Asperger and Autism, what are your thoughts with people who have it?

Hello! If you're reading I'd like to do another little introduction about myself, the title kinda asks it too,

I have AS, also known as Aspergers Syndrome. It is on the autistic spectrum, a person with AS for short have different ways of how they do and process things. One of those being emotions, people with AS have a difficult time understanding the emotion someone else can show, in a sense have somewhat of a block between it.

So I'm wondering, how many of us tempers have AS or another for of autism on the spectrum? It would be nice to know to speak to people have similar interests and things.

I'm 17 and was diagnosed with asperges syndrome in 2014, over the years I've understood and learnt about it.
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Unbelievable... @WeedZ, I'm extremely shocked that you believe no-one cares, to be honest... just goes to show how selfish and careless normal people can be towards those in a lower hierarchy of the world... people should really be looking up to these Autistic people in a way, because as I stated earlier, we are often people with above-average intelligence, definitely higher than a normal person's in terms of how we can perform in the world.
I mean look at Albert Einstein, he was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, and he went on to become on of the absolute geniuses of his time! And there are many other celebrities and geniuses out there who have been diagnosed with the same condition.

My point is, you really should start to care about us, especially when we are very knowledgable people and a lot more sensible and easier to get along with than the average man. (well, most of the time...)
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I don't idolize anyone based on a precondition. Whether it's cognitive function, race, bloodline, or anything else. I judge people by their actions. Einstein was a brilliant physicist. He could calculate the energy of mass and predicted gravity's influence on light. But he also created the the atomic bomb and could barely dress himself. You want to impress me, do something impressive. And stop being the stereotype of your generation that assumes they deserve praise or retribution just for being born a certain way. Special people do extraordinary things, to believe you are born special is elitism. And to say that those with aspergers are a lower hierarchy is a victim mentality, and im sure other people with aspergers that don't feel any less of a human being would be offended by you lumping them into that group.
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I'm actually surprised anyone was forced with drugs for AS; I've never been told about medication in my life, and even if I was told I'd refuse it.
@WeedZ, I really didn't intend to cause offence, honestly. I just see things from my own point of view (which is, of course, different from the normal way of thinking) so it's bound to cause friction between what people believe is right.

I don't try to "lump" people into a lower group as such; I might have just said the wrong thing then. And I have never really indicated in any of my past comments that I have said anything about being "born special", although I still don't mind you having a go at me for saying that, as I might have just worded it wrong.
I say we are in a lower part of the heirarchy because most Asperger's people have more trouble integrating into society than normal people. But that is my opinion, and I'm really sorry if it offends those different or similar alike.

I just hate the fact you're being a bit of a dickhead about it. I never intended to be some sort of "elitist" as you might put it; again, it's my way of thinking, and looking back at my comments, I'm still adamant I haven't sounded like an elitist in the first two comments. However, I might have caused offence in the third comment, so I wholeheartedly apologize and will leave this entry with nothing more to speak about. I've thrown in my two cents, and I can just see shit stirring if I stay... so bye.
most people (stupidly) attribute autism with some form of mental deficiency. even in extreme cases, tat isn't necessarily true. I'm 22, and was diagnosed with Asperger's in 2002, when I was eight. I'll be the first to tell you that I do NOT understand people. so to put it simply, I stopped trying to understand people, and in doing so have eliminated 70% of the stress from my life. as for growing up... it wasn't easy. some people just don't need to be parents, in all honesty. But my autism has affected me very little, or at the least, an infinitesimal amount compared to my PTSD, Social Phobia and my soon to be blindness. I've always been fairly well rounded when it comes to learning, earning myself a 2200 on the SAT in 2012, and an IQ of 215 in 2014. I don't like to flaunt that either; the only reason I state it is because of the next statement I'll make. I did not allow myself to become limited based upon others' perceptions of "disability", nor did I allow myself anything short of perfection in anything I did; which means I did not half ass my way through anything, nor did I dumb myself down for anything or anyone. I acted and still act as a human being, without limits or limitations. I set painstakingly high standards for myself, and was not content if I simply "met" them. I had to surpass them. So in short, I don't really know what I was trying to say here, only that I said things that, simply put, came to mind. No one should ever be made to feel inferior to anyone else. For any reason. I'm just as equal a Human being as Adolf Hitler, Ghandi, That Kid In The Corner Of The Room That Stares Into Space And Drools Whilst Eating Glue, and every other human being that was, is, and ever will be. Categorizing people based on anything at all is simply the product of the Human Minds' inadequacy to accept others, to shun those different from themselves. and if anyone is ever worried about not being "normal" don't be; because there is no such thing. One cannot be defined as the "Norm" when every individual is different. All Philosophy aside, forgive the short Novel I've just posted, as I'm unsure why I even said anything at all.
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@Voxel I'm not offended. And if I took you're post the wrong way then thats my fault for my misunderstanding. My being a dickhead isn't for the sake of being a dickhead. I'm just tired of constantly hearing people refer to themselves as less then other people, for what ever reason. I'm being a dickhead because I'm trying convey how weak and rediculous it is to think that you are "lower" or less of a person because of a condition that is out of your control. Life is full of assholes that want to make you feel that way, and thats true for everyone. You have to be tougher then that. One the same token, if you want people's respect it's something that is earned.

