Facing my negative traits

So over the course of the last few months I've been attempting to improve myself, coming to terms with the fact that I'm kind of a massive twat and facing the negative traits that I've taken on over time, it's been really hard to be honest and I've had a lot of trouble actually keeping it up as whenever I was tired I'd slip right back into my old habits of being a sarcastic prick because I push people away because I'm afraid of people actually liking me, but I'm also terrified of being alone

I've been trying to be more wholesome and being more helpful towards others, but at the same time I've also been sticking to my own ideals more which has been a hard contrast as I've cut a few people out that while I honestly considered them friends to a certain degree, I found that when I look back on the times we have I usually don't enjoy it and when I do it's when it's stimulating my habit of talking about people, I've tried to stop that as well but quitting gossip might be the hardest one.
I find it hard to be honest with people and myself, I've honestly forgot what my feelings are like because I haven't felt a proper sadness in years now, I've felt down, I've been upset but usually when I should be feeling down I just get really angry, and then I hurt people because it's the one thing I'm truly good at, I always know exactly what to say to put somebody in the ground, but it's significantly harder to help someone that's genuinely upset

It comes in the form of mood swings, I'll have a few good days and I'll be really happy, and I notice that my friends liven up around me as well, we enjoy our time more, and it's genuinely fun when we game! I don't get salty when I die in games like PUBG or DayZ and it's generally a lot of fun. I'm currently enjoying the happy times now actually, however this is always followed by the inevitable down time, where I turn into a prick for all to see, I'm irritable, hella salty, angry and numb all at once, it's a general feeling where I'm always slightly angry but I don't know why, things that can take me out of this range from the music I enjoy, to my friends pulling me out of it with just honest positivity.

I don't know how I feel and I honestly want to see a therapist, really I do! but that first step, I can't do it, I honestly can't do something as fucking simple as following my own advice I've given people countless times, I wanna stop hurting people, I wanna stop myself from hurting myself mentally but it's a fucking cycle, I never see how cruel I am to other people untill it's too late, even now with all this going on in my head, I know SOMEONE is probably my punching bag right now but I just haven't realized who it is yet until they decide I'm not worth their time, in the past I've been described as brutally honest, that's a lie, I'm just a self righteous twat.

I've hurt a lot of people here, people that were nothing but honest and kind to me and I just turn around and slap them in the face with my massive ego and I hurt them some more

I hurt the one person that I ever felt comfortable with letting in, and honestly I don't deserve them back in my life, maybe never but at least not now, not untill I've become the best possible version of myself

Maybe that it's in the good times now is that I have the balls to actually tag people.

@AyanamiRei0 I'm really fucking sorry that about a year ago I made you into a punching bag, it started as an off joke and it just became me actually just bullying to repeatedly even though you were nothing but kind to me
@Chary I've apologized to you several times now in private but here it is in public, I've been rude to you before, I've been a right twat but you always let me back in but I took it too far half a year ago, I took all the stress from work and the inner turmoil and said terrible stuff to you about family values I can't even begin to understand as an outsider, To this day I don't get what the hell happened to me that day but I've always regretted it, but I am thankful for all the times we had.
@Lia OH BOY I was a massive twat to you right from the start, I have no fucking clue why you put up with me
@TheVinAnator Kid, you've helped me more than you even realize, I've legitimately thought about you a lot because of your adorableness in situations where I'd usually be a huge cock which helps me to stop saying terrible stuff
@GamerzHell9137 OG SQUAD REPRESENT, we get along nowadays but back when we first met and even up to a few years ago we never got along, simply because you actually challenged me when I was being a rude asshole, you're a great guy and I love you (no homo)
@VinsCool man, I get the feeling that you sort of get where I'm coming from with this entire stupid blogpost thing but you were always patient and adult with me,
@vinstage boy that's a lotta vins, you were right.
@MajinCubyan Literally nobody can pull me out of a bad mood like you and Bekah can, I have no clue what it is you guys do, but your positivity is infectious!

of course you aren't the only ones, but you're the ones that always pop up in my mind when I think back on the times that I was still properly active here, I'm not very good at sticking around though but I do my damnedest.

TLDR: I don't like myself but I don't know how to fix myself
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I've indeed noticed you've been more lively and trying to change lately, it is for the better indeed! You weren't always the greatest to people but when you were nice, you were nice for sure. I've had a lot of fun with you and I think you're pretty awesome. Thanks for the nice message. :P Good luck in your endeavors to finding your true self, the best version of yourself. ;)
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I think meeting with real people is better than an online interaction, I consider the forums as something that's relatively negative, I had anger issues, but from time to time I tried to change myself, is a long road and sometimes I tell people they should talk if I hurt them, is an everyday work, is a good thing you have realised how you offend the others, and by others users views you have improved, don't give up
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@DrkBeam I'm still trying, I'll keep trying and trying and even if I have downtime, I'll pick myself back up and try even harder
Why not homo? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And boi, i remember you being a twat to me for no reason, glad we're good now <3
And my tip is just to live life, do something new, meet new people and talk with them. You're gonna learn new information from them which you can use to "fix" yourself. Sometimes you might lose friends but let everything be a learning experience, that's one way to "fix" yourself. (Or not, who knows maybe i'm doing it wrong all the time, but its just a theory, a life theo- i'll stop)
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Forgive and forget, live and let live. And how all such phrases go, etcetera.

