, is like Texas chainsaw massacre house, is crazy. I just...