When I say I don't care if people have aspergers or autism, it's not a putdown or insult. Its because I don't judge people by superficial things. I take their character and actions into account. Im apprehensive about everyone equally until I see a reason to accept them. If you look at my sig, you'll see that you've been cool in my book for quite some time.

And don't back out if you feel you need to dispute what I'm saying. If you think I'm a dick, and want to tell me why. That's fine, I respect that.
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I also have asperger, at first i had a lot of social anxiety, a lot of obsessive compulisve disorders and i couldn't understand people at all, actually i didn't even wanted to
then i felt in love for a girl and i drastically change both mentally and physicaly (loosed 30 kg), got rid of my anxiety and obsesive disorder and also learnt how to understand people
and now i can say that i'm someone realy sociable in fact more than most people and i can read in people like in books ^^

Sure AS come with a lot of disadventages but it also have some advantages and with patience, experience and determination you can get rid of or diminish the disadventages ^^
I will spin it another way.

It has been seen at times for deaf parents to want to produce a deaf child. It is held as acceptable to do so.

If it turns out there is a genetic component of enough note would it be acceptable for parents to produce a kid on the spectrum? A further way, and a far more studied one, would be if a test was made that could tell if a child would grow up to be somewhere on the spectrum (assume the test can tell non verbal vs mild asperger's and possibly a bit more fine grain than that) where would medical abortions stand?
i have it and i'll say life has been awful even if i have a mild case. srsly awful. I dont feel like typing my life story but believe me its a miserable life.
@Voxel Did everyone assume Tesla never existed? (Also Edison is a giant doushe.)
Someday when I had a daughter I hope she is Asperger too.

@WeedZ I am actually glad Japan was hit by nuclear bombs. The casualty would go way past a million should US decides to attack Japan (which I hoped actually happened since Other Asian countries are already fighting back). And you have no idea how much evil Japan did in WW2, and how innocent Nazis are compared to them (Nazis are terrible at accomplishing their actual goal. Well, I guess Hitler don't really have it to get the job done.). And all in the name of their holy war. And besides, the one who made the bomb is Robert Oppenheimer, not Einstein, nor did he calculate the equations on his own. But for the sake of the post, let's just stop here.

@Darthlink9 Are you sure your IQ is over 200? Sometimes you really want to laid back a bit to give the rest a chance, or maybe the only way for everyone to be happy is to be really smart.
I may get backlash or possible ridicule for me saying this, but...back in 1996, I was in fifth grade (which, I remind you, was an absolutely hellish nightmare, my teacher was a witch, a witch I tell you, treated me like crap). But conversely, I had no idea why I wasn't learning the same way my other classmates were learning, or why I perceived what they were doing so differently. At the end of the school year, me, my parents and the school psychiatrist had a consultation and I was then diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. Junior high was hell in seventh grade, but beyond that and in high school were much better and academically, I was doing a lot better as well. Socializing and trying to find my place among people was stressful and even to this day, it still is to an extent. Knowing that I had this made it excruciatingly difficult for me to learn how to drive a car, ride a bike, speak a foreign language and living away in Japan for a long time. Sure enough, I proved myself wrong, with the help of my family and the friends I made, I overcame all those obstacles, I got my driver's license, learned to ride a bike, speak Japanese semi-fluently (enough to have full on conversations), among other things. I still struggle with it now and then, being too hard on myself, viewing things differently than what other people view, but I have hope, and I'm still overcoming much of it day by day.
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It's one of these topics where I'm like, okay maybe you have something special, but then when most people are told they have something special, does that make then special anymore?