72 apologies in, and I'm still not quite sure what you think it'll do. I've forgiven you and moved on from all related matters. But your behavior was inexcusable, and honestly, despite your continual clawing at my private messages for a response, of which goes ignored every time, you don't seem to understand that I've nothing to want or do with you. Is this harsh? Perhaps in the view of some, but if I'm going to be truthful here, standing up for myself and removing myself from your life was the best thing to happen to me in quite some time.

You left a long-standing friendship in utter tatters, egotistically thinking to yourself that you'd manipulated things to go your way, once more, by being abusive to the people around you. I looked back, just now, to get a reminder of what exactly happened back then, and I was horrified by what I saw from you. We're all human, we make errors, but year-after-year of watching your behavior stagnate and stay the same, revolving around hurting others for sport, was just disgusting, and honestly, toxic in every sense of the word.

A public apology broadcast out to dozens seems more like a ploy for attention than anything. I really do hope I'm wrong on this one, and that you actually have remorse. If you are going to seek help, or at least try to make amends and improve yourself, that's great news. I wish the best for you.

But this will be the last time I respond to you. So here is the closure you seem to be wanting so badly.

I've moved on; sometimes people grow out of friendships, sometimes people need to cut other people out of their life. That's what's happened here. I hope you can respect that. Good luck to you on your pursuits, and I hope you find help one day.
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The blog post I thought I would never see.

I'm glad that I learned early on in life to not take things said over the internet personally or I feel I would have a big grudge towards you. What you said and did many times went over the line of "just don't take it personally bro lol" and i'm glad you have at least admitted to doing something wrong. That is a nice bit of closure. Our bouts were mostly GBATemp discord and one time on this forum (talking about the discord) and I'm just glad that is behind me. How you got a staff position in that discord I will never know to this day, but you are the only thing I actually remember from that discord.

I hope you find goodness in your life and can improve yourself. Best wishes, sincerely.
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@VinLark quite simply I had the position cuz I set up the server and I was friendly with Reporters and such
I'm not sure why I read this. But, I'm old, so here I go. GROW UP. YOUR WHOLE GENERATION. Just get over it all. News flash: The world sucks, people suck, work sucks...it is what it is. Focus on your life, your family (or persuit of one), and your work. Be the best at those things, stop bickering on the internet and use it as the tool it was intended for, and live the best 70 or so years you can. That's all ya get people. 70 if your lucky, more if your really lucky. If you are a dick, stop it. No need. If you are sad, get help. Life's too short. Just, get over it. Don't look for attention. Attention will find you. Don't look for a girl/guy. It "just happens". Get the F over it. Over yourself, over the President of the USA, over loot boxes, over internet bullying....EVERYTHING. Live the best life YOU can. Hurt no one. If you did? F it. It's past. Get over it.

Sorry. Old guy rant over.
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Play it the way that you feel it. "Stevie Nicks" @LittleFlame
Those words took me through college. Eloquent enough?
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I never got to see or experience the damage you have done for the four and a half years I have been here.
So, my opinion upon you is fresh and I have nothing held against you @LittleFlame. Although, if it is true for what you have done to hurt people; that is indeed inexcusable. Although, since you have the guts to publicly apologize and say that you have been a total prick to people; I tip my non-existent hat to you my friend.

I hope you can get the help you need; and I will be honest~ I have lashed out on others before. I know how much it hurts, and I know how it feels when nobody understands your pain and suffering. I even know what it feels like to put your family through years of pain because you're a fucking shitty human being that can't do shit for himself; and pushes people away when they try to help you. I still do sometimes, and I hate myself to the point of considering suicide; and that's not a joke to get attention. That's as true as I can say. Again, I understand how you feel, and all I can do is say that you're not alone. You can make up for what you've done, but you sadly can't undo it.

Please, take care mate.
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The human mind is a closed system, and I believe because of that, change must always arise externally.

If you want to change you've got to put yourself in a different atmosphere. You can't change yourself, but you can change your surroundings. Your surroundings will ultimately have the most influence on who you become.
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I think you're hilarious. One of the few people who make me laugh. Only person I liked more was Margen. Anyone who avoids you is probably an idiot. All the best.
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Thanks everyone for your kind words! I never actually expected that anyone would even bother to be nice to me but here I am proven wrong, it's nice to see that there's still great people out there!
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