The world today as we know it (Part 2)

Well this is a while overdue. I have wanted to do a second one of these for a while now. Since I am engineering student, you can probably tell I don’t get much time to myself.

For those of you who don’t know what this is, a while ago I did a post called “The world today as we know it.” In that blog, my goal was to get some discussion and some back and forth with you Tempers about some sensitive and current topics. I really liked what y’all had to say about those topics, even though I may not have agreed with all of it. But you know what? That is okay! As people, is great that we are all different. As much as I would like for everyone to think the same way I think, I thinks it is more important for everyone to exercise their right to think and act however they would like. Before I get started, quick disclaimer. I may say some things you may not agree with or might get you Triggered! I just ask from you wonderful people that we remain civil and polite. I have no intentions to piss people off, I just heavily value discussion amongst a diverse group of people. With that out of the way, let’s get into part 2!

[4] Sexism and Feminism

Do you want to hear a joke? Women’s rights. Do you want to hear another joke? Feminism. Okay, okay, I’m just kidding. Well… only about the first joke. I will get to feminism in a moment but I want to talk about why I made that first joke. Like most people, I believe that women should be/are equal to men in many ways, but not all. WAIT, HOLD ON! Let me explain. I grew up with 3 sisters and I love them to death. They are smart, funny, and try their hardest at everything they do. They are all in college pursuing degrees that will financially provide for them for the rest of their lives. I talk about social issues and politics a lot with them and not once did they ever think they were put down or looked down upon because they are women. For the most part, they and I have been on the same playing field our whole life. So why do they feel like they are equal to men, but other women today don’t? I genuinely don’t know! I have been trying to figure out this whole patriarchy thing for years now. Let’s discuss some of the view points.

I would be lying if I said that women do get the short end of the stick in a few ways. The first thing that comes to mind is harassment and pursuit. For me, this hits a little close to home. For those of you who don’t know, I have a twin sister. When it comes to guys, she hasn’t been so lucky. She gets cat-called often and constantly has men trying to pursue her. I had lunch with her a few weeks ago and she was telling me about these guys. She told me that they are always trying to talk to her and do “sweet” things for her that make her very uncomfortable. She doesn’t like how guys always try to “get to know her.” She told me all she does is try to be nice to people but men always interpret it as, “SHE WANTS ME!.” This truly does suck but I can’t really blame most guys. We are all looking for someone special. It just sucks that sometimes it requires a bit of awkwardness and trying and failing.

Above I made a joke about women. Where you offended by it? I really hope you weren’t. Many see comedy in terms of roasting a good thing or a destructive thing. We are all different and take things differently. But comedy only works in a few ways. It’s based on pain and timing. Someone has to be on the butt-end of a joke. As someone who believes in the value of women, I still don’t think they are safe from scrutiny. I believe in something called “Prejudice Equality,” where everyone is subject to humiliation and ridicule. Is it mean to make fun of women’s driving skills or mannerisms? Not really, it is a joke. It’s a joke in the same way as saying men are forgetful simpletons. Is it wrong to sign up my friend Tavion to because he is black and make his preference male? Of course it’s not! It’s a joke. When my buddies told him we did this, he thought it was funny! I have quite a diverse group of friends in my major and we give each other s*** all the time. I give my girlfriend and sisters hard times as well because it’s a joke. I make fun of them, and they make fun of me. We grow from this, we bond from this. I do know that people (women) are not as strong willed as others. At that point it comes down to appropriateness. Should I tell a women joke to a rape survivor? Absolutely not! That would just be mean. There is a time and place for everything, you just have to know when

[5] Feminism (continued)

I rambled on a bit above because I felt like I had a lot to say. With Feminism, there is nothing that I can say that hasn’t been said already. A long time ago, women were not treated equally and in some places, still aren’t. For the west, we gave equality for women in the 60’s. Yes it took a bit of time for them to get on the same playing field but they got there….. or so we thought. While I think and believe women have reached equality with men, there are so many others who think there is soooooooooooooooo much more work needed to be done. The still believe they are being oppressed, payed a lot less, won’t get jobs over men, ect, ect, ect. It doesn’t end with these people. Let’s try to dissect some points and look at it from a nonbiased point of view.