It strokes me hard when I moved to the US, all these people talking about their disorders and mental issues, and talking about them as they were a fatality. Ive never had anyone around be diagnosed with anything back in Europe. And you know what? Im not sure that was a wrong thing.

I have no doubt that not everyone is the same, what I also know is that giving names to these mentals differences and making them sound like abnormalities/diseases are wrong. And they get worst when they're constantly used to justify all your problems. Not everything is due to something else, your free will plays its role too.

Im saying that cause I live with someone who has the so called attention deficit disorder and uses it regularly to avoid responsability. More over, when a discussions switches back to video games, all the issues are gone magically, not attention issue at all.

You will not make me think that a simple visit to a doc is enough to truly diagnose you, i have no doubt there are mental differences but being told very early what you might have doesnt help.
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Well i was wondering how people have used the context of the word specal? Cause the way i see it, special could be "Look i need more attention than the average person, i really need it, pay attention to me before i do something that may be risky" Kind of special which is bad, cause not to say is awful but is not like the whole world suddenly wants to care for you. While another special can be something like, someone birthday, or a mate, lover, someone you feel is worthy of the time williing to spend on them.

So as if that was clear by special, well the autism and is likes, are more common these days, special as in somehow makes people drastically different is maybe debatable, as if people cannot notice or can say so on first sight, it may not be the kind of special some people thing, but is just if i word this for no offense, "Unnoticed hidden potential" Is more of just the individual's personality trait, which should not effect much of the life.

There is people out there who have never been diagnosed with this by doctors from testing but will find out information about it, find they relate to it enough and start to wonder if they have it. While the term is consider medial, aren't lots of them related the same kind of idea? Bipolar disorder, Identidy disorder, is related to one's personality if i may speak my opinion.
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Oh yeah, i didn't mention that i also have had anxiety, it's like a mega-wound, it heals, but never completely.
I used to be a lot worse time ago (i couldn't sleep).
But i'm much better now! :yay:.
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@Yil Alright, that post was good. Mostly reasonable. But the thing that got me was when you said you wanted to have a kid with Asperger. When somebody has a child, usually you want that child to have a better life and prosper more than the last generation did. If your child was on the autism spectrum, wouldn't that hinder your child's ability to socialize? I'm sure it's not just me, but I don't want to have a child who has to deal with what I have or anything mentally wrong. Serious question, Why would you want to have a child with Asperger?
@VinLark I'd rather her to be smarter than everyone else and have minor social problem than someone who can socialize but cannot do much. Besides, that problem can be overcome.
I am an Asperger so I would like my child to be one. I would also like her to be a lesbian.
@Yil yeah, my IQ is over 200. It's not all special really. I mean it's about as relevant as the fact I have brown hair. So what if I'm "smart"? Doesn't mean much of anything, whether I use my smarts or not. I prefer to use them, that way most everyone that talks with me leaves the conversation with something new, something learned. Living in the rural south of the US, believe me, there are some REALLY stupid people. There are a lot of good hearted and intelligent people, so that rather makes up for it, methinks. One of the best pleasures in life, at least to me, is to have some semblance of intelligent conversations with others. it's not only fun, but beneficial. If someone can learn something from simply speaking with me, my day has been well spent and worth it.
@Yil I think I can agree with you on the children issue. I'd rather have my child excel than have them make tons of friends of flunk out of their education. My mother was a prime example of this. Dropped out of high school three times because it was "too hard" for her. Of course, I'd want my child to have friends. They are essential to mental well being. But when you think about it, isn't it a parents job to guide their children, and teach them so they might succeed, instead of dictate and choose their lives FOR them?
@Darthlink9 there's no way you have an iq above 200. Steven hawking has an iq of 160. Einstein was below 190. Your talking about being some sort of marvel super human.
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@WeedZ Someone as stupid as me can get 130 for mathmetics (just need to be able to memorize patterns and read a number backward) and 70 for language. A friend of mine has over 150 and he is much more of a hacker than I could ever be. But his lingustic is lower than mine and a lot more troublesome.
Another thing is that I my multitasking is significantly faster than singletasking.
@Darthlink9 While I want my girl (if i had one) to have freedom in her life I do not wish her to go thorough similar pain I had. So I am going to set some barriers for her.
If she end up being a lesbian she would not be worrying about being seduced by a certain ahole in society.
She will have a few very reliable friends that she can rely on that are either really good listeners or someone she can relate to.
I really wish she is a lot smarter than I am.

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