Transgender doesn't make sense

Can't people stop being Transgender?​

People say that sex and gender are two different things. And say gender is a social construct. So for someone to call themselves transgender, instead of transexual, doesn't that mean the transgender person can change their gender at will, to whatever gender they want since its a social construct. So my question is, why do they say they can't change who they are because they were born that way? Which goes against their own belief that gender is a social construct. And why does genderfluid exist as an option? Isn't it redundant since it's implied that gender is a construct that can be changed.

And doesn't the definition of Transgender say that they were born one sex but feel like the other gender. So the term "transgender" according to them isn't something you are born with, and isn't innate, its opposite of the way you were raised from birth, and there isn't something biologically there to make them feel like the other gender.

So how do they come to feel like the other gender? Did they just one day decided to choose to feel like a different gender just because? Did they do it too make themselves feel special? Just like teenagers that call themselves otherkin, wolfkin or dragonkin? And since gender is a social construct, it's something thats made up like all social constructs are. So why should we take something that's made up seriously? And is there some psychological depression going on that they want to make themselves feel unique and different? Maybe because they aren't being noticed? So they do it for attention?

Unless gender and sex are the same thing, and gender isn't a social construct, which means they can't change themselves. So my other question is, with all these 100+ genders, how can a doctor determine at birth whether or not a person is a Androgyne or a Demiboy? Is there any scientific facts a doctor can lean on to determine which one. And how does one transition from androgyne to a demiboy? Where they born with demiboy body parts but feel like a androgyne? Is there hormones they can take to transition to demiboy? If there is hardly scientific facts that demiboy exists, why should we take all these genders seriously?

There are people going through tribunal courts in Canada for misgendering people, since its now a crime punishable by law. In New York its punishable by law if you misgender someone, because you don't believe that all these genders (that have not much scientific backing) exists. And they want to incorporate this all around the U.S. So if we are going to change society, and punish people, with full backing of the law, then they are going to have to explain to us what this Gender business is all about. And prove they exist.
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What do you mean genders? There is female, male, intersex these are sex' (which are people born with both parts and both chromosomes) non binary which is now being considered it's own thing but not as gender since they feel they don't wish to be labeled as a sex or gender.

Everything else it's all sexual orientation not gender not sex it's orientation. Transgender is a broad term really. Anyone (this includes myself) who has transitioned are not to be called trans anymore or anything of the like. We are just man or woman.

There is something like genderfluid where people sometimes feel like one or the other but I havent really any explanation for that.

You are either a female or a male. The "intersex" is a rare mutation thus not categorized. You can identify as a peacock for all that I care, but it doesn't change the fact you either have female or male reproductive parts and if you're brain is wired like a women, but you have a dick you're still a male who might identify as a female.
@cots "The "intersex" is a rare mutation thus not categorized."

It is. It's called "hermaphrodite".
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Okay i just signed up to ask a question but wow

Heres a google docs link with information answering most of your questions, with sources.

And since gender is a social construct, it's something thats made up like all social constructs are. So why should we take something that's made up seriously?​

No one ever says it shouldn't be taken seriously. Money is a social construct, and we all take finances seriously. Just because it is a concept unique to humans, doesn't mean it's irrelevant or to be thrown away. There are many schools of thoughts over this.

So my other question is, with all these 100+ genders, how can a doctor determine at birth whether or not a person is a Androgyne or a Demiboy?​

No. The concept of gender is a cultural phenomenon that varies on the culture.

If there is hardly scientific facts that demiboy exists, why should we take all these genders seriously?​

Although it's debated on whether it's a "true science" or not, there are plenty of studies on alternative gender identities by anthropologists and people in related fields. And no, it's not studied by biology (apart from some spotty studies claiming brains have a sex) because its a SOCIAL phenomenon not a biological one.

So if we are going to change society, and punish people, with full backing of the law, then they are going to have to explain to us what this Gender business is all about.​

It's been researched and explained countless times by people in academic fields for decades, it's just people like you that don't bother to do very simple research to answer your own questions.
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If anyone has genuine questions that don't involve slurs (coughs. hermaphrodite.) and you are actually willing to change your view and not just argue or namecall, feel free to ask me.

I legit just signed up to look at cfw resources and saw this on the sidebar. Not rly doing a good job at painting the "gamer" community in a positive light if this is common (no idea if it is)
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i dont give a fuck what people do to themselves or what they do in their own lives. I only care about what effects me and my family. Go get a dolphin tail surgically implanted on your ass for all i care.