The wage gap is a fun place to start. On both sides of the coin, there seems to be evidence for women getting payed less vs those statistics being misleading. I feel like I am going to upset someone here if I bring up evidence against the wage gap. I can show statistics but I am not going to. Here is why. We are all biased towards studies that show this or studies that show that, so let’s just think critically…. If a company was paying women less and there was hard evidence, what do you think would happen to that company? If women are payed less, then why do men still work there if they can be replaced with someone who will work for less pay? If a women and a man apply for the same job, are equally skilled, and both are married, but the man gets chosen, would you think that happened because maybe the women has kids to pick up from school or maybe wants to become a mom? I’m not trying to sway people, but rather get them to think as critically as possible.

So what about that other side of Feminism? You know the one. The feminists that paint with their period blood, wear “p***y hats”, call all men scum despite never meeting every man, and demand men to pay extra tax at their restaurant (look this up, its mind blowing). Am I crazy? This is ridiculous, right? How many women actually believe in this nonsense. It may just be because I live in the south but I have not talked to a single women who is a feminist. To a lot of my guy and girl friends, they are a joke; trying to get free handouts and push men down to be nothing more than cattle. I have heard feminists say some crazy things, but I’ve come to the conclusion that men are not the sexist ones, it’s feminists.

Okay, I want to wrap up the Women and Feminist topics with what I said at the beginning of this. (“Like most people, I believe that women should be/are equal to men in many ways, but not all”) That my friends is what you call a hook. Since you read this far, you took the bait. I don’t think men and women are equal, they are just… different. Both type of people are biologically different and unique. I would go as far as to say that both exhibit characteristics that the other cannot show as well most of the time. When we are talking about working, payment, ect, women should most definitely be treated the same. When talking about day to day life, I think women should be treated the same as men if not better. Growing up, my dad always made me open the door for women, be the last to get food, do the harder work in the yard, ect. He taught me these things because he values women very highly as something that should be honored and cherished. The same goes in reverse. I believe women should be the most loyal companion to men and do whatever they can do to assist. This view might seem controversial to some but please understand that these views I come from the idea that men and women NEED each other. In no way I am implying that women should and should not do certain things. They can do whatever the heck they want. All I’m trying to say is men and women are not equal, just different and that is okay

[6] Unity

OKAY!!!!! Time for something quick and different. This kind of ties in two the topics I covered last time. We currently live in a word where everything is so opposite to the point where we are killing each other over different opinions. This is not okay as most of us can agree. It seems to every good proposition, there is always a backlash. This is inevitable but should backlash really be this big and violent. This is why I want to touch on the concept of unity real quickly. 16 years ago, on September 11, a plane crashed into the world trade center here in the United States. This is one of the most tragic events in U.S. history and is remembered as a day of infamy. But…. There was one good thing that came out of that day. No matter who you were, where you were from, what side of the political spectrum you were one, we all became one. We all were Americans that day. As one nation, we all reflected on the event and mourned over the events that happened. People came together to help those who were affected that day, whether it had been with their time, their money, their labor, and even prayers, we helped our fellow man in a time of great tragedy. With the events of the hurricanes and the earthquakes in Mexico, I once again see people gathered together in solidarity, helping one another not because they have to, but because they want to. To quote Psalms 30:5, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” These painful events we are having are terrible, but from them comes joy when it’s over. Joy from the people who have helped, joy from seeing people come together, and Joy from seeing what man kind is in times of crises. It is truly a beautiful thing.

What about when its over? What happens after the Cities are rebuilt, the water drained, and people’s home’s restored? Will we go back to how we were before? Yes. These events bring so much unity for people but when they are over, people descend back to how they were before. Why do we do this? Why after the storm do we go back into the sea? We were people then and we are people now. We were Americans then and we are Americans now. We were Europeans/Latinos then and we are Europeans/Latinos now.

I know it seems I’m preaching to a wall but what I want people to understand is that despite what we believe in or practice, we are all people on this big rock called Earth. I don’t want wars and I don’t want other nations to parish. Please as man, don’t hate purely off of what someone believes because they have their own reasons as to why they are the way they are. Don’t try to change people. Prove them wrong and let them change their selves.

Well that is it everyone. Sorry that I got a bit dramatic and ranted a bit more than last time. I hope that we can get some discussions started with each other. If some of the above points seems scrambled, it is because I wrote all of this REALLY FAST!!!!!

Thanks for reading!!!
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Fuck Ya, Feminism, i'm so glad you brought it up. This area is my specialty. I can talk about it all day.
Feminism is shit and always has been, even from the first wave suffragettes.

It's bullshit that men supposedly had the vote for centuries and women didn't, especially in the Uk.

Voting Rights

Half of the men that fought in the trenches of WW1 did not have the right to vote. All men didn't get voting rights till 1918, (the same year most women got the vote), giving all men voting rights over age 21, since voting rights was based on property and income based qualifications back then. The reason why women didn't get equal voting parity with men is because many men died in WW1, so women had age restrictions (30 years) and property restriction placed on them to balance this out, so there wouldn't be more women voters than men. Those restrictions were lifted 10 years later 1928 giving women equal voting rights.

Before 1832 only a very small percentage of the population had the right to vote. 1% to 2% of the population. Then men fought for their right to vote. Many were killed and deported out of the country. Theres also the Peterloo massacre and many people died trying to get voting rights.

Then 1832 comes the Great Reform act lessening qualifications giving about 1 in 7 men the right to vote. Still the majority of men not having the right to vote. Then further reform acts in the decades after giving even more men voting rights to about 50% of the population.

Then comes ww1 and all men got voting rights for fighting in the war (after 100 years of struggle). If there fit to fight then they should be fit to vote was the reasoning back then. This paved the way for women getting the vote. Women getting the vote had more to due with the men fighting in ww1, then it had to due with the suffragettes.

Who was more oppressed during WW1? The women that couldn't vote? Or the Men that were forced to fight in the war from conscription/draft, getting the limbs blown off and chests sliced open, many men that also didn't have the right to vote.

There are even examples of women with money voting in the 1840's. These women had more voting rights and political power then poor men, way before all men got universal male suffrage. And there were many men that wanted to give women the vote, especially in the labor and liberal party, even before WW1.

Women not wanting the vote

Many women also didn't want the right to vote. Many anti suffrage groups formed with the strongest leaders and supporters being women. Many women didn't want to give up there status and privileges of WOMENHOOD. Basically the privileges of womenhood are...

  • A man had to work for her
  • Guard her from danger
  • Risk and sacrifice his own life for her (e.g. women and children out of the sinking ship first.)
  • It must be women who are saved first and not men.

These were things women didn't wan to give up which is why most rejected the vote. Women thought they would be forced to fight in wars, so they rejected suffrage. It wasn't until they were educated that they didn't have to fight is when they wanted the vote.

It took women along time to gather, 1866, to finally gather enough females just for a petition to get voting rights, years after men started. It wasn't until the late 1800s and early 1900's when the women's movement started gaining majority support among women.

Year 1892 - William Gladstone MP (and several times British Prime Minister) wrote: "There has never within my knowledge, been a case in which the franchise has been extended to a large body of persons generally indifferent about receiving it. But here, in addition to a widespread indifference, there is, on the part of large numbers of women who have considered the matter for themselves, the most positive objection and strong disapprobation."

Basically he was saying most women didn't want and care for the vote. They could care less. And the women that did consider it, were the ones against it and started campaigns against women gaining suffrage.