I do think it is bullshit that there are laws about misgendering someone. Shit is getting taken way too far when a 2nd grader gets suspended from school for referring to someone that he has known all along as a "him" but is now a "her". There are laws about harassment already, no need for this garbage misgendering laws.
I do also think it is wrong to allow your child go through hormone sex therapy treatment. Let that shit be chosen once someone is an adult, much like contract, liquor, gambling, and cigarette laws. Sure, allow a 10 year old to dress as whatever sex it wants to, but stop it at that.

This modern society is further pushing mental illness by allowing these things. But, hell, the drug companies are making bank and my wife has stock in some, so be as fucking wild and stupid as you all wish, just dont impede on my freedoms and rights.
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Not this kind of post again. I swear to god there's a new post like this every single day, now days.
Why do people have a problem with what other people do or think? Can't we just let everyone be who they want to be and do what they want to do? Is it really that difficult? What does it take away from some people if other people want to be dolphins, pansexual, horned, rainbow colored or none of that?
You don't agree with them? Fine, you don't have to. You want to be some kind of violet omnisexual flyng elephant? That's fine too.
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Why it is animals are always brought into this I'll never know. If anything, we're closest to Chimpanzees and Bonobos. All of us, not just the gay/trans ones. That doesn't mean anybody (save a very tiny minority of the population) wants to fuck outside their own species. And those people are just as likely to be straight weirdos.
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(is there an @ function on this site? sorry if not)
Just one correction- asexual isn't a gender, it's a "sexuality". Or rather, a type of sexuality. Someone can be gay and asexual, or straight and asexual, i think. Its just the sexual attraction bit. And if you ask me, most kids identifying with it are going to eventually drop the label (much like i did).

And it follows the language norm of __sexual, with __ being a descriptor of a sexuality. the prefix "a" means "without", which fits. It is also a term for species that reproduce without a mate, but words can have multiple meanings :P
I am having so much damn trouble with this website's blog comment system. The formatting breaks every fucking time I edit the comments.

It's important to remember that "gender" is sexual expression, not indicative of one's current sex and sex from birth. Keep this in mind.

The prefix "trans-" means to move "across" or "beyond". One who is "trans-gender" is one who has moved "beyond" standard gender. Hence, one who is biologically male can claim to be of the female gender because that is how they express themselves sexually. They can claim to be "female" or "transgender".

A person who has physically changed sex via hormone therapy or surgery (to the best of their ability) is "transexual". They are also "transgender" because their gender has also changed from their original gender. (this statement is made with the assumption that we are all born with genders aligned to our sex, which is a seperate argument that touches philosophy)

The problem with usage of "genderfluid" and "transgender" as a sex is due to a misunderstanding of the terms and sex itself. Genderfluid is different than claiming to be "bisexual" (when one prefers either male and female sex partners) because it is indicative of that person's choice to change gender role throughout their life, hence the "fluidity".

Some wild genders are a result of a lacking vocabulary and knowledge in the matter has made people construct their own words, made in the assumption there weren't already pre-existing words for these concepts. Fuck em.

Since healthy humans (as in humans born with a single set of sexual organs) are born with two types of sex, we happened to also have two standard genders for sexual expression. With the development of sentience and as society evolves, we have developed sub-categories because the high population requires more specifics on our individual sexual expression. When someone identifies themselves as "pansexual" or the like, it can be recognized as a "sub-gender", where the manner in which they express themselves in sexual encounters becomes priority over the simple, primitive genders of "male" and "female". It's like going over the redundancy.

For the record, "pansexual" is someone who dates others who claim any sex or gender. I do not recognize pansexuality because it's a simple state of acceptance and compassion for others rather than a form of sexual expression. It's kind of an expansion of "bisexual" because bisexuality simple refers to sex. Convince me otherwise if i'm wrong. I do not recognize "asexual" as a valid gender for humans because it is an existing term used to refer to creatures in nature who reproduce without a mate. If you're not interested in sex, just say you're not interested than claim it's your gender.
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@DeadlyFoez it's not that simple. It's if you are intentionally misgendering people because you refuse to refer to them by their prefetred pronouns what they are trying to present themselves publically as.
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^ Exactly. There are people who believe in things that go against every single of my morals but I don't write an essay about it on a gaming forum asking for attention.