The greatest challenge for getting women voting rights, was to convince women to want the vote.
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I'm curious as to how you can bring up such a pro-feminist point (catcalling/harassment stuff) and still say feminism is stupid
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I mean I'm with @TotalInsanity4 on this one. You brought up points about harassment and then put forward no counterpoint aside from "men will be men, it isn't their fault!" lol The reason you probably don't understand women being disrespected or treated unequally is because it hasn't affected you, nor your sisters, directly. And I can appreciate it can be difficult to understand something that doesn't affect you, but it definitely doesn't rule it out as an issue. To each their own when it comes to debating this kind of thing I suppose.
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That's like saying that there are some women today that don't believe in reproductive rights, therefore anyone who thinks they should exist are invalid
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I'm not even remotely feminist, and while I think there's no need for it today, I'd say that in the past, for certain, there were stricter gender roles within families, and women were expected to act a certain way, and not get in the way of the husband. Same as how children in the 1950s were treated. You didn't have much power, and relented to the head of the household. The loosening of those roles led to a lot of depravity certainly, and there's still things in flux, but women more than certainly have no social stipulations with following their dreams in the modern day. Men and women are not equal at all, but only in the sense of women leaning more towards teaching jobs, and men leaning towards jobs that might require more strength like construction. Let's be real--there are differences, that's why we separate men and women from sports, and Olympic competitions. But, with the way things are today, men and women are free to do anything, so long as they're capable and have skill. The opportunities are what's equal, and that's what matters.

There's hardly any causes for women to rally over, and if there are, they aren't monumental. The SJW-isms of the current day seem to be women with nothing better to do than whine and demand for things that eschew the equality we have now, or complaining about things we already have. (ex. equal pay)
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"She gets cat-called often and constantly has men trying to pursue her."

That always seems like one of those things that needs a more in depth look to me.

I get things shouted at me a lot as I look like one of those hairy, greasy motorbiking types, seldom does it improve my day but it seldom does anything more than pass like the noise of the that it might have been shouted from.

If you are out at a bar is being asked if someone can buy you a drink such a chore?

If on the other hand it poses a problem and people are rather more aggressive in their pursuits we may have scope for some discussion.

Re women against the vote (and other such causes). Does the existence of historical counter groups have any real bearing on this? There are all sorts of weird and wonderful theories throughout history and we pay them no great heed. Something similar would surely be warranted here.
I would agree most tellings of history I hear from self professed feminists are way oversimplified at best and woefully inaccurate at worst, and that is not even getting into the issues of trying to fit history to a narrative, however while I am all for learning history it matters little in the question of whether I should treat people differently as far assuming their moral capabilities or intellectual capabilities based on their sex.

Once more the phrase I will go with is "equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome", which is to say I strive to see the former be a thing where if the latter happens as a general consequence of the former then so it goes but if not then why interfere to make it a thing? It may be that in some cases there is a reason to interfere but I certainly can't see it being the default one.

"No matter who you were, where you were from, what side of the political spectrum you were one, we all became one."
You know how much of the world enjoys making fun of Americans? This sort of thing is one of the big reasons why. Though my internal voice had that performed by a fox news host. I will give it formed the basis of policy for quite a while (though not necessarily one to be anywhere near greatly proud of) but most of the rest of the world tends not to make such a big fuss of things. At this point you are the 30 something at the party reliving the glory days of teen years.
I am all for "let's get along and figure out how the universe works" but I ain't doing it that way.
Quite simply actually. I don't think what happened is a feminist issue, it's a people issue. What's the difference between a man cat-calling a women and a guy calling someone a faggot online? There isn't one. Why should one insult take precedence over another? The intention behind both is to hurt or offend. When i say it's a people issue i really do mean it is a people issue. You can change laws, rules and regulations.... but people, that is something that you cannot change. A person has to change becasue they want to, not because the law says so. Something that i didn't squeeze into this blog is the ideology of Egalitarianism. This is the belief in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities. I believe women have this. Even though they have this, why does cat-calling still exist? Simple, it's because there still exist garbage people who have not been held up to the same standards as you or myself.
Thank you for your comment.
"Men will be men?" If these people are men, then what am I? If someone is being a horrible person then they are being a horrible person. Allow me to bring this up. I'm sure you are familiar with the derogatory term, "bitch." While i do not use profanity nor would i ever refer to someone as such, it is not exclusively men who use this term. From what i have seen, women use this term more towards other women then men use it on women. I'm getting off topic so allow me to break this down. Laws are in place where women must be treated equally in the work place. If there is a time where there is misconduct between a man and a women where the man was in the wrong, appropriate action will take place whether by the women or the companies themselves. If a company has been allowing such actions to take place with no plan to make things right, wouldn't there be public outrages and boycotts? As far as women being treated in public, i will refer to what i talked about with TotalInsanity4. People can be awful. As much as i would like for people to share similar views to my own, i understand that is not the case. You cannot change a person. Whether it be a women harassing a men or a man harassing a women, justice needs to take place regardless of gender.
Not to sound snarky but i do understand being treated unequally. I was diagnosed with Aspergers at a young age and i was called "special" and made fun of for many years of my life. I'm just trying to say that this situation is not a feminist issue, its a people issue.

@Chary @SG854
Thank you both for your comments.
The two of you bring up very different points about the past, both equally as convincing. While i may not be able to argue with your facts, @SG854 , there is still the fact that at one point in time women were treated differently than men were. What I feel all three of us can agree on however, is that now, men and women have equal opportunity and i don't think any of us are complaining about it. I like what you said about where most women decide to pursue a career @Chary . It does seem like there is inequality there but in a very fascinating way. Women simply choose fields like that not because of oppression, but because it's just what they want to do. Although, i would love to see more women pursuing STEM related fields. To be honest, the group of i guys i'm with needs a few girls around to keep them in check. My friend Justin is very profane and can say some very.... interesting things, but when their is a women around, he is the most polite gentleman i have ever seen.
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@Stephano well, that's just the thing. What you just stated (radical reform on how most men a lot of people treat other people) is quite literally what feminism stands for. It doesn't matter if you're actually female or not, the idea of feminism about "the patriarchy" is that men/boys should be taught from a young age to respect other people and their right not to feel violated, verbally or physically

Edit: And regarding job fields that women go into; many studies on the subject either don't take into account for or explicitly ignore factors of being told what one can and can't do from a young age (i.e. a girl saying "I want to run a company when I grow up!" and being told that that's "a man's job" or "that's just not what women do," etc, etc. And the same goes for boys that pursue stereotypically "female" jobs)

Edit2: I just thought of an even better example; "I want to be a doctor when I grow up!" "Oh, you mean a nurse, right, honey?"
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What is it with you writing vague posts.

"That always seems like one of those things that needs a more in depth look to me."
I'm very close with my sister, we were born together after all. Despite us being twins, we are polar opposites. She is a social butterfly while i am a anti-social math nerd. What we have in common however is that both of us were raised with the same values and principles. We were taught to be polite, respectful, loving and to bust a cap in someone if they ever tried to harm us. That being said, it is because of these actions which make her so attractive. What i see in my sister are things i look for in a future spouse. I understand why men flock to her. Despite me wanting someone with desirable traits, i was never one to pursue women. I'm an awkward person and i try to be a friend to everyone. 9/10 people i hung out with in highschool were girls and I don't think a single one of them would think that i tried to make moves on them. Not becasue i wasn't attracted to any of them, but rather i valued their friendships significantly more than i valued a relationship. These men that try and pursue my sister, they clearly don't share these same ideas. Me and my sister both think that a relationship should stem from a long term friendship. After a long time of being friends, you get to see who a person truly is. Deep enough yet?

"I get things shouted at me a lot as I look like one of those hairy, greasy motorbiking types, seldom does it improve my day but it seldom does anything more than pass like the noise of the that it might have been shouted from."
And it shouldn't. I used to get hurt when people made fun of me. Then i grew up and learned that this is normal. People will be mean, it's just that sometimes not everyone is ready for such harsh words. My sister has never really been the one at the butt end of a joke. She was a popular kid and still is a popular kid, unlike her twin who is a nobody who sits in an engineering building all day. I bring this up because she had never seen what it was like to be made fun of. After that incident as well as a failed relationship, she has learned that people, both guys and girls, can be mean. I wouldn't put it passed me that if this was to happen again, things would turn out much differently then before.

"You know how much of the world enjoys making fun of Americans? This sort of thing is one of the big reasons why. Though my internal voice had that performed by a fox news host. I will give it formed the basis of policy for quite a while (though not necessarily one to be anywhere near greatly proud of) but most of the rest of the world tends not to make such a big fuss of things. At this point you are the 30 something at the party reliving the glory days of teen years.
I am all for "let's get along and figure out how the universe works" but I ain't doing it that way."