Ppl who spend this much of their energy being negative are probably draining to be around.
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"sexuality" is gender, my dude. The gender of Asexuality is like a pre-emptive form of rejection of any sexual advances. It's like having a permanent "KEEP OUT" sign, and that is simply not sexual expression. To claim a form of sexual expression, it is working under the assumption that you are engaging in any sexual actions at all.

To add, "asexual" being used to identify one without sex does NOT mean one who does not engage in sex because that is making the implication they HAVE a sex. A creature who is asexual reproduces without interaction with others.
@cots what is your problem? Why do you respond to OP being called out on a genuinely garbage and harmful post with some narcissistic BS about how it's an example of being open-minded, somehow? Step down a little because the post (and subsequently, any agreement with it) automatically implies a LOT of ignorance on the topic.

@Old is not Google and is not obligated to provide counterarguments for you.

But I'll do you the favour and explicitly answer these questions,

OP, the problem with your post is a misunderstanding of the argument that social is a gender construct, and what that actually means. It does not mean "You can choose your gender", it means "what we assume to be defining characteristics of a gender will always have exceptions, i.e. there are no definitive defining characteristics for either gender" How do you define a woman? Is it someone with a vagina? There are many XX chromosome people with penises. Likewise there are many XY chromosome people with vaginas. Is it someone who produces oestrogen? Many women naturally have oestrogen in the order of picograms (that's 10^-12 grams) per ml of blood, which is consistent with a lot of people we'd categorise as 'male'. The differences between male and female are like a sparse scatterplot where you can just about make out some kind of line to draw but there are always exceptions on either side of it. Pretty much ANY study that talks about how 'male brains' and 'female brains' are different can essentially be retrospectively dismissed. The matter of the fact is that no scientific/psychological experiment is ever done in a vacuum. There are societal standards and rules that have evolved as part of some larger socioeconomic system, some of which dictate how we're told to treat men and women individually and how we raise a son vs. how we raise a daughter. These experiments are ALWAYS biased. The only person who can definitively declare one's gender is the self. There is in fact a lot of recent scientific research about how transgender people's brains are similar to their cisgender (non-transgender) counterparts that I would encourage you to look into if you're interested.

I would also advise you to get to know the actual definition of a transgender person: it is someone whose gender does not line up with the one they were assigned at birth. Thinking of it in any way akin to "someone who changed their sex", "someone who chose to be something else", etc. is a fundamentally incorrect and harmful misunderstanding.

Good day all.


I would like to add that intersex people make up around as much of the world's population as redheads. Look it up if you don't believe me. If you filled an exhibition hall with 2,000 random people, around 20 of them would be intersex.
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@Lucifer666 - Whoah; logic, facts, and sensibility -- what a breath of fresh air! How have you lasted here for six years?! ;)

This guy's gotta be a candidate for a staff position.
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Another person making the implication that "gender" isn't a choice but I agree with the rest of your post.

Sex isn't a choice. People might not be born with a sex that matches the way they express their sexuality, but "gender" is a choice. One who is Transexual is also Transgender due to their choice to go beyond their original sex and gender of birth. We have the choice because this choice is not restricted by physical means.

We can go back and forth all day what it means to be a "female" and a "male" in human society, but let's not pretend that sex doesn't influence our genders at it's base.

A female brain and male brain have many differences and it's dangerous to ignore those difference in a healthcare environment.

I digress. I'm hungry.
No. Sexuality is ABOUT gender. its WHO YOURE ATTRACTED TO. Gender identity is YOUR own gender. Not related.

What you're thinking about is "agender". Asexuality is one who has no sexual attraction to any gender. Your gender has no impact on who you find attractive.

Just google the definition of gender and the definition of sexuality.

And like i said, words can have multiple meanings. The term for these words is called homonyms, and there are tons of them.
Sex only influences gender because of how our society works, which loops back into the anthropological aspect of the whole ordeal.

If we somehow were all hypnotized and began viewing dicks as a girl thing and boobs as a boy thing (hypothetical situation here), and began raising our kids as such, their identities would reflect that.
The role of man and woman is 100% fabricated apart from certain things (the biological parts, like girls giving birth and caring for their young)
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At least from my point of understanding transgenderism is caused by a mental disorder (gender dysphoria) causing a person to behave in a different way than most people do, based on their sex.
But yeah, gender isn't something you can just choose.
Gender roles are a completely different matter, and (some, not all) are influenced by society.
And I think we can all agree getting arrested for misgendering someone is bullshit.
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