Aiming for the gut i see. You know we Americans think similarly about your countries as well. I'm going to assume you are familiar with the phrase, "you hate us 'cuz you aint us," so i will just skip on ahead. Exactly what big fuss? I genuinely have no idea what you are talking about. 9/11? The floods in Texas? If so then wow. Although i assume that is not what you are referring to. Glory days of teen years? Boi, you are talking to someone who was bullied all the way up to the beginning of 11th grade for having Autism. My middle school and highschool years were pure hell. But do you know what? I'm happy i went through that, it made me better and more understanding as well as curious. That is why i wrote this in the first place.
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Personally, I agree with the idea that women should be and are equal. That is a feminist thing to say, along with catcalling, etc. However, he is clearly bashing modern day feminism, particularly with the LGBTQ community.
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Wooo! I've been waiting for another one of these from you! Alright, let's dive in...

[4] Sexism and Feminism
I hold a view that we are all equal to each other, but also unequal. Under the law, every single human being should be 100% equal, period. But in our day to day lives, there are some things women do better than men and other things men do better than women. That's just part of our nature. People are also really diverse, so that generalization doesn't apply all of the time, but it goes to show my point that all of us are better and worse at something than others. This is normal, and I actually think it's a strength of humanity to have such a wide diversity in strengths. Thus far, it has enabled our species to adapt to so many hardships and come up with so many ingenious inventions.

I get what you say about catcalling/harassment and I wholeheartedly agree. I have female friends all of whom have been harassed in some way, and that's really disheartening to know. All of them, every single one. Anecdotal evidence blah blah, but like you, I have people I care for who I don't want to see hurt in this way. I share common ground with feminists and WRAs on this, but where we diverge is solutions. I do not advocate for "blaming all men," or the whole post-modernist "patriarchy" concept, or anything radical. Truth is, I don't know how this problem can be solved, but I do know that radicalism and generalized blame-dumping is no solution that will ever work. Also Stephen, I don't know about "blaming the guys" (since many people genuinely just want a boyfriend/girlfriend; girls are guilty of weird/awkward behavior to meet this end too) but do make sure to distinguish between the assholes. I don't know how it is in your life, but I know a particular group of cunts who've done some despicable things to people I care about.

And totally agree with you on comedy! Comedy can have no limits, or it goes against comedy itself. But you can just as much be a douchebag (telling a rape survivor rape jokes) as you can be a real good comic. Good comedy is about toeing the line and making sure you know your audience.

[5] Feminism (continued)

There so many different factions, layers, differing opinions, etc. etc. etc. that I am not even going to try generalizing feminism, because it's impossible at this point. So many people wanting so many different things, it's a clusterfuck. So instead, let me just touch on a few topics, give my opinion, and leave it at that. No identity-calling here.

Oppression! ...Is bullshit. You want to see real oppression of women? Come to my home country of India. Plenty of it there. The United States? Not a chance. Women are not oppressed here, and the people who think they are haven't seen real oppression. Disadvantaged? In some contexts, maybe. Oppressed? Nope.

Wage gap! ...Is really misleading. 77 cents on the dollar is a really inaccurate statement that doesn't account for career choices, life choices (i.e. having kids), etc. Stephano, you bring up a few good points of logic, too. Where I can likely find common ground with feminists is in gender prejudice within jobs. Obviously, things are not so balanced. Men make up 90% of construction jobs, whereas in many childcare jobs, men are trusted far far less than a woman to handle children. Plenty of job stereotypes that harm both sexes. Inasmuch as biological factors are concerned, it's obvious why more men work in construction and why childcare centers are predisposed to prefer women over men. When it comes to jobs in fields such as STEM, or in business management, I'm still uncertain. Other than certain biological generalizations about symbolic reasoning and such that may or may not contribute to job performance, I can't really say much about biological factors in those jobs. Let's use STEM as an example. Most high-ranking people in STEM jobs are male. Meanwhile, if a male and a female with equal qualifications applies to a STEM company, the company sometimes chooses the women over the man simply to meet gender parity within their ranks. I've seen cases where it's much easier to get a STEM job as a woman. Meanwhile, men still dominate the upper rungs, whether through certain stereotypes/prejudices or what I cannot say. Naturally, no one should be stifled in most jobs because of their gender. While the intricacies of this issue are confusing and uncertain, we can all agree to that, can't we? For the most part, I believe the wage gap doesn't exist.

Pussy hat feminists are hilarious. 10/10 comedy.

And for your last point, many people have many ways of engaging with people. Naturally everyone should be treated equally. You say that a man should aspire to treat his partner even better, and to that I say, heck yeah! You better be damn sure I'm treating my girl with mad respect and a lotta love. But every other person is just a normal person to me. I treat strangers the same, male or female. I hold the door for anyone. And I'll gladly punch a girl if she punches me, chivalry is dead I say! xD
In a relationship, both people should be loyal and do whatever they can to help their S.O. That's an expectation I can apply to every romantic relationship, including homosexual ones. My treatment of people is pretty equal across the board, irrespective of gender.

[6] Unity

At the end of the day, we're all Americans and we all want what's best for each other. It's so unfortunate people aren't willing to sit down and listen to one another, to make an effort to be decent people and to understand others' points of view. That's why I love what we're doing right now -- having a discussion despite likely disagreeing on many things. I want more of that. But most of all, I want all of us in the states to remember the one thing we all share -- we're all Americans who want this country and its people to be the best they can be.

That's it from me! Looking forward to hearing some responses!
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It depends on what aspect of "modern day feminism" he takes issue with, because from where I stand most of it is rooted in very valid issues in society
Hello again!
I think both of us are familiar with the textbook definition of "feminism" and i will not deny that at one point, that is what it meant. However from where i stand, it seems that definitions change. That is why i feel the word egalitarian is a more appropriate and fitting word to that definition. Treating another person with honor and respect is not a feminist moral, It's an all encompassing principal. My dad did not teach me these things becasue "feminism" he taught me these things because as followers of Christ, this is what we are called to do. This is where my morals come from but i do understand that that is not the same case for other individuals.
The word feminism has become synonymous with man hating in my eyes and that just doesn't sit well with me. Why should a movement created for the betterment of women also require men to be brought down?

You may have guessed that politics is one of my favorite topics. I would like to say thank you for talking with me about these things. I really do enjoy this back and fourth. :)

Like i said, i love politics. One things that i always find myself doing is talking to other women and asking them if they were ever discouraged from pursuing a field. While my sample size i admit is quite small compared to others, barely anyone i have talked to were ever told not to pursue a certain career. Yet despite this, there is still a small amount of women pursuing STEM. This is something i would really like to see change. But i think there are more reasons to why women don't want to pursue STEM fields. Everyone is different after all.

Thank you again.
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Fast's posts aren't vague. He simply has the unique ability to transcend human understanding (not to be confused with human intelligence, they just make no sense), you could look at his writing and in theory it's perfectly fine English. But when read together, the tethers of reality begin to snap and your mind is brought into a dark incomprehensible void. I have vowed to hire a legion of scientists to study this phenomenon if I ever win the lottery. If we harness this power we may just be able to reach the next step in evolution.
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Not at all. While I am bashing modern day feminism, in no way am i referring to the LGBTQ community. While i would like to talk about it, i don't know how to approach it from an angle where there would be civil discussions. Feminism does have a role in the LGBTQ community, but not the whole community....... (cliff hanger :ph34r:)
I wouldn't touch the LGBT community. You can make passive statements on it if you want, but it should never be seen as a "Fun Debate Topic!!!!1!111," especially since we have a not insignificant portion of our community being made up of people with varying non-CIS gender/sexual identities

As for the whole feminism vs. egalitarianism thing, it's really the same issue that Black Lives Matter and Antifa have; a recognizable label that has good intentions but is tarnished by people who claim to be members going against the betterment of cause they represent. Most feminists are egalitarians. Hell, I identify as a feminist. The problem is that in pop culture media you've seen feminists portrayed as radical manhaters that are "triggered" by everything that makes them remotely upset. It's the same problem that Hollywood has about the antagonists of action movies looking stereotypically Arabic.

And, regarding oppression vs disadvantage, I'd argue that disadvantage is still a form of oppression, it's just less severe than what other countries experience. Just because someone has it worse doesn't mean that you're situation is ideal and couldn't be better